Yes, NASA really is working on "warp drive". On paper, it's doable.

rderp and Mathew having a circle jerk :lol:
Oh well. At least they are getting protein..
NASA discusses its warp drive research, prepares to create a warp bubble in the lab | ExtremeTech

Has NASA Really Created A Warp Drive?

The unpublished experiment that led to this exciting possibility was performed in the vacuum of space. After shooting laser beams into the EM Drive’s resonance chamber, where the light is resonated to increase its intensity, researchers found that some of the beams of light were moving faster than the speed of light constant: approximately 300,000,000 meters per second (186,000 miles per second). The big question that’s intriguing scientists and dreamers alike is "How?"

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling Dreams of Interstellar Travel?"[/FONT]

There have been hints in recent news that NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that could make the local universe accessible for human exploration. NASA scientists may be close announcing they may have broken the speed of light. According to state-of-the art theory, a warp drive could cut the travel time between stars from tens of thousands of years to weeks or months.


What if NASA discovered a warp drive and the way to power it? Could you imagine? The possibilities? If we were able to find livable worlds? For one, Republicans could live their ideological aspirations. A world without minorities or government or technology. Where the church and business controls the government and decides your life for you.. A world without regulations or speed limits. Every man for himself. A world without health care, help for the poor or the elderly or even children. Without minorities, they would only need to kill gays. Gays would be the only ones left for the GOP to hate.
When someone brings up the idea of a warp drive they skimp on the details of whats going to power it. Dark Matter, Antimatter, or exotic matter. Of those we are only certain of antimatter. I believe the total amount of antimatter we have produced so far is enough to power a light bulb for a short time.
Antimatter Atoms Successfully Stored for the First Time | Berkeley Lab
Still it takes more energy to produce the antimatter than what we could possible get from it. I'll be more excited when we get real results from antimatter production.
Rderp cant even do a decent science thread without his partisanship. Sad.
So you don't think Republicans would want a world like this:

Republicans could live their ideological aspirations. A world without minorities or government or technology. Where the church and business controls the government and decides your life for you.. A world without regulations or speed limits. Every man for himself. A world without health care, help for the poor or the elderly or even children. Without minorities, they would only need to kill gays. Gays would be the only ones left for the GOP to hate.

Nope. And NONE of those are Republican ideological aspirations. Actually... they sound more akin to the Socialist-Marxist ideology. The 'ultimate solution' for minority injustice is to not have any more minorities. You advocate government and atheists decide everything for us. You don't believe in any limits on your individual rights. Everyone gets to do whatever the hell they want. Death panels take care of the health care problems.

Wait a second, you seriously believe that if Republicans could start their own world from the beginning, they would include minorities? They are 90% white or more and they would include minorities? They don't now. Duh!

How many Republicans believe science is a faith?

The foundation of GOP ideology is that the church and business share control. Republicans want to enshrine their religious values into law. We know that for a fact. The fact Republicans want to make businessmen like Romney and Trump president kinds of spells it out.

Every day on this board, USMB Republicans go on and on about restrictive laws and regulations. What do you think they are talking about?

Every man for himself. We know that to be true.

And about the gays, give me a break. Where is the outrage. 'scuse me? There isn't any:

Republican Candidates Attend Rally Where Pastor Advocates "Death Penalty" for Gay People
NASA discusses its warp drive research, prepares to create a warp bubble in the lab | ExtremeTech

Has NASA Really Created A Warp Drive?

The unpublished experiment that led to this exciting possibility was performed in the vacuum of space. After shooting laser beams into the EM Drive’s resonance chamber, where the light is resonated to increase its intensity, researchers found that some of the beams of light were moving faster than the speed of light constant: approximately 300,000,000 meters per second (186,000 miles per second). The big question that’s intriguing scientists and dreamers alike is "How?"

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling Dreams of Interstellar Travel?"[/FONT]

There have been hints in recent news that NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that could make the local universe accessible for human exploration. NASA scientists may be close announcing they may have broken the speed of light. According to state-of-the art theory, a warp drive could cut the travel time between stars from tens of thousands of years to weeks or months.


What if NASA discovered a warp drive and the way to power it? Could you imagine? The possibilities? If we were able to find livable worlds? For one, Republicans could live their ideological aspirations. A world without minorities or government or technology. Where the church and business controls the government and decides your life for you.. A world without regulations or speed limits. Every man for himself. A world without health care, help for the poor or the elderly or even children. Without minorities, they would only need to kill gays. Gays would be the only ones left for the GOP to hate.
When someone brings up the idea of a warp drive they skimp on the details of whats going to power it. Dark Matter, Antimatter, or exotic matter. Of those we are only certain of antimatter. I believe the total amount of antimatter we have produced so far is enough to power a light bulb for a short time.
Antimatter Atoms Successfully Stored for the First Time | Berkeley Lab
Still it takes more energy to produce the antimatter than what we could possible get from it. I'll be more excited when we get real results from antimatter production.
Why would you care? To the GOP science is a faith.
Wait a second, you seriously believe that if Republicans could start their own world from the beginning, they would include minorities? They are 90% white or more and they would include minorities? They don't now. Duh!

I can't speak for every individual Republican. One thing you don't seem to comprehend is that every person is an individual, they have their own set of values and beliefs and they all differ in viewpoints and opinions. I avoid comments like "Republicans are ________" because that is called STEREOTYPING! I know that you've probably heard the word before, how about you go look it up and see what it means?

Because a person has white skin, doesn't mean they hate minorities. Our entire nation is only about 15% black... does this mean we're all racist toward blacks? That 85% of us would rather not have black people here? I can't speak for Republicans because I am a Conservative but if Conservatives who are like myself (because we're not all the same) could start their own world from the beginning, the ONLY people they wouldn't include would be mush-brain idiot liberals who constantly want to instigate divisiveness and exploit race, ethnicity, culture and religion. You're a bunch of damn troublemakers who we could do without.

How many Republicans believe science is a faith?

I don't have any idea. Again, you seem to be painting ALL Republicans with your big wide stereotypical brush as if everyone in a particular group is the same. Is that really how you feel about people? Are you really THAT much of a closed-minded bigot? What other closeted prejudices do you have that you're not revealing? How do you feel about fat people or short people?

The rest of your post is the same mindless rant so I'll leave it be. YOU are the real problem in this country. YOU are the one who needs to be marginalized and ostracized.
NASA discusses its warp drive research, prepares to create a warp bubble in the lab | ExtremeTech

Has NASA Really Created A Warp Drive?

The unpublished experiment that led to this exciting possibility was performed in the vacuum of space. After shooting laser beams into the EM Drive’s resonance chamber, where the light is resonated to increase its intensity, researchers found that some of the beams of light were moving faster than the speed of light constant: approximately 300,000,000 meters per second (186,000 miles per second). The big question that’s intriguing scientists and dreamers alike is "How?"

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling Dreams of Interstellar Travel?"[/FONT]

There have been hints in recent news that NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that could make the local universe accessible for human exploration. NASA scientists may be close announcing they may have broken the speed of light. According to state-of-the art theory, a warp drive could cut the travel time between stars from tens of thousands of years to weeks or months.


What if NASA discovered a warp drive and the way to power it? Could you imagine? The possibilities? If we were able to find livable worlds? For one, Republicans could live their ideological aspirations. A world without minorities or government or technology. Where the church and business controls the government and decides your life for you.. A world without regulations or speed limits. Every man for himself. A world without health care, help for the poor or the elderly or even children. Without minorities, they would only need to kill gays. Gays would be the only ones left for the GOP to hate.
When someone brings up the idea of a warp drive they skimp on the details of whats going to power it. Dark Matter, Antimatter, or exotic matter. Of those we are only certain of antimatter. I believe the total amount of antimatter we have produced so far is enough to power a light bulb for a short time.
Antimatter Atoms Successfully Stored for the First Time | Berkeley Lab
Still it takes more energy to produce the antimatter than what we could possible get from it. I'll be more excited when we get real results from antimatter production.
Why would you care? To the GOP science is a faith.
My political affiliation has nothng to do with this discussion.
Wait a second, you seriously believe that if Republicans could start their own world from the beginning, they would include minorities? They are 90% white or more and they would include minorities? They don't now. Duh!

I can't speak for every individual Republican. One thing you don't seem to comprehend is that every person is an individual, they have their own set of values and beliefs and they all differ in viewpoints and opinions. I avoid comments like "Republicans are ________" because that is called STEREOTYPING! I know that you've probably heard the word before, how about you go look it up and see what it means?

Because a person has white skin, doesn't mean they hate minorities. Our entire nation is only about 15% black... does this mean we're all racist toward blacks? That 85% of us would rather not have black people here? I can't speak for Republicans because I am a Conservative but if Conservatives who are like myself (because we're not all the same) could start their own world from the beginning, the ONLY people they wouldn't include would be mush-brain idiot liberals who constantly want to instigate divisiveness and exploit race, ethnicity, culture and religion. You're a bunch of damn troublemakers who we could do without.

How many Republicans believe science is a faith?

I don't have any idea. Again, you seem to be painting ALL Republicans with your big wide stereotypical brush as if everyone in a particular group is the same. Is that really how you feel about people? Are you really THAT much of a closed-minded bigot? What other closeted prejudices do you have that you're not revealing? How do you feel about fat people or short people?

The rest of your post is the same mindless rant so I'll leave it be. YOU are the real problem in this country. YOU are the one who needs to be marginalized and ostracized.
Oh I've heard this argument before. It's a failed argument. When the GOP goes after gays, there are a few that say "We don't all feel that way". Fuck that, who cares. If the majority of the party goes after gays, then who cares about the very few who don't.
Look at the GOP going after disenfranchising "certain" voters. All the bogus arguments have been hashed and rehashed. And you can only come to one conclusion. Republicans are trying to "legally" fix elections. How fucking patriotic is that.
There is an entire and very long list of the ways the GOP has been screwing over America for years and so far, Republicans have two arguments:
1. Not all of us feel that way.
2. The Democrats do it (whether they do it or not).
Think of the millions of inedible school lunches Moochelle could give away for free with the money being squandered on science!
I have no idea what you are talking about. Have you been drinking the GOP supplied Flint water?
Oh I've heard this argument before. It's a failed argument. When the GOP goes after gays..

The GOP has NEVER "gone after" gays or anyone else. That's a LIE you like to tell to the special interests you pander to. It's virtually ALL you do.... LIE and DISTORT. Exploit every groups you can think of to exploit in order to remain viable.
btw, redan... How the hell did you derail your own fucking thread? This was supposed to be about NASA discovering "warp drive" and how doable it is on paper.... that got left in the dust a long time ago and this is just another typical left-wing rant full of hate and vitriol toward conservatives. I guess you couldn't get any responses to your other 50 million threads like this so you decided to use deception like a good little minion, eh? :dunno:
Oh I've heard this argument before. It's a failed argument. When the GOP goes after gays..

The GOP has NEVER "gone after" gays or anyone else. That's a LIE you like to tell to the special interests you pander to. It's virtually ALL you do.... LIE and DISTORT. Exploit every groups you can think of to exploit in order to remain viable.
Oh, that's truly rich.

EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

Right-wing attacks blamed for gay Romney adviser’s resignation

You were saying?
Think of the millions of inedible school lunches Moochelle could give away for free with the money being squandered on science!
I have no idea what you are talking about. Have you been drinking the GOP supplied Flint water?

Let's just say that I am so sorry that I was brainwashed into ever voting for this disgusting party. I truly believed people like Bush and McCain were the face of the party and they seemed logical to me.

Now that I know that people like Henry and Cruz are the true face of the party I feel very sad for the future of this country. Imagine the resources this country could get if we developed a warp drive. We could pave the goddamn roads of rare metals and is quite possibly the only way we're going to ever truly pay down our debt without giving up the ability to compete on the world stage.

But of course the conservatives lust for the 18th century and don't want to consider the resources of our own solar system. That would fuck up their dream of being cows boys.
Think of the millions of inedible school lunches Moochelle could give away for free with the money being squandered on science!
I have no idea what you are talking about. Have you been drinking the GOP supplied Flint water?

Let's just say that I am so sorry that I was brainwashed into ever voting for this disgusting party. I truly believed people like Bush and McCain were the face of the party and they seemed logical to me.

Now that I know that people like Henry and Cruz are the true face of the party I feel very sad for the future of this country. Imagine the resources this country could get if we developed a warp drive. We could pave the goddamn roads of rare metals and is quite possibly the only way we're going to ever truly pay down our debt without giving up the ability to compete on the world stage.

But of course the conservatives lust for the 18th century and don't want to consider the resources of our own solar system. That would fuck up their dream of being cows boys.
cows boys, that's funny.

The president of Mexico said cows boys Bush was afraid of horses.
Imagine the resources this country could get if we developed a warp drive.

You've been watching too much science fiction. Not going to happen in our lifetime. Possibly can't ever happen due to basic laws of physics. Lots of things are theoretically possible on paper but just not realistic. This is one of those things. Before we have warp drive, we'll have teleportation.
But of course the conservatives lust for the 18th century and don't want to consider the resources of our own solar system. That would fuck up their dream of being cows boys.

Can't speak for the rest of them, but this conservative very much wants an open and competitive market in mining asteroids, colonizing other worlds, and space exploration in general.

I would also like to be cremated and have my ashes scattered in space. Perhaps I might even live long enough for it to be a reality, given the recent strides in 3D-printed organs.
Imagine the resources this country could get if we developed a warp drive.

You've been watching too much science fiction. Not going to happen in our lifetime. Possibly can't ever happen due to basic laws of physics. Lots of things are theoretically possible on paper but just not realistic. This is one of those things. Before we have warp drive, we'll have teleportation.

I'd be happy with a simple shuttle equipped with a protein re-sequencer and an engine that can travel at 1/4 impulse.
NASA discusses its warp drive research, prepares to create a warp bubble in the lab | ExtremeTech

Has NASA Really Created A Warp Drive?

The unpublished experiment that led to this exciting possibility was performed in the vacuum of space. After shooting laser beams into the EM Drive’s resonance chamber, where the light is resonated to increase its intensity, researchers found that some of the beams of light were moving faster than the speed of light constant: approximately 300,000,000 meters per second (186,000 miles per second). The big question that’s intriguing scientists and dreamers alike is "How?"

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling Dreams of Interstellar Travel?"[/FONT]

There have been hints in recent news that NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that could make the local universe accessible for human exploration. NASA scientists may be close announcing they may have broken the speed of light. According to state-of-the art theory, a warp drive could cut the travel time between stars from tens of thousands of years to weeks or months.


What if NASA discovered a warp drive and the way to power it? Could you imagine? The possibilities? If we were able to find livable worlds? For one, Republicans could live their ideological aspirations. A world without minorities or government or technology. Where the church and business controls the government and decides your life for you.. A world without regulations or speed limits. Every man for himself. A world without health care, help for the poor or the elderly or even children. Without minorities, they would only need to kill gays. Gays would be the only ones left for the GOP to hate.
Too funny. Now leftards claim the speed of light is not limited.
Imagine the resources this country could get if we developed a warp drive.

You've been watching too much science fiction. Not going to happen in our lifetime. Possibly can't ever happen due to basic laws of physics. Lots of things are theoretically possible on paper but just not realistic. This is one of those things. Before we have warp drive, we'll have teleportation.

I'd be happy with a simple shuttle equipped with a protein re-sequencer and an engine that can travel at 1/4 impulse.

I like the Space Elevator idea. I think something like that might be doable in the near future.
Imagine the resources this country could get if we developed a warp drive.

You've been watching too much science fiction. Not going to happen in our lifetime. Possibly can't ever happen due to basic laws of physics. Lots of things are theoretically possible on paper but just not realistic. This is one of those things. Before we have warp drive, we'll have teleportation.

I'd be happy with a simple shuttle equipped with a protein re-sequencer and an engine that can travel at 1/4 impulse.

I like the Space Elevator idea. I think something like that might be doable in the near future.
Our civilization can't even add a lane to a freeway on flat ground within 5 years anymore.

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