Xeno Treehouse: Galactic Distress


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an environment-conscious galactic-adventure inspired by the space-idealism films Titan A.E. and Guardians of the Galaxy.

Signing off,


On the planet Venus, a colony of sentient beings lived underground and were led by a spiritual human infant named Ana who was kidnapped by Venutians generations earlier and then cryogenically preserved and then genetically altered to remain young and incredibly-intelligent forever. Ana was the Queen of Venutians, and she ordered the construction of an elaborate 'environment-conscious' treehouse (since wood grew deep underground on Venus). The project was ambitious and monumental and would stamp Ana as the penultimate 'environment-defender.'


Unfortunately for Ana and the Venutians, a predatory species of acidic creatures (rather large) called 'Xenomorphs' descended on Venus and began threatening the stability of the treehouse palace that Ana had successfully overseen the completed construction of, so Ana started meditating. Ana decided to send a distress-signal out to other planets in the hope that some knight-like being would arrive on Venus and help the Venutians deal with the vehement Xenomorphs who really deserved to be exterminated. Fortunately, Ana's signal was received and accepted.


From a faraway planet called Xanadu, a race of humanoid-robot warriors called Metals who had the ability to manipulate electricity picked up on Ana's signal. The leader of the Metals appointed the mighty knight from their realm, a princely-warrior named Dirk, to travel to Venus and vanquish the Xenomorphs before they attacked the fertile planet Earth, which the Metals sought to make contact with someday. Dirk landed on Venus and found Ana and her people and comforted them. Dirk brought with him a giant drum of...termites!


Dirk's plan was to evacuate all Venutians from the underground giant treehouse palace and then place himself in the treehouse as a decoy and wait for the Xenomorphs to arrive. The Venutians were hiding underground and if they were detected the Xenomorphs would surely destroy them. Dirk's plan was to lure the Xenos to the treehouse while the numerous termites destabilized and crumbled the structure, giving Dirk ample time and space to chase and electrocute each Xeno. The plan worked, and the Xenos were vanquished. Dirk returned to Xanadu but promised to return to Venus someday when the Metals would make contact with Earthlings. Ana told Dirk, "Perhaps environment-consciousness can indeed foster heroism!"



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