Yale University : Moscow Economy Collapsing

Supermarket shelves in England and supermarket shelves in Russia, particularly in Perm, a city in the Urals.
The sanctions are working.


Russia is self-reliant. They always have been. Just because they opened their doors to trade with the rest of the world for a while, doesn't mean they got soft. They are still a self-sufficient force. Getting rid of the foriegn business market only helped strengthen their own businesses and economy.

Sure, some adjustment was going to be needed, but they always bounce back. The USA could take some pointers from Russia in this respect.
Self-reliant? That’s a laugh, Russia hasn’t even been able to feed itself since the revolution. The Russian economy is a train wreck with kleptocratic friends of Putin looting it. Exporting oil and gas kept Russia’s head above water for the last couple of decades, but sanctions and leveraged oil purchases from the PRC have cut that cushion drastically.
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Self-reliant? That’s a laugh, Russia hasn’t even been able to feed itself since the revolution. The Russian economy is a train wreck with kleptocratic friends of Putin looting it. Exporting oil and gas kept Russia’s head above water for the last couple of decades, but sanctions and leveraged oil purchases from the PRC have cut that cushion drastically.
First of all, Russia is a significant exporter of food. Second - how many economies now allow their states to build, say, strategic bombers?
Self-reliant? That’s a laugh, Russia hasn’t even been able to feed itself since the revolution. The Russian economy is a train wreck with kleptocratic friends of Putin looting it. Exporting oil and gas kept Russia’s head above water for the last couple of decades, but sanctions and leveraged oil purchases from the PRC have cut that cushion drastically.
First of all, Russia is a significant exporter of food. Second - how many economies now allow their states to build, say, strategic bombers?
It still imports more than it exports. It's a net importer. Russia isn't building strategic bombers to any real extent anymore either, its built 36 Tu-160 Blackjacks in the past 39 years and the Tu-22 Backfire went out of production in 1993. As for other aircraft, its built 8 MiG-35s since 2016, 630 Su-27 and 30s, 35 Su-33s, 153 Su-34s, 151 Su-35s and ONE Su-37. With the exception of China, only third-rate countries operate Russian aircraft. Even India gave up on Russia since the aircraft underperformed and couldn't be maintained in actual service.
It still imports more than it exports. It's a net importer. Russia isn't building strategic bombers to any real extent anymore either, its built 36 Tu-160 Blackjacks in the past 39 years and the Tu-22 Backfire went out of production in 1993. As for other aircraft, its built 8 MiG-35s since 2016, 630 Su-27 and 30s, 35 Su-33s, 153 Su-34s, 151 Su-35s and ONE Su-37. With the exception of China, only third-rate countries operate Russian aircraft. Even India gave up on Russia since the aircraft underperformed and couldn't be maintained in actual service.

"70 % of manpower is dead,​

Actually, they resumed the building of Tu-160M, and first of them (Valentina Tereshkova) was built from scratch in March of 2022.

Your data about other planes is not correct, too. For example, they already build 15 Su-57.

Thank you for that, Russian vatnyk!
Thank you for that, Russian vatnyk!
It took EIGHT YEARS to build ONE Tu-160 out of new-old stock parts left over from the initial production run. Russia cant get the electronics to build new aircraft unless it decides to use fifties-era tube units. The Tu160 has no defensive armament and depends on speed to avoid faster and stealthy fighters which it can’t even see. Even if Russia somehow manages to build all of the fifty planned aircraft, it will have less than sixty total due to operational losses and airframes just plain wearing out. So there will be few of them, they won’t have modern ECM, they will be helpless against interceptors and Russia is already canabilizing consumer electronics to get chips to build the missiles it is wasting killing apartment buildings full of Ukrainian civilians, so the Blackjacks won’t have capable missiles to fire and can’t carry bombs.
It took EIGHT YEARS to build ONE Tu-160 out of new-old stock parts left over from the initial production run. Russia cant get the electronics to build new aircraft unless it decides to use fifties-era tube units. The Tu160 has no defensive armament and depends on speed to avoid faster and stealthy fighters which it can’t even see. Even if Russia somehow manages to build all of the fifty planned aircraft, it will have less than sixty total due to operational losses and airframes just plain wearing out. So there will be few of them, they won’t have modern ECM, they will be helpless against interceptors and Russia is already canabilizing consumer electronics to get chips to build the missiles it is wasting killing apartment buildings full of Ukrainian civilians, so the Blackjacks won’t have capable missiles to fire and can’t carry bombs.
Actually, they not just modernize old strategic bombers, and upgrade their long-range bombers Tu-22M5 to strategic level, and resumed production of Tu-160M, but they are working on brand new strategic bomber PAK DA "Poslannik" (Messenger).
Actually, they not just modernize old strategic bombers, and upgrade their long-range bombers Tu-22M5 to strategic level, and resumed production of Tu-160M, but they are working on brand new strategic bomber PAK DA "Poslannik" (Messenger).
yes, I got a picture :


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