If Trump Gets Re-elected, How Many Terms Can He Serve?

How did the illegals get here? I thought Trump was supposed to have Mexico pay for a wall or something? LoL
WHen questioned about his record, the answer "TRUMP" is not going play well with anyone but "people like you"
And Ubercunt is pulling the strings of the Bastard Son Of Frank Marshall Davis.

The Clintons have the media connections. The DISGUSTING FILTH is the more powerful half of the criminal enterprise. The DISGUSTING FILTH says 'Shit!' and the politicians say, "What color?" Academia is a big player now, too. But nothing like the DISGUSTING FILTH

The DNC is a Crime Family. It's set up, its structure is just like a Mafia Family because..... That's what it is. The Mafia moved in and took it over.

Nazi Pelousy heads up the Italian side, Chuckie Schemer, heads up the Jewish mob and Biden heads up the Irish side. Combined, they call themselves the DNC. A huge cabal

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You're living in a paranoid delusion.
WHen questioned about his record, the answer "TRUMP" is not going play well with anyone but "people like you"

So you don’t care that Trump failed to deliver on that promise either. Thanks for confirming that you’re just a Trump fluffer. Trump can do no wrong to people like you, because cult. 5th Avenue.
Demanding the President of the Senate illegally throw out valid slates of elector is not a right. Violently rioting and shutting down the Constitutionally mandated counting of the State EC votes is not a right. Beating the shit out of the police tasked with protecting the lawmakers is not a right. Peacefully protesting in a right. The convicted Jan. 6th rioters were not peaceful protesters.
You are spouting lies and propaganda.
So you don’t care that Trump failed to deliver on that promise either.
Nope. Why are you obsessed, you clearly hate the man
Thanks for confirming that you’re just a Trump fluffer. Trump can do no wrong to people like you, because cult. 5th Avenue.
Do "people like you" Bidenflufffers, ever get tired of having his flaccid octogenarian member lodged in your gullet?
Nope. Why are you obsessed, you clearly hate the man

Nope? Explain to me how he didn’t fail to deliver on that promise, fluffer. This will require you to dislodge your head from his ass and actually say something meaningful, so it might be a little uncomfortable for you.
Nope? Explain to me how he didn’t fail to deliver on that promise, fluffer. This will require you to dislodge your head from his ass and actually say something meaningful, so it might be a little uncomfortable for you.
Have blessed day. Only so much hate, bile and ignorance from posters here that I can take in a day
It happened again today. I find it amusing that even the lamestream media often report in their media that Trump can only serve one more term if he is re-elected. No ifs, ands, or buts, or Trump wants to do this, or will do that. Trump can only serve one more term since he already served one term. But, I don't see how they square that with:

"Trump wants to take democracy away"

"Trump won't leave office"

"Trump wants to be a dictator".

Why does the media admit Trump can only serve one more term if they truly believe Trump will take democracy away and install a dictatorship? Can't they get their stories straight?
i'm sure he will be on the ballot in 28 and beyond. the only real question is if your election officials will give him 85% or 95%.

at some point some of you guys will woke up and kick him to the curb.

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