Yemen claims it foiled Al Qaeda plot


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Yemen says it foiled major al-Qaeda plot

Yemen's foreign ministry said Wednesday that it thwarted an al-Qaeda plot to blow up oil pipelines and seize some of the country's main ports to disrupt shipping, as more suspected drone strikes struck terrorist targets in the country's south.

Al-Qaeda planned to invade the ports with terrorists dressed as soldiers. The Associated Press reported that Yemen's government said the motive for the planned attacks was retaliation for the killing of senior al-Qaeda figure Said al-Shihri in a November drone strike.

On Wednesday, suspected U.S. drone strikes killed seven people believed to be members of al-Qaeda.
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I can guarantee to you based on statistical data combined from several sources that it is HIGHLY unlikely that 7 bad guys were killed in a drone attack. It was probably 7 15 year old boys in the vicinity of a suspected bad guy. Obama loves murdering kids in Yemen and Pakistan, especially 15 year old Americans. Hail Obama, for those who are about to get droned, salute you.
I can guarantee to you based on statistical data combined from several sources that it is HIGHLY unlikely that 7 bad guys were killed in a drone attack. It was probably 7 15 year old boys in the vicinity of a suspected bad guy. Obama loves murdering kids in Yemen and Pakistan, especially 15 year old Americans. Hail Obama, for those who are about to get droned, salute you.

Let us know when you have evidence of that.
I can guarantee to you based on statistical data combined from several sources that it is HIGHLY unlikely that 7 bad guys were killed in a drone attack. It was probably 7 15 year old boys in the vicinity of a suspected bad guy. Obama loves murdering kids in Yemen and Pakistan, especially 15 year old Americans. Hail Obama, for those who are about to get droned, salute you.

Let us know when you have evidence of that.

Look for yourself. I thought it was common knowledge by now. Are you really going to take the time to read pages of citations? I doubt it, because the attention span of American sheep is very short, especially when actual READING is involved. Is it worth my time to try and convince a hardened partisan that his precious president is responsible for the deaths of a lot of civilians, significantly more so than his predecessor? I wager not.
Look for yourself. I thought it was common knowledge by now. Are you really going to take the time to read pages of citations? I doubt it, because the attention span of American sheep is very short, especially when actual READING is involved. Is it worth my time to try and convince a hardened partisan that his precious president is responsible for the deaths of a lot of civilians, significantly more so than his predecessor? I wager not.

So in other words you don't really have anything. Got it.

So far our studies have shown that drone strikes tend to kill fewer civilians and cause less collateral damage than our other previously used methodologies (such as rockets fired from ships).

You also only need "pages of citations" if your citations aren't very strong. Throw out a couple from well respected thinktank and academic publications / watchdog groups and that is more than enough to provide supporting evidence for a point.
I can guarantee to you based on statistical data combined from several sources that it is HIGHLY unlikely that 7 bad guys were killed in a drone attack. It was probably 7 15 year old boys in the vicinity of a suspected bad guy. Obama loves murdering kids in Yemen and Pakistan, especially 15 year old Americans. Hail Obama, for those who are about to get droned, salute you.
Your typical Republican terrorist lover speaks!
Is that the US funded and controlled Al Qaida?
On Wednesday, suspected U.S. drone strikes killed seven people believed to be members of al-Qaeda.
And possibly hundreds of innocent people.
Why do you terrorist locvers hate this great country?

Drone strike kills six suspected militants in Yemen | Reuters

Witnesses and local officials in the province of Shabwa said the drone fired at least six missiles at two vehicles in a remote area some 70 km (50 miles) north of the provincial capital, Ataq. Both vehicles were destroyed.

Residents who rushed to the scene found only charred bodies, they said.
Look for yourself. I thought it was common knowledge by now. Are you really going to take the time to read pages of citations? I doubt it, because the attention span of American sheep is very short, especially when actual READING is involved. Is it worth my time to try and convince a hardened partisan that his precious president is responsible for the deaths of a lot of civilians, significantly more so than his predecessor? I wager not.

So in other words you don't really have anything. Got it.

So far our studies have shown that drone strikes tend to kill fewer civilians and cause less collateral damage than our other previously used methodologies (such as rockets fired from ships).

You also only need "pages of citations" if your citations aren't very strong. Throw out a couple from well respected thinktank and academic publications / watchdog groups and that is more than enough to provide supporting evidence for a point.

You could start with the fact that the administration considers any teenage boy a terrorist when he is in a terrorist area. Those bodies are not counted.

Next, you should consider the fact that the CIA and it's henchmen at the Pentagram will cleverly send in drones after the first attack to target civilians or whomever, attempting to help the victims whether they be terrorists or not. Must be terrorists.

You could start with: Covert Drone War: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

That's a watch dog group but I doubt you'll respect that.

Or, the Columbia Law School’s Human Rights, The Brooking's Institute which is very pro drone, ye hah go America.

Peter Bergen of the New America Foundation

I won't cite John Brennan because he's a part of the OA's gestapo and a ridiculous scumbag.
I can guarantee to you based on statistical data combined from several sources that it is HIGHLY unlikely that 7 bad guys were killed in a drone attack. It was probably 7 15 year old boys in the vicinity of a suspected bad guy. Obama loves murdering kids in Yemen and Pakistan, especially 15 year old Americans. Hail Obama, for those who are about to get droned, salute you.

Let us know when you have evidence of that.

Liberals don't need evidence.
I can guarantee to you based on statistical data combined from several sources that it is HIGHLY unlikely that 7 bad guys were killed in a drone attack. It was probably 7 15 year old boys in the vicinity of a suspected bad guy. Obama loves murdering kids in Yemen and Pakistan, especially 15 year old Americans. Hail Obama, for those who are about to get droned, salute you.
Your typical Republican terrorist lover speaks!

He's anything but Republican.
Chalk one up for the good guys

Al Qaeda's 'Legion of Doom' blew its cover with a conference call - The Week

It turns out that the crucial piece of intelligence that led to 22 diplomatic outposts closing across the Middle East and North Africa was an intercepted conference call.

More than 20 top al Qaeda operatives dialed in to talk with the group's leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in a call that a U.S. intelligence officer likened to "a meeting of the Legion of Doom," according to The Daily Beast.

Also on the call: Nasser al-Wuhayshi, leader of the al Qaeda affiliate in Yemen, plus top representatives from Nigeria's Boko Haram, the Taliban in Afghanistan, al Qaeda in Iraq, and operatives working out of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, which borders Israel.

"All you need to do is look at that list of places we shut down to get a sense of who was on the phone call," an official told The Daily Beast.

So what do al Qaeda leaders talk about on a conference call?

U.S. intelligence officials who were listening in say the terrorists discussed having teams ready to carry out a pending attack. Also, Wuhayshi got a promotion to "Ma'sul al-Amm," which translates roughly to "general manager," putting him in charge of multiple al Qaeda affiliates across the Muslim world.

While promoting someone to general manager might seem a little corporate for a terrorist organization, al Qaeda actually has a history of Office Space-like politics, once admonishing an operative for turning in expense reports late, failing to meet financial goals, and not getting along with team members.

Holding a conference call, however, was almost certainly a mistake for al Qaeda, as the United States followed up with a drone strike that killed six suspected militants in Yemen. Earlier today, Yemeni officials claimed to have broken up a plot to blow up oil pipelines and seize control of some of the country's ports.
I can guarantee to you based on statistical data combined from several sources that it is HIGHLY unlikely that 7 bad guys were killed in a drone attack. It was probably 7 15 year old boys in the vicinity of a suspected bad guy. Obama loves murdering kids in Yemen and Pakistan, especially 15 year old Americans. Hail Obama, for those who are about to get droned, salute you.

Let us know when you have evidence of that.

Liberals don't need evidence.

You have a really big mouth cowboy so I'm not surprised that a low IQ cowpoke from Texas would label anyone he disagrees with as a liberal which I find insulting. You should stick to cow tipping and let real men with actual brains participate in a conversation like this. Is that OK with you Cecil, Jasper, Bill Bob or whatever your name is?
I can guarantee to you based on statistical data combined from several sources that it is HIGHLY unlikely that 7 bad guys were killed in a drone attack. It was probably 7 15 year old boys in the vicinity of a suspected bad guy. Obama loves murdering kids in Yemen and Pakistan, especially 15 year old Americans. Hail Obama, for those who are about to get droned, salute you.
Your typical Republican terrorist lover speaks!

Hey at the end of the day it you that 6-2 black piece of shit you call a president who arms terrorists. So continue with your boorish nonsense you insolent punk.
Is that the US funded and controlled Al Qaida?
On Wednesday, suspected U.S. drone strikes killed seven people believed to be members of al-Qaeda.
And possibly hundreds of innocent people.
Why do you terrorist locvers hate this great country?

Drone strike kills six suspected militants in Yemen | Reuters

Witnesses and local officials in the province of Shabwa said the drone fired at least six missiles at two vehicles in a remote area some 70 km (50 miles) north of the provincial capital, Ataq. Both vehicles were destroyed.

Residents who rushed to the scene found only charred bodies, they said.

Notice the the subject line of your post moron. Based on DHS documentation and other evidence, it's clear that the OA considers any conservative, tea bagger, Ron Paul supporter, pro life, pro constitution, or Christian American to be a "suspected" terrorist.

Perhaps they should start ordering drone strikes on us as well? Have to break a few eggs to make sure dirt bags like you feel safe.
Yemen says it foiled major al-Qaeda plot

Yemen's foreign ministry said Wednesday that it thwarted an al-Qaeda plot to blow up oil pipelines and seize some of the country's main ports to disrupt shipping, as more suspected drone strikes struck terrorist targets in the country's south.

Al-Qaeda planned to invade the ports with terrorists dressed as soldiers. The Associated Press reported that Yemen's government said the motive for the planned attacks was retaliation for the killing of senior al-Qaeda figure Said al-Shihri in a November drone strike.

On Wednesday, suspected U.S. drone strikes killed seven people believed to be members of al-Qaeda.

If true, GOOD!

I am truly glad to hear that Yemen is (finally) stepping up

Given my distrust of them, however, I can't help but wonder if they weren't behind it to begin with and only foiled it to shine a more favorable light on them selves.
Look for yourself. I thought it was common knowledge by now. Are you really going to take the time to read pages of citations? I doubt it, because the attention span of American sheep is very short, especially when actual READING is involved. Is it worth my time to try and convince a hardened partisan that his precious president is responsible for the deaths of a lot of civilians, significantly more so than his predecessor? I wager not.

So in other words you don't really have anything. Got it.

So far our studies have shown that drone strikes tend to kill fewer civilians and cause less collateral damage than our other previously used methodologies (such as rockets fired from ships).

You also only need "pages of citations" if your citations aren't very strong. Throw out a couple from well respected thinktank and academic publications / watchdog groups and that is more than enough to provide supporting evidence for a point.

The American teenager in question wasn't "collateral damage".

He was the TARGET.

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