yes, i'm running as a socialist

I think you're right. This is most likely over, and that includes our culture.

I'm more worried about the nation than "culture." Freedom dies with America...

I've been there, I was ready to leave the country before Trump got elected - I was stunned honestly. While I agree the future is dim, I do still have some hope; the next generation is coming back to their senses. They can see how ridiculous the things the socialists want are. Even a lot of millennial can see how badly socialism is going to turn out and no longer vote left. If we can make it through a bit less than a decade of socialism I think we'll have the weight to pull out of the tailspin. I hope we have enough pull to do it, but it's not going to be easy given how fluid business is in the global market. (This is why I'm not complaining about Trump reigning in free trade a bit - I'm a "national" capitalist rather than a "free trade" capitalist.)

One things for sure, the [smart] businesses and us [smart] wealthy folks will ride the storm so /if/ America comes back to capitalism, we will return.

Do you really believe Capitalism is under attack, or is that your use of the RED SCARE!

We live in a nation with a mixed economy. There is a private sector and a public sector, and both have existed for the entire time there has been a United States.

What this movement is about, has nothing to do with our form of government, we already have a wannabe despot in the White House! What makes you think that the sort of socialism which exists in China or Russian or N. Korea, in name only, is what this new movement is all about?

Obviously you don't think about it, you want others to believe that socialism = totalitarianism which is a damn lie.

We will remain a Democratic Republic, and the people will respond every two years telling those in power what they approve of, and what they reject.

If the reader fears an authoritarian government they will toss out Ryan and the other Republicans who passed the recent tax fraud, and offered nothing to curtail gun violence in America.

Aren't you full of talking points today. ~rolls eyes~ No one said jack about totalitarianism son, we're talking about the dismal economic future of America under socialism and "socialistic programs." And when America goes broke due to socialism, the nation will fall apart and freedom in the world dies with America. That's the reality of the planet, America was unique, freedom was unique, once it's gone, it'll probably never come back.

In any event, as for the idea that this is some "red scare" 2.0. Not at all, one just has to look at the numbers to see that the socialist ideal is not playing fair to all American's at all. And duh, that's what socialism does, it fosters greed, rather than a reasonable and fair approach to taxation. It "justifies" stealing money that doesn't belong to you, and wasn't earned by you, by claiming "oh it's the government doing it so it's not the same as stealing."

As I had noted in my first post, we fell for that "its for the good of the nation" line and got fucked by it. Just look at the numbers:

The top 40% pay 106% of all federal income taxes.

Individuals in the top 10% (folks who gross over $150k/y) pay 71% of all federal taxes. (The top 1% actually pay 46% of /ALL/ federal taxes)

Businesses, in addition to paying federal taxes, pay 6% of every single employees Social Security, and [typically] 1.5% (though they pay up to 2% depending on employees salary) of every single employees Medicare***, as well as the same local (state/muni) taxes that consumer folks pay (gas, property, sales, etc.)

***[edit for clarity, technically businesses pay 100% of every single employees social security and medicare tax which is based on wages. The total for FICA is 6.2% + 1.5% up to $1M and 2.3% over $1M - this is typically split equally with the employee. So it'd be 3.1% + 0.75%/1.15% ish.]


The bottom 80% pay nothing into federal taxes.

The bottom 40% actually have a "negative tax" and the government pays them [us rich peoples money] (via EIC, child tax credit, etc.)

Yet we rich and business folks are the "evil" and "greedy" ones...

Nothing you've posted proves anything other than you are echoing the callous lack of understanding fiscal conservatism is. What I write about is not economics, per se, it is about empathy vis a vis greed and the lust for power.

I'd be happy to pay my taxes, and putting my real estate, sales, excise and income taxes to good use, but we've seen over and over that revenue given to The Congress and State Legislatures is proportioned greatly to benefit special interests and the Polls own job security.

More and more voters listened to Bernie Sanders (and no, I didn't vote for him in the primary) while watching their paychecks shrink while the rich get richer. Then Ryan&Co, and Trump pushed through the biggest fraud in history, taking from the many and giving to the few.

The efforts to kill the Affordable Health Act and the charade of a tax bill which they falsely claim is fair, will lead to the biggest sea change in memory, and could very well destroy the Republican Party.

That's no surprise to me, the GOP has gone way to far to the extreme, and the American voter has always rejected extremism.

In response to my pointing out that nearly half the country isn't paying federal taxes and nearly a quarter is getting money from the rich in tax rebates, leads you to call "capitalists" greedy and say that businesses and the rich aren't paying enough? That's some 'rich' shit you're smoking...

That kind of /greed/, plus shit politicians who buy votes is exactly what I was talking about as to why socialism in any form cannot be trusted. The rich & businesses already pay all the wages in the nation + the federal bills + [usually] the majority of the state bills too - but as /always/ with socialism, under any synonym, they will /always/ demand more other peoples money to buy them shit /they/ still want.

The general populous doesn't /actually/ give two shits about balancing the national budget, they never have and that's how it got so fucking stupid. Nor does the general populous actually care about what's "fair" - they will vote for "more free shit" 99% of the time. Shit politicians on both sides have allowed the situation to cross the tipping point, where the general populous of selfish, entitled, greedy people in the nation vastly outnumber the fiscally and fairly minded, who know that chasing businesses and rich people out of the country (or robbing them blind) is /wrong/ regardless if you stick a happy faced "democratic" sticker on it. But now these "socialist types" are the majority so they're able to convince themselves that such unfairness and robbery is somehow "morally" right. This is a systematic error of inductive reasoning known as a confirmation bias.

Psychology: people are biased to interpret the evidence in ways that are consistent with their desires. That means that people may ultimately come to believe that the weight of evidence supports the position that they already wanted to believe was true. And they will believe this without recognizing that their own desires influenced the evaluation of the evidence.

The rich get richer and so do the poor - you intentionally choose to conveniently ignore how well America's poor are actually doing. Capitalism is the /only/ long term reliable solution for poverty in America. Which is why socialists also try to undermine the previously amicable relationship between the wealthy, businesses, and the government - aka the 1% vs the 99% lie you spout.

It's like back in WWII America's wealthy sucked up a 90% tax rate just to keep the dream and capitalism alive, because we capitalists know that when America fails not only will we take a hit in our pocket books, but also that our liberal views (actual liberal views, not the bullshit touted as "liberal" these days) will be lost forever.

Because of that agreement we now have politicians like Sander's demanding that we should pay up to 90% again so that everyone can have free health care, free school, free everything on the backs of the wealthy. Not to save the nation and perhaps even the world from destruction this time though, this time it's to make the lives of the unskilled, the lazy, and idiots who make poor life choices, better. That's "empathy" in your book? Greedy is working and wanting to keep your money? Fucking LOL...

I admit I only read your first paragraph. I don't smoke and you wrote a paragraph in which you make it clear you lack empathy, and are one of the Callous Conservatives. Nothing you post merits my consideration, for I have values which conflict with you opinions.
I'm more worried about the nation than "culture." Freedom dies with America...

I've been there, I was ready to leave the country before Trump got elected - I was stunned honestly. While I agree the future is dim, I do still have some hope; the next generation is coming back to their senses. They can see how ridiculous the things the socialists want are. Even a lot of millennial can see how badly socialism is going to turn out and no longer vote left. If we can make it through a bit less than a decade of socialism I think we'll have the weight to pull out of the tailspin. I hope we have enough pull to do it, but it's not going to be easy given how fluid business is in the global market. (This is why I'm not complaining about Trump reigning in free trade a bit - I'm a "national" capitalist rather than a "free trade" capitalist.)

One things for sure, the [smart] businesses and us [smart] wealthy folks will ride the storm so /if/ America comes back to capitalism, we will return.

Do you really believe Capitalism is under attack, or is that your use of the RED SCARE!

We live in a nation with a mixed economy. There is a private sector and a public sector, and both have existed for the entire time there has been a United States.

What this movement is about, has nothing to do with our form of government, we already have a wannabe despot in the White House! What makes you think that the sort of socialism which exists in China or Russian or N. Korea, in name only, is what this new movement is all about?

Obviously you don't think about it, you want others to believe that socialism = totalitarianism which is a damn lie.

We will remain a Democratic Republic, and the people will respond every two years telling those in power what they approve of, and what they reject.

If the reader fears an authoritarian government they will toss out Ryan and the other Republicans who passed the recent tax fraud, and offered nothing to curtail gun violence in America.

Aren't you full of talking points today. ~rolls eyes~ No one said jack about totalitarianism son, we're talking about the dismal economic future of America under socialism and "socialistic programs." And when America goes broke due to socialism, the nation will fall apart and freedom in the world dies with America. That's the reality of the planet, America was unique, freedom was unique, once it's gone, it'll probably never come back.

In any event, as for the idea that this is some "red scare" 2.0. Not at all, one just has to look at the numbers to see that the socialist ideal is not playing fair to all American's at all. And duh, that's what socialism does, it fosters greed, rather than a reasonable and fair approach to taxation. It "justifies" stealing money that doesn't belong to you, and wasn't earned by you, by claiming "oh it's the government doing it so it's not the same as stealing."

As I had noted in my first post, we fell for that "its for the good of the nation" line and got fucked by it. Just look at the numbers:

The top 40% pay 106% of all federal income taxes.

Individuals in the top 10% (folks who gross over $150k/y) pay 71% of all federal taxes. (The top 1% actually pay 46% of /ALL/ federal taxes)

Businesses, in addition to paying federal taxes, pay 6% of every single employees Social Security, and [typically] 1.5% (though they pay up to 2% depending on employees salary) of every single employees Medicare***, as well as the same local (state/muni) taxes that consumer folks pay (gas, property, sales, etc.)

***[edit for clarity, technically businesses pay 100% of every single employees social security and medicare tax which is based on wages. The total for FICA is 6.2% + 1.5% up to $1M and 2.3% over $1M - this is typically split equally with the employee. So it'd be 3.1% + 0.75%/1.15% ish.]


The bottom 80% pay nothing into federal taxes.

The bottom 40% actually have a "negative tax" and the government pays them [us rich peoples money] (via EIC, child tax credit, etc.)

Yet we rich and business folks are the "evil" and "greedy" ones...

Nothing you've posted proves anything other than you are echoing the callous lack of understanding fiscal conservatism is. What I write about is not economics, per se, it is about empathy vis a vis greed and the lust for power.

I'd be happy to pay my taxes, and putting my real estate, sales, excise and income taxes to good use, but we've seen over and over that revenue given to The Congress and State Legislatures is proportioned greatly to benefit special interests and the Polls own job security.

More and more voters listened to Bernie Sanders (and no, I didn't vote for him in the primary) while watching their paychecks shrink while the rich get richer. Then Ryan&Co, and Trump pushed through the biggest fraud in history, taking from the many and giving to the few.

The efforts to kill the Affordable Health Act and the charade of a tax bill which they falsely claim is fair, will lead to the biggest sea change in memory, and could very well destroy the Republican Party.

That's no surprise to me, the GOP has gone way to far to the extreme, and the American voter has always rejected extremism.

In response to my pointing out that nearly half the country isn't paying federal taxes and nearly a quarter is getting money from the rich in tax rebates, leads you to call "capitalists" greedy and say that businesses and the rich aren't paying enough? That's some 'rich' shit you're smoking...

That kind of /greed/, plus shit politicians who buy votes is exactly what I was talking about as to why socialism in any form cannot be trusted. The rich & businesses already pay all the wages in the nation + the federal bills + [usually] the majority of the state bills too - but as /always/ with socialism, under any synonym, they will /always/ demand more other peoples money to buy them shit /they/ still want.

The general populous doesn't /actually/ give two shits about balancing the national budget, they never have and that's how it got so fucking stupid. Nor does the general populous actually care about what's "fair" - they will vote for "more free shit" 99% of the time. Shit politicians on both sides have allowed the situation to cross the tipping point, where the general populous of selfish, entitled, greedy people in the nation vastly outnumber the fiscally and fairly minded, who know that chasing businesses and rich people out of the country (or robbing them blind) is /wrong/ regardless if you stick a happy faced "democratic" sticker on it. But now these "socialist types" are the majority so they're able to convince themselves that such unfairness and robbery is somehow "morally" right. This is a systematic error of inductive reasoning known as a confirmation bias.

Psychology: people are biased to interpret the evidence in ways that are consistent with their desires. That means that people may ultimately come to believe that the weight of evidence supports the position that they already wanted to believe was true. And they will believe this without recognizing that their own desires influenced the evaluation of the evidence.

The rich get richer and so do the poor - you intentionally choose to conveniently ignore how well America's poor are actually doing. Capitalism is the /only/ long term reliable solution for poverty in America. Which is why socialists also try to undermine the previously amicable relationship between the wealthy, businesses, and the government - aka the 1% vs the 99% lie you spout.

It's like back in WWII America's wealthy sucked up a 90% tax rate just to keep the dream and capitalism alive, because we capitalists know that when America fails not only will we take a hit in our pocket books, but also that our liberal views (actual liberal views, not the bullshit touted as "liberal" these days) will be lost forever.

Because of that agreement we now have politicians like Sander's demanding that we should pay up to 90% again so that everyone can have free health care, free school, free everything on the backs of the wealthy. Not to save the nation and perhaps even the world from destruction this time though, this time it's to make the lives of the unskilled, the lazy, and idiots who make poor life choices, better. That's "empathy" in your book? Greedy is working and wanting to keep your money? Fucking LOL...

I admit I only read your first paragraph. I don't smoke and you wrote a paragraph in which you make it clear you lack empathy, and are one of the Callous Conservatives. Nothing you post merits my consideration, for I have values which conflict with you opinions.

This is where your type lose the argument, instead of making the argument you try to paint me as "evil" - Typical totalitarian tactic there.

For the record, I have values too; personal responsibility, personal property rights, freedom to spend your earnings as you wish, and /everyone/ contributes (share the good, share the bad [aka paying for it] as well) I'm sure that's "greed" in your mind - because 'confirmation bias.'
'Capitalism' continues to be spoken of as if it were some ideology or religion. It is nothing but an economic concept, a system, one way of doing things.

Capitalism by itself is not a savior.
It can be integrated into a way of doing things that favors humanity, or, as with anything to excess, can work against us.
Absentee Ownership in Both Tyrannies

Socialism is not the opposite of Capitalism. Both come from the same source: guillotine-fodder richkids, plotting in prep-school bull sessions, whose fathers told them they were Born to Rule.

"A self-made man"? Experience has shown that I'll get more Replies if I don't anticipate objections.
This fear, and fear mongering of government, is in my mind nothing more than anarchy lite. We live in a nation threatened by many things a man or women can not protect themselves from alone.

and right now the biggest threat to our way of life is from the inside, not the outside. If we give up or have taken away our freedoms and liberties for safety, what have we really won?

In November of every even year we have the Right to change the course set by the previous government; as long as we have the right to vote, and we fulfill our duty to study the candidates, there is little fear that our nation will ever suffer an authoritarian government.

We are given the illusion of choice every other November to keep the masses happy. Over the course of the last few decades the general populous has been programmed to believe that there are only two "legit" choices, the one with the (R) or the one with the (D). So, we pick between those two, the problem is there is very little difference between the two anymore, so is there really a choice?

Someone once said, a nation gets the government they deserve. Sadly, we got Trump and Ryan and McConnell, but only for a short time. The harm they've done can and will be overturned if we study the people running for office, and put men and women of good will into the seats of power.

The problem is that has not happened in my lifetime, and I have been alive for more than a half a century.
It appears, though, that the trend is in their favor:

Poll Finds Nearly Half Of Millennials Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

The term no longer scares people.

Nearly half of millennial's think the Tide Pod Challenge is a great idea.

They will grow up or die off soon enough.

This is the sort of lies that the moron zealots keep repeating.

The tide pod challenge started as and was 99% a spoof of the stupid challenges done on social media.

Something like 12 morons in the whole country were too brain dead to know that, and you bigots use that to condemn an entire generation.

Sent from my iPhone using
It appears, though, that the trend is in their favor:

Poll Finds Nearly Half Of Millennials Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

The term no longer scares people.

Nearly half of millennial's think the Tide Pod Challenge is a great idea.

They will grow up or die off soon enough.

This is the sort of lies that the moron zealots keep repeating.

The tide pod challenge started as and was 99% a spoof of the stupid challenges done on social media.

Something like 12 morons in the whole country were too brain dead to know that, and you bigots use that to condemn an entire generation.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yet you took the challenge - twice...

It shows comrade, it shows...
It appears, though, that the trend is in their favor:

Poll Finds Nearly Half Of Millennials Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

The term no longer scares people.

Nearly half of millennial's think the Tide Pod Challenge is a great idea.

They will grow up or die off soon enough.

This is the sort of lies that the moron zealots keep repeating.

The tide pod challenge started as and was 99% a spoof of the stupid challenges done on social media.

Something like 12 morons in the whole country were too brain dead to know that, and you bigots use that to condemn an entire generation.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yet you took the challenge - twice...

It shows comrade, it shows...

I love it when the statist bigots far to the left of me call me comrade. What a joke

Sent from my iPhone using
It appears, though, that the trend is in their favor:

Poll Finds Nearly Half Of Millennials Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

The term no longer scares people.

Nearly half of millennial's think the Tide Pod Challenge is a great idea.

They will grow up or die off soon enough.

This is the sort of lies that the moron zealots keep repeating.

The tide pod challenge started as and was 99% a spoof of the stupid challenges done on social media.

Something like 12 morons in the whole country were too brain dead to know that, and you bigots use that to condemn an entire generation.

Sent from my iPhone using

Sorry, a few more than 12
Here's How Common the Tide Pod Challenge Really Is
It appears, though, that the trend is in their favor:

Poll Finds Nearly Half Of Millennials Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

The term no longer scares people.

Nearly half of millennial's think the Tide Pod Challenge is a great idea.

They will grow up or die off soon enough.

This is the sort of lies that the moron zealots keep repeating.

The tide pod challenge started as and was 99% a spoof of the stupid challenges done on social media.

Something like 12 morons in the whole country were too brain dead to know that, and you bigots use that to condemn an entire generation.

Sent from my iPhone using

Sorry, a few more than 12
Here's How Common the Tide Pod Challenge Really Is

It was hyperbole, but considering there are 74 million millennials in the country, I think the point still stands.
It appears, though, that the trend is in their favor:

Poll Finds Nearly Half Of Millennials Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

The term no longer scares people.

Nearly half of millennial's think the Tide Pod Challenge is a great idea.

They will grow up or die off soon enough.

This is the sort of lies that the moron zealots keep repeating.

The tide pod challenge started as and was 99% a spoof of the stupid challenges done on social media.

Something like 12 morons in the whole country were too brain dead to know that, and you bigots use that to condemn an entire generation.

Sent from my iPhone using

Sorry, a few more than 12
Here's How Common the Tide Pod Challenge Really Is

It was hyperbole, but considering there are 74 million millennials in the country, I think the point still stands.

Ok, good to know, I'll keep that in mind when reading any of your posts.
It appears, though, that the trend is in their favor:

Poll Finds Nearly Half Of Millennials Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

The term no longer scares people.

Nearly half of millennial's think the Tide Pod Challenge is a great idea.

They will grow up or die off soon enough.

This is the sort of lies that the moron zealots keep repeating.

The tide pod challenge started as and was 99% a spoof of the stupid challenges done on social media.

Something like 12 morons in the whole country were too brain dead to know that, and you bigots use that to condemn an entire generation.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yet you took the challenge - twice...

It shows comrade, it shows...

I love it when the statist bigots far to the left of me call me comrade. What a joke

Sent from my iPhone using

Well, you are the Statist here Comrade. Whether you are a bigot or not I'm not sure about. Do you hate white people and Christians? Most leftists like you do, but I can't say in your particular case.

What I do know is you are a far left, big government promoter who seeks to further the socialist agenda.

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