YEAH BABY!! Schumer takes Turtle out to the shed and bitch slaps him good


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Chuck Schumer Threatens Confirmation Delays For Trump's Cabinet Picks Over Ethics Reviews | The Huffington Post

That's the fucking funniest best thing I've seen all year…


Mitchy is exposed as the horses ass that he is…

There's a new sheriff in town and he's from the big city, Ken-fucky Bluegrasswipe.
Oh the irony. Mitch had no power at the time. Kind of like the Democrats now.

As the Supreme Court goes Conservative for the next two generations.

Enjoy, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Mitchell's hypocrisy is nauseating.......Heck, one of the nominees for the Trumpster's cabinet is his fucking wife. LOL
Mitchell's hypocrisy is nauseating.......Heck, one of the nominees for the Trumpster's cabinet is his fucking wife. LOL

Yeah, we'll love watching the regressive hypocrisy when McConnell continues with the Dem practices of not allowing regressive filibusterers on nominees below the supreme court. What comes around, goes around.
To prove his point, he sent Mitch McConnell a copy of a 2009 letter that McConnell himself had written about vetting nominees.

WASHINGTON ― In classic Washington fashion, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is using an eight-year-old letter penned by Sen. Mitch McConnell, in which McConnell called for presidential nominees to be thoroughly vetted before they can receive a hearing, against the Kentucky Republican.

The Office of Government Ethics warned last week that it was struggling to keep up with the hearing schedule for President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet picks, and had yet to finish a number of ethics reviews ― leaving some of the nominees with “potentially unknown or unresolved ethics issues.”

On Monday, Schumer threatened Democrats would put up a fight ― delaying confirmation hearings, and using up as much floor time as possible ― if Senate Majority Leader McConnell proceeded with confirmation votes before OGE and the FBI finished background checks.

“We’re not doing this for sport,” Schumer said. “To spend an extra day or two on each nominee; even if it takes several weeks to get through them all in order to carefully consider their nominations … that’s well worth it.”

To prove his point, Schumer read the 2009 letter written by McConnell on the Senate floor. He then sent the letter back to McConnell, with a few minor tweaks. The original copy was addressed to then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

Schumer scratched that out, and wrote in McConnell’s name instead.


“I only ask, respectfully, that the Republican majority follow the same set of standards they had in 2009 when the shoe was on the other foot,” Schumer said on the floor.

More: Schumer Gives McConnell A Taste Of His Own Medicine On Vetting Trump Nominees

Sounds fair to me! What goes around comes around.

4 Of 9 Trump Nominees Set For Hearings This Week Haven’t Completed Ethics Disclosures

Mitch McConnell doesn’t care about these “little procedural complaints.”

WASHINGTON ― Senate confirmation hearings for President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks are set to begin just hours from now. But four of the nine Trump nominees scheduled for hearings this week still haven’t disclosed key financial information to the Office of Government Ethics, which is charged with making sure they don’t break federal ethics laws.

More: 4 Of 9 Trump Nominees Set For Hearings This Week Haven't Completed Ethics Disclosures

How do Trump and his cronies defend this?
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lets see these 4 confirmed , I want to see them ready to go to work with Presient Tump in about 10 days Lakhota
4 Of 9 Trump Nominees Set For Hearings This Week Haven’t Completed Ethics Disclosures

Mitch McConnell doesn’t care about these “little procedural complaints.”

WASHINGTON ― Senate confirmation hearings for President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks are set to begin just hours from now. But four of the nine Trump nominees scheduled for hearings this week still haven’t disclosed key financial information to the Office of Government Ethics, which is charged with making sure they don’t break federal ethics laws.

More: 4 Of 9 Trump Nominees Set For Hearings This Week Haven't Completed Ethics Disclosures

How do Trump and his cronies defend this?


I bet McConnell is pacing the floors all night....

115th Congress -- Senate Seats

Democrat - 46
Republican - 52

Only a simple majority is required for confirmation

Read it and weep.
Oh sweet lord Lakhota can't you check to see if this topic has already been covered. And I'm not just bitching at you. Both sides of the aisle lately have been seriously duplicating, triplicating quizzillionicating (I'm pulling a Palin and making up a word :)) but seriously please start checking in advance before posting.

It goes for a better discussion as well with longer threads being able to truly address the issues you put in the OP>
Actually, the non-vetting of Trump's nominees may turn out to be a good thing.

Eventually, investigative reporters will do the real vetting (with leaks from the FBI and other agencies) and the scandals and resignations will teach a bit of humility to these fuck heads.
Oh sweet lord Lakhota can't you check to see if this topic has already been covered. And I'm not just bitching at you. Both sides of the aisle lately have been seriously duplicating, triplicating quizzillionicating (I'm pulling a Palin and making up a word :)) but seriously please start checking in advance before posting.

It goes for a better discussion as well with longer threads being able to truly address the issues you put in the OP>
You've done it also today honey....
Actually, the non-vetting of Trump's nominees may turn out to be a good thing.

Eventually, investigative reporters will do the real vetting (with leaks from the FBI and other agencies) and the scandals and resignations will teach a bit of humility to these fuck heads.
You mean like they did with Obama's?
It doesn't take much to get the desperate left excited these days. Pretty freaking pathetic.

Of course you won't believe me, but having Trumpsters to trash around for the next couple of years will be hilarious......LOL

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