If Trump Gets Re-elected, How Many Terms Can He Serve?

So have Democrats for every election since 2000

Why not? He left willingly in 2021.
There’s exactly one time we didn’t have a peaceful transition of power in our entire history.

That’s not the same thing as questioning/challenging the results.
There’s exactly one time we didn’t have a peaceful transition of power in our entire history.
Yes there was a riot. Get the fuck over it, it's been four years
That’s not the same thing as questioning/challenging the results.
Precisely the same thing, Except in your black and white world, DEmocrats = Good, Republicans = Evil
Stop being a stooge for power hungry goons that couldn't a first fuck about you other than your vote.
Yes there was a riot. Get the fuck over it, it's been four years
A riot that was ignited by Trump. When is the last time that a President of the United States, after losing an election, pressured his vice president to overturn the results?

Precisely the same thing, Except in your black and white world, DEmocrats = Good, Republicans = Evil
Stop being a stooge for power hungry goons that couldn't a first fuck about you other than your vote.
No, it's not the same thing and I didn't say Republicans are evil. Every other Republican president peacefully transitioned power when it was their time to leave office. Not Trump. Why should I expect him to behave any differently than what he did to cause Jan 6 when/if it's his time to leave office again?
Jan 6 says there was nothing “willing” about it
You're the poster child for "Useful Idiot" It was four fucking years ago. He conceded. He willingly left office. Get over it and stop being such a tool for your power hungry masters. THey couldn't give less of a flying fuck about you.
A riot that was ignited by Trump.

No it wasn't You cult impeached him over it. They instigated it. THey found nothing. They had a trial. He was acquitted. You lost. Get the fuck over it.
When is the last time that a President of the United States, after losing an election, pressured his vice president to overturn the results?

No, it's not the same thing and I didn't say Republicans are evil.

It is the same thing. Trump questioned/challenged the results. Democrats has questioned/challenged the results of every election Reupbs have won in the more than the past two decades..
Every other Republican president peacefully transitioned power when it was their time to leave office. Not Trump. Why should I expect him to behave any differently than what he did to cause Jan 6 when/if it's his time to leave office again?
I'll repeat: It was four fucking years ago. He conceded. He willingly left office. Get over it and stop being such a tool for your power hungry masters. THey couldn't give less of a flying fuck about you.
No it wasn't You cult impeached him over it. They instigated it. THey found nothing. They had a trial. He was acquitted. You lost. Get the fuck over it.
Oh stop it. Even Mitch McConnell stated that Trump ignited the entire fucking thing immediately after voting against impeachment. Whether it's impeachment-worthy or not isn't relevant. I simply stated that he ignited the riot, because he obviously did. Here is what McConnell had to say immediately after that vote:

“January 6th was a disgrace. American citizens attacked their own government. They used terrorism to try to stop a specific piece of democratic business they did not like. Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the Senate floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chanted about murdering the vice president.

They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth – because he was angry he’d lost an election. Former President Trump’s actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty.

The House accused the former president of, quote, ‘incitement.’ That is a specific term from the criminal law.

There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.

And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth. The issue is not only the president’s intemperate language on January 6th." - Mitch McConnell

It is the same thing. Trump questioned/challenged the results. Democrats has questioned/challenged the results of every election Reupbs have won in the more than the past two decades..
I have no problem with questioning/challenging the election results. There are peaceful means of doing exactly that and they should be used. Igniting a riot after losing an election has never happened before. It's the only time in our nation's existence that we haven't had a peaceful transition of power.

I'll repeat: It was four fucking years ago. He conceded. He willingly left office. Get over it and stop being such a tool for your power hungry masters. THey couldn't give less of a flying fuck about you.
It was four years ago. Explain to me why I should expect behavior from him in the future that's any different than what he tried to pull on Jan 6?
Oh stop it. Even Mitch McConnell stated that Trump ignited the entire fucking thing immediately after voting against impeachment. Whether it's impeachment-worthy or not isn't relevant. I simply stated that he ignited the riot, because he obviously did. Here is what McConnell had to say immediately after that vote:

“January 6th was a disgrace. American citizens attacked their own government. They used terrorism to try to stop a specific piece of democratic business they did not like. Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the Senate floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chanted about murdering the vice president.

They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth – because he was angry he’d lost an election. Former President Trump’s actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty.

The House accused the former president of, quote, ‘incitement.’ That is a specific term from the criminal law.

There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.

And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth. The issue is not only the president’s intemperate language on January 6th." - Mitch McConnell

I have no problem with questioning/challenging the election results. There are peaceful means of doing exactly that and they should be used. Igniting a riot after losing an election has never happened before. It's the only time in our nation's existence that we haven't had a peaceful transition of power.

It was four years ago. Explain to me why I should expect behavior from him in the future that's any different than what he tried to pull on Jan 6?
I wholly encourage your cult leader to campaign on January 6th. Everyone but you 10% loons have gotten over it. $5 gas, 20% inflation, 15 million illegals, wars ... is what people care about in this election, not January 6th.
I wholly encourage your cult leader to campaign on January 6th. Everyone but you 10% loons have gotten over it. $5 gas, 20% inflation, 15 million illegals, wars ... is what people care about in this election, not January 6th.
I think it should and will be brought up in the debates. There is absolutely no defense for what Trump did when he ignited that violent riot. I understand that cultists like you don’t give a shit about your god being the only United States President to fail to peacefully transition power. As he accurately stated, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and people like you would still support him.

Whether the majority of Americans still think his disregard for democracy is important or not remains to be seen.
By trying to pressure his VP into overturning the results of an election he lost.
You mean by exploring a loop hole so bad that Congress had to reword the law? It's not a crime to try exploiting vagueness in the law so bad they had to reword the law.
You mean by exploring a loop hole so bad that Congress had to reword the law? It's not a crime to try exploiting vagueness in the law so bad they had to reword the law.
“Exploring a loop hole”.

That’s a cute way of trying to justify his attempt to stay in power after losing the election. If Trump’s win in 2016 was overturned by “exploring this loop hole”, you and your fellow red hats would have gone insane, and rightfully so.

No other President of the United States has ever attempted to ignore the will of the people, the very fabric of our democracy, after losing an election.

No other President of the United States has ever ignited a violent riot by falsely claiming that the election was stolen.

No other President of the United States has ever failed to peacefully transition power when it’s their time to step down. This was modeled from the very beginning by George Washington himself willingly giving up his position when he easily could have held it longer.
“Exploring a loop hole”.

That’s a cute way of trying to justify his attempt to stay in power after losing the election. If Trump’s win in 2016 was overturned by “exploring this loop hole”, you and your fellow red hats would have gone insane, and rightfully so.

No other President of the United States has ever attempted to ignore the will of the people, the very fabric of our democracy, after losing an election.

No other President of the United States has ever ignited a violent riot by falsely claiming that the election was stolen.

No other President of the United States has ever failed to peacefully transition power when it’s their time to step down. This was modeled from the very beginning by George Washington himself willingly giving up his position when he easily could have held it longer.
It was a loophole. The law was vague. Trump tried to take advantage of the vague law. The vague law was so vague that Congress had to reword it. That's proof right there that Trump violated no law because they had to change it after the fact.
It was a loophole. The law was vague. Trump tried to take advantage of the vague law. The vague law was so vague that Congress had to reword it. That's proof right there that Trump violated no law because they had to change it after the fact.
And you have no fucking problem with the fact that this is the only time in the history of our nation that a President of the United States intentionally tried to disregard the will of the people, instigated a violent riot, and didn't allow for a peaceful transition of power after losing. Democracy means nothing to Trump and people like you.
I think it should and will be brought up in the debates.
What question about January 6th hasn't been asked and answered 10,000 times? LOL
There is absolutely no defense for what Trump did when he ignited that violent riot.
Third and last time. Your critters in congress investigated January 6th charged him and didn't come up with any evidence that he "ignited that violent riot" They tried him and he was acquitted. Lissy and Bennie did colonoscopies on over 1,000 witnesses and didn't come up with any evidence that he "ignited that violent riot"
I understand that cultists like you don’t give a shit about your god being the only United States President to fail to peacefully transition power. As he accurately stated, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and people like you would still support him.

Whether the majority of Americans still think his disregard for democracy is important or not remains to be seen.

Only "cultists like you" give a shit about about January 6th. The rest of us are worried about going to the grocery store, the gas station, worried about 7% mortgages, 20% inflation and the 15 million illegals your cult leader let into the country.
What question about January 6th hasn't been asked and answered 10,000 times? LOL
Trump needs to explain his actions in front of the American people. It’s going to come up in the debates, as it should. There’s nothing Trump can say to justify his actions on and leading up to that day, just as you are unable to. He may try to minimize the importance of that day, just as you are trying to do because that’s all you can try.

Third and last time. Your critters in congress investigated January 6th charged him and didn't come up with any evidence that he "ignited that violent riot" They tried him and he was acquitted.
Maybe you should try responding to what I said instead of repeating your bullshit in your personal little echo chamber. Second time, McConnell immediately after voting against that:

“They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth – because he was angry he’d lost an election. Former President Trump’s actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty.

There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.”

Even McConnell says Trump caused Jan 6. Why can’t you admit the obvious?

Only "cultists like you" give a shit about about January 6th. The rest of us are worried about going to the grocery store, the gas station, worried about 7% mortgages, 20% inflation and the 15 million illegals your cult leader let into the country.
Yes, yea. Trump can do no wrong to people like you. 5th Avenue. Etc. Cultists are gonna cult.

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