Yelp fires employee after she publicly complains about pay

She brings dishonor to the company. Of course she should be disabled.
Typical republican. The company can afford 300 million to buy an app but can't afford to pay its workers a wage they can actually live off of.
She got fired but now she can beg on the internet and make the big bucks.
She's 25-years-old and doesn't have the skills or education to make better than minimum wage? What the hell has she been doing?
A good reason for good strong unions! ;) Too bad most of this country has forgotten history.
She's 25-years-old and doesn't have the skills or education to make better than minimum wage? What the hell has she been doing?
Well by reading the article sounds like she wants to work in the media department so OBVIOUSLY she has some kind of media/journalism etc degree. Yelp loves that cheap labor while paying 300 million for an app.
She works for a phone app that reviews shitty food. What's she expect....Microsoft IT manager pay???

People need to learn that simply working isn't valuable. What your labor provides is.

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