Xi, Kim and Putin are gonna have a field day if Joe Biden wins, America will lose.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020

This Mentally bankrupt shell of his former self can't even think quick enough on his feet to answer a simple question about what he will do in the event of a postponed debate let alone protect America in the event one of our adversaries should threaten us. Imagine his confusion when his aids wake him at 3 AM to tell him there has been a Nuke launch and it's headed for the US.

"Uh...uh....I don't know what I'm going to do."

This guy is frightening.


This Mentally bankrupt shell of his former self can't even think quick enough on his feet to answer a simple question about what he will do in the event of a postponed debate let alone protect America in the event one of our adversaries should threaten us. Imagine his confusion when his aids wake him at 3 AM to tell him there has been a Nuke launch and it's headed for the US.

"Uh...uh....I don't know what I'm going to do."

This guy is frightening.

View attachment 398777

No they wont. They'll be pissed because they won't have their willing dupe in the White House anymore.
Not that they really got anything out of him anyway. He was just a clusterfuck from Day 1.
How in the hell would anyone know what they are gonna do if Donnie decides not to debate.
FACT - Our president is ROID Raging about nothing in particular.
Conspiracy theories are all he has left!

But we DO know he'll do ANYTHING to win. Be afraid - VERY afraid!!

How in the hell would anyone know what they are gonna do if Donnie decides not to debate.
FACT - Our president is ROID Raging about nothing in particular.
Conspiracy theories are all he has left!

But we DO know he'll do ANYTHING to win. Be afraid - VERY afraid!!


Are you projecting again?

"President Trump does not have China virus!"
"There is no evidence of mail in fraud"
I hope that the Chinese tyrants do not have any incriminating evidence against President Biden or his son.

Otherwise, President Biden will not defend Taiwan if the Reds invade that little island of democracy.
Joe's problem is that he shook down everyone he ever did business with and now they figure he owes them. He figures that too because he'll be looking for more kickbacks if he wins. Biden is a corrupt puppet and a con man.
I hope that the Chinese tyrants do not have any incriminating evidence against President Biden or his son.

Otherwise, President Biden will not defend Taiwan if the Reds invade that little island of democracy.

"I hope that the Chinese tyrants do not have any incriminating evidence against President Biden or his son."

Count on it. Do you think they gave a coke snorting drunk $1.5 Billion with NO strings attached? If so, I have a bridge to sell you

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