Yemen claims it foiled Al Qaeda plot

Actually, I am

An American citizen who has declared war on his own country and is actively involved in attacking it. I equate it to a criminal who is holed up and is attacking police. He does not have to have a trial for the police to fire back

Has anyone ever said why they think terrorists are not enemy combatants and/or why we should treat them kid gloves?

During the bush regime, we would have been thrilled if he had stopped clearing brush long enough to actually go after a terrorist but now, the rw's seem to want them all to be put up in the finest hotels like Bush did with bin Laden's family.


Why should we NOW roll over for them?

To be fair, Al Qaeda was primarily crippled under the Bush administration around 2003.


Not even close.

Yes, there were a few killed accidentally and I gladly give our military credit for that. George w was worthless in the fight against terrorism. He laughed about it, took pride in it.
I can guarantee to you based on statistical data combined from several sources that it is HIGHLY unlikely that 7 bad guys were killed in a drone attack. It was probably 7 15 year old boys in the vicinity of a suspected bad guy. Obama loves murdering kids in Yemen and Pakistan, especially 15 year old Americans. Hail Obama, for those who are about to get droned, salute you.
Your typical Republican terrorist lover speaks!

He's anything but Republican.
He can't be any more typically Republican. Republicans always present a false flag, but their behavior is always a dead giveaway!
Is that the US funded and controlled Al Qaida?
And possibly hundreds of innocent people.
Why do you terrorist locvers hate this great country?

Drone strike kills six suspected militants in Yemen | Reuters

Witnesses and local officials in the province of Shabwa said the drone fired at least six missiles at two vehicles in a remote area some 70 km (50 miles) north of the provincial capital, Ataq. Both vehicles were destroyed.

Residents who rushed to the scene found only charred bodies, they said.

Notice the the subject line of your post moron. Based on DHS documentation and other evidence, it's clear that the OA considers any conservative, tea bagger, Ron Paul supporter, pro life, pro constitution, or Christian American to be a "suspected" terrorist.

Perhaps they should start ordering drone strikes on us as well? Have to break a few eggs to make sure dirt bags like you feel safe.
Those traitors you named are collectively known as the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood, and it's not the OA that considers them the America hating terrorists they are, it's every truly patriotic American!

Not even close.

Yes, there were a few killed accidentally and I gladly give our military credit for that. George w was worthless in the fight against terrorism. He laughed about it, took pride in it.

It isn't really a matter of opinion. Even Al Qaeda's internal documents show that it was crippled in 2003 under Bush. Really, one of the largest blows to Al Qaeda was simply losing its safe haven in Afghanistan. When that happened in largely broke up into three groups, one went to Iran and were captured, one when to Tarkham and were betrayed by the tribe that took them in and handed over to the Pakistani authorities and the other group with Osama bin Laden went off the grid for a bit in the tribal areas of Pakistan. So they were pretty broken up just out of Afghanistan, but in 2003 a number of things happened.

1.) Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and Mustafa al-Hawsawi were arrested in Pakistan (they tracked KSM's voice from press conferences. This was a big deal because Khalid new the location of many Al Qaeda safe houses and senior al Qaeda members, which meant that in response Al Qaeda had to drop off of the grid and break its communications with all of its field operatives. Hawsawi's arrest was also important because he ran money from Dubai to Pakistan and Afghanistan for Al Qaeda; without them Al Qaeda faced a financial crisis that would persist for years (and still does).

2.) Right after that (two weeks later) Al Qaeda lost Abu Yasir al-Jaza'iri who was Al Qaeda's "ambassador" to Pakistan; meaning he was the senior leader who had all of the connections in Pakistan including the ISI (Pakistani intelligence service) without him they essentially lost the support of those contacts and had to go even further into hiding and saw a break down in their security which resulted in most of their second tier leaders being killed over the next two years. It also meant that Al Qaeda Central was largely silent towards its field operatives. It also meant that Osama bin Laden himself had to relocate.
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I can guarantee to you based on statistical data combined from several sources that it is HIGHLY unlikely that 7 bad guys were killed in a drone attack. It was probably 7 15 year old boys in the vicinity of a suspected bad guy. Obama loves murdering kids in Yemen and Pakistan, especially 15 year old Americans. Hail Obama, for those who are about to get droned, salute you.

Let us know when you have evidence of that.

This is actually a very good point.

Why would the nutters believe that YEMEN!!! would be able to do this but not our own military?

My money is on our guys.

Sadly, the rw's are always on the side of the terrorists.

Not even close.

Yes, there were a few killed accidentally and I gladly give our military credit for that. George w was worthless in the fight against terrorism. He laughed about it, took pride in it.

It isn't really a matter of opinion. Even Al Qaeda's internal documents show that it was crippled in 2003 under Bush. Really, one of the largest blows to Al Qaeda was simply losing its safe haven in Afghanistan. When that happened in largely broke up into three groups, on went to Iran and were captured, one when to Tarkham and were betrayed by the tribe that took them in and handed over to the Pakistani authorities and the other group with Osama bin Laden went off the grid for a bit in the tribal areas of Pakistan. So they were pretty broken up just out of Afghanistan, but in 2003 a number of things happened.

1.) Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and Mustafa al-Hawsawi were arrested in Pakistan (they tracked KSM's voice from press conferences. This was a big deal because Khalid new the location of many Al Qaeda safe houses and senior al Qaeda members, which meant that in response Al Qaeda had to drop off of the grid and break its communications with all of its field operatives. Hawsawi's arrest was also important because he ran money from Dubai to Pakistan for Al Qaeda; without them Al Qaeda faced a financial crisis that would persist for years (and still does).

2.) Right after that (two weeks later) Al Qaeda lost Abu Yasir al-Jaza'iri who was Al Qaeda's "ambassador" to Pakistan; meaning he was the senior leader who had all of the connections in Pakistan including the ISI (Pakistani intelligence service) without him they essentially lost the support of those contacts and had to go even further into hiding and saw a break down in their security which resulted in most of their second tier leaders being killed over the next two years. It also meant that Al Qaeda Central was largely silent towards its field operatives. It also meant that Osama bin Laden himself had to relocate.

You're not serious ........ Are you??

Actually, your little list is pretty funny.

Obama kills terrorists while Geo Bush inconveniences them by making them MOVE!

George Bush was all hat and no ca-boy. The best he could do was terrorize weeds with a chain saw.


That little twerp is damn lucky he didn't


Not even close.

Yes, there were a few killed accidentally and I gladly give our military credit for that. George w was worthless in the fight against terrorism. He laughed about it, took pride in it.

It isn't really a matter of opinion. Even Al Qaeda's internal documents show that it was crippled in 2003 under Bush. Really, one of the largest blows to Al Qaeda was simply losing its safe haven in Afghanistan. When that happened in largely broke up into three groups, on went to Iran and were captured, one when to Tarkham and were betrayed by the tribe that took them in and handed over to the Pakistani authorities and the other group with Osama bin Laden went off the grid for a bit in the tribal areas of Pakistan. So they were pretty broken up just out of Afghanistan, but in 2003 a number of things happened.

1.) Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and Mustafa al-Hawsawi were arrested in Pakistan (they tracked KSM's voice from press conferences. This was a big deal because Khalid new the location of many Al Qaeda safe houses and senior al Qaeda members, which meant that in response Al Qaeda had to drop off of the grid and break its communications with all of its field operatives. Hawsawi's arrest was also important because he ran money from Dubai to Pakistan for Al Qaeda; without them Al Qaeda faced a financial crisis that would persist for years (and still does).

2.) Right after that (two weeks later) Al Qaeda lost Abu Yasir al-Jaza'iri who was Al Qaeda's "ambassador" to Pakistan; meaning he was the senior leader who had all of the connections in Pakistan including the ISI (Pakistani intelligence service) without him they essentially lost the support of those contacts and had to go even further into hiding and saw a break down in their security which resulted in most of their second tier leaders being killed over the next two years. It also meant that Al Qaeda Central was largely silent towards its field operatives. It also meant that Osama bin Laden himself had to relocate.

You're not serious ........ Are you??

Actually, your little list is pretty funny.

Obama kills terrorists while Geo Bush inconveniences them by making them MOVE!

George Bush was all hat and no ca-boy. The best he could do was terrorize weeds with a chain saw.

That little twerp is damn lucky he didn't


I understand that you may not like Bush much, I didn't either, but Al Qaeda lost much of its operational capacity in 2003, and posting pictures of Bush with a chainsaw doesn't refute that.

Fadil Harun's autobiography corroborates everything that I said above. He was the security secretary for Al Qaeda. Even he is dead now (most likely assassinated by Al Shabaab in 2011).

If you'd like, here is an excellent analysis of it from the Combating Terrorism Center out of West Point which will also corroborate everything that I've said. Beware of Imitators: Al-Qa`ida through the Lens of its Confidential Secretary | Combating Terrorism Center at West Point

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