Yeah Trump won, but repubs LOST seats in both houses of congress

I have to give credit to the left wing, they got their asses handed to them but they still keep trying to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Of course it ain't gonna happen but I'll give them one for trying.
Repubs lost 2 seats in the senate and 6 in the House. No coattail effect there. Fact is dems still have a lock on the welfare vote and the huge illegal alien vote (esp after obozo told illegals they would not be prosecuted if they broke the law and voted!!!)

The GOP lead in the Senate is very slim as they now have just 52 of the 100 seats. If the GOP wants to stay in power they need to deny the vote to welfare queens and kick out all the illegals.
Fuck the GOP. Hail the Godemperor.

You can't take away welfare, and you won't. Then you will see a resurgence of the left and this rise of the right will be a blip like the nazis were.

There are two things that can either make or break a nation: People and the bank.
The new left has used everything they have and they came up short, they are finished.

Trump will steal the entire idea of progressivism away from Democrats and they will have nowhere to go.
It's that attitude which will see them come back.

Conservatives are peace lovers. When the battle is won, they get complacent again and the far left creeps back very quickly, because they love constant conflict.
Reagan and Bush never fought the new left, because it hadn't even gone public yet.

Trump will constantly be assaulted by every sector of the new left until either he or they are a bloodless corpse.
Repubs lost 2 seats in the senate and 6 in the House. No coattail effect there. Fact is dems still have a lock on the welfare vote and the huge illegal alien vote (esp after obozo told illegals they would not be prosecuted if they broke the law and voted!!!)

The GOP lead in the Senate is very slim as they now have just 52 of the 100 seats. If the GOP wants to stay in power they need to deny the vote to welfare queens and kick out all the illegals.
Fuck the GOP. Hail the Godemperor.

You can't take away welfare, and you won't. Then you will see a resurgence of the left and this rise of the right will be a blip like the nazis were.

There are two things that can either make or break a nation: People and the bank.
The new left has used everything they have and they came up short, they are finished.

Trump will steal the entire idea of progressivism away from Democrats and they will have nowhere to go.
It's that attitude which will see them come back.

Conservatives are peace lovers. When the battle is won, they get complacent again and the far left creeps back very quickly, because they love constant conflict.
Reagan and Bush never fought the new left, because it hadn't even gone public yet.

Trump will constantly be assaulted by every sector of the new left until either he or they are a bloodless corpse.

Yeah, and the mainstream right will be on the side of the far left, as always. So he'll be against them too.
Repubs lost 2 seats in the senate and 6 in the House. No coattail effect there. Fact is dems still have a lock on the welfare vote and the huge illegal alien vote (esp after obozo told illegals they would not be prosecuted if they broke the law and voted!!!)

The GOP lead in the Senate is very slim as they now have just 52 of the 100 seats. If the GOP wants to stay in power they need to deny the vote to welfare queens and kick out all the illegals.
Fuck the GOP. Hail the Godemperor.

You can't take away welfare, and you won't. Then you will see a resurgence of the left and this rise of the right will be a blip like the nazis were.

There are two things that can either make or break a nation: People and the bank.
The new left has used everything they have and they came up short, they are finished.

Trump will steal the entire idea of progressivism away from Democrats and they will have nowhere to go.
It's that attitude which will see them come back.

Conservatives are peace lovers. When the battle is won, they get complacent again and the far left creeps back very quickly, because they love constant conflict.
Reagan and Bush never fought the new left, because it hadn't even gone public yet.

Trump will constantly be assaulted by every sector of the new left until either he or they are a bloodless corpse.

Yeah, and the mainstream right will be on the side of the far left, as always. So he'll be against them too.
The new left has all but destroyed the mainstream right, and they won't stop just because of Trump.

Trumpism might be the only Republicanism left after Trump's presidency.
Repubs lost 2 seats in the senate and 6 in the House. No coattail effect there. Fact is dems still have a lock on the welfare vote and the huge illegal alien vote (esp after obozo told illegals they would not be prosecuted if they broke the law and voted!!!)

The GOP lead in the Senate is very slim as they now have just 52 of the 100 seats. If the GOP wants to stay in power they need to deny the vote to welfare queens and kick out all the illegals.

Do your homework! The House will be secure with a nice majority for a while. In 2018 there will be a red wave in 2018.

Rep have 1 vulnerable seat in NV Heller. This is a midterm election and those always favor Rep. Unless Heller screws up he should hold his seats

The foresure blue turn red seats: IN, MO, MT, ND & WV. Giving the GOP 57 (could have been 59 with NH and NV, but that is history now).

So the GOP is guaranteed a nice majority, but do they get the 60 vote filibuster breaker. It is very possible.

Seats held by Dems that are going to be competitive:
FL (Bob Nelson) - Rubio won handsomely, Trump took FL and it's a midterm election which always favors the GOP.

ME (Angus King) - he is a first term and independent senator. He will have a tough time raising money. He won in a Presidential year and against a weak opponent. A good opponent could topple this disgrace.

MI (Stabenow) - We saw Trump turn MI. Anything is possible.

NM (Heinrich) - Whoever the GOP puts up he/she will be running along side popular GOP governor Martinez. If the GOP runs a like minded Latino with Martinez they could win this seat.

OH (Brown) - He is a progressive mental midget. OH showed they don't want that. Already a bunch of good opponents have stepped to the plate. My guess is popular two term governor Kasich steps in and wins handsomely.

PA (Casey) - Again Trump showed PA can and will vote red.

VA (Kaine) - Kaine would have lost if the losertarian candidate didn't pull so many votes. If the GOP can toss up a strong fiscal conservative the Losertarians won't have an impact.

WI (Baldwin) - Johnson was supposed to get creamed remember, but he won. WI went red. Any GOP candidate will be running along side popular Gov Walker.

It is way too early to call any of these since the candidates aren't known yet. But winning 3 of those 8 competitive contests are very likely.

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Repubs lost 2 seats in the senate and 6 in the House.
The GOP lead in the Senate is very slim as they now have just 52 of the 100 seats. If the GOP wants to stay in power they need to deny the vote to welfare queens and kick out all the illegals.

Do your homework! The House will be secure with a nice majority for a while. In 2018 there will be a red wave in 2018.

I never said otherwise. The GOP has a huge lead in the House and i don't expect that to vanish in 2018, though it could. After all, dems lost 64 House seats in 2010.!!

But as i said above, it's the senate that concerns me. Repubs have just a slight lead there and a lot can happen in two years. The party that controls the Senate controls Supreme Court appointments.
Since Barry Hussein took over the Ship of State in 2008, democrats lost 69 seats in the House and 13 seats in the Senate and yet newly elected House minority leader Nancy Pelosi sees no reason why the democrat party shouldn't stop it's drift towards the edge of reason.
Fuck the GOP. Hail the Godemperor.

You can't take away welfare, and you won't. Then you will see a resurgence of the left and this rise of the right will be a blip like the nazis were.

There are two things that can either make or break a nation: People and the bank.
The new left has used everything they have and they came up short, they are finished.

Trump will steal the entire idea of progressivism away from Democrats and they will have nowhere to go.
It's that attitude which will see them come back.

Conservatives are peace lovers. When the battle is won, they get complacent again and the far left creeps back very quickly, because they love constant conflict.
Reagan and Bush never fought the new left, because it hadn't even gone public yet.

Trump will constantly be assaulted by every sector of the new left until either he or they are a bloodless corpse.

Yeah, and the mainstream right will be on the side of the far left, as always. So he'll be against them too.
The new left has all but destroyed the mainstream right, and they won't stop just because of Trump.

Trumpism might be the only Republicanism left after Trump's presidency.
yeah but the mainstream right is not gone, it's unrecognizable but now a huge slave faction to the new left. Bunch of feminists and race traitors. Only difference is they dress less shabby.
Repubs lost 2 seats in the senate and 6 in the House.
The GOP lead in the Senate is very slim as they now have just 52 of the 100 seats. If the GOP wants to stay in power they need to deny the vote to welfare queens and kick out all the illegals.

Do your homework! The House will be secure with a nice majority for a while. In 2018 there will be a red wave in 2018.

I never said otherwise. The GOP has a huge lead in the House and i don't expect that to vanish in 2018, though it could. After all, dems lost 64 House seats in 2010.!!

But as i said above, it's the senate that concerns me. Repubs have just a slight lead there and a lot can happen in two years. The party that controls the Senate controls Supreme Court appointments.

Voters of the Democratic Party say they want change in their party.
Dems warned not to re-elect Pelosi and what did they do?
This is why they keep losing.
Repubs lost 2 seats in the senate and 6 in the House.
The GOP lead in the Senate is very slim as they now have just 52 of the 100 seats. If the GOP wants to stay in power they need to deny the vote to welfare queens and kick out all the illegals.

Do your homework! The House will be secure with a nice majority for a while. In 2018 there will be a red wave in 2018.

I never said otherwise. The GOP has a huge lead in the House and i don't expect that to vanish in 2018, though it could. After all, dems lost 64 House seats in 2010.!!

But as i said above, it's the senate that concerns me. Repubs have just a slight lead there and a lot can happen in two years. The party that controls the Senate controls Supreme Court appointments.

See post 25! The GOP will pick up senate seats in 2018. The question is will there be enough to get to 60?

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Come mid terms Republicans will likely lose the house and senate after Trump is arrested
The GOP controls both houses of congress and the whitehouse. Trump will appoint the next 3, 4, or 5 Supreme court justices. There are more republican governors than democrats. More states have GOP controlled legislatures than democrats.

in 2016 the voters of the USA rejected: Hillary, the dem party, Obama, liberalism, socialism, the DC establishment, the corrupt lying media, and the corrupt lying pollsters,

America won, the left lost. Three cheers for the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come mid terms Republicans will likely lose the house and senate after Trump is arrested

^^^^^stupidity on display.
Says a Repug dolt who sucks Putin's cock, just like your hero Trump. You are a Repug piece of shit traitor to your country. You dumb fuck. Trump is a traitor and you're too fucking stupid to see that. You Repug fascist mother fucker dumb ass white trash piece of Repug shit.
Come mid terms Republicans will likely lose the house and senate after Trump is arrested

^^^^^stupidity on display.
Says a Repug dolt who sucks Putin's cock, just like your hero Trump. You are a Repug piece of shit traitor to your country. You dumb fuck. Trump is a traitor and you're too fucking stupid to see that. You Repug fascist mother fucker dumb ass white trash piece of Repug shit.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^and the juvenile display of stupidity continues.

How about a bet, asshole? I will bet you $5K that Trump does not "get arrested". How about it? How about another $5K that no Clinton is ever elected to public office again?

come on shithead, put up or shut up.

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