Yes, that IS Ashley Biden's Diary ... GROSS!!!

This case clearly involves banana republic level abuse of power, suppression of constitutional rights, and maybe the most disturbing thing of all: verification that our president is most likely a pedo.
And this is the SHIT you write about.

Feel better now about your FAKE Stories?
Everything you know is crap GOP propaganda. Try journalism.

We are way past trolls like you trying to throw fairy dust on the Joe Biden Pedo Play and the Hunter Biden "boy genius" narrative.

Give it up.

You backed a sick Celery Stalk whose son turned out to be a real Brussel sprout.
Reach. Reach. Keeping reaching. You might get there someday. It's all coming apart for you, isn't it?
Must be know that no one but you true believers think this is something to get excited about.
Kinda makes you people freaks..doesn't it? :)
How doesn’t feel to be proved so wrong so all the time ?
How doesn’t feel to be proved so wrong so all the time ?
Are you having a stroke? Should I have called a doctor?
Wallow in your conspiracy theories. They obviously give you comfort.
The rest of us will live in reality and hope for the day when you idiots are finally marginalized.
Are you having a stroke? Should I have called a doctor?
Wallow in your conspiracy theories. They obviously give you comfort.
The rest of us will live in reality and hope for the day when you idiots are finally marginalized.
Oh. I missed the auto mis correct from “does it” to “doesn’t.” Please don’t cry. I swear, it’s ok.

I don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories.

Consider yourself marginalized. Wish granted.
It's fake news and hateful idiocy like all GOP bs ....

Snopes Admits Ashley Biden’s Diary Is Genuine, So Let’s Talk About What It Says

16 May 2024 ~~ By Matt Margolis

When Hunter Biden's laptop, with all its crazy photographs and incriminating emails, came to light before the 2020 presidential election, the media colluded to ignore the story completely, dubbing the laptop Russian disinformation. If you dared to speak of it on social media, you were lucky if your posts would just be suppressed or censored instead of having your account disabled.
The laptop was, of course, completely genuine, and the mainstream media conveniently (and quietly) only admitted so after the election.
Another incriminating Biden family artifact that was made public during the campaign was the Ashley Biden diary, which, like the Hunter Biden laptop, was immediately dismissed by the media and fact-checking websites as unproven. Project Veritas had purchased the diary but chose not to publish it because they couldn't authenticate it. It was arguably the correct call, though when the site National File published it, many were convinced it was, indeed authentic. However, the diary was absent from the conversation because the media wouldn't talk about it.
Well, like the laptop before it, the diary has now been authenticated. Not only that, it's been authenticated by none other than Ashley Biden herself, and the left-wing fact-checking website Snopes, which originally dismissed the diary as "unproven," quietly changed its rating to "True."
See: Have Contents of 'Ashley Biden's Diary' Been Verified?
There's no excuse for the mainstream media not to acknowledge the existence of the diary or to discuss the disturbing passage(s) relating to Joe Biden's inappropriate behavior with his young daughter.
Despite the authenticity of the diary being proven, the mainstream media won't cover it. We will. Of course, reporting such things and asking questions that the media doesn't want us to know the answers to puts us at great risk.

Typically this is wrong. Was Joe grooming his daughter? Why wou;d Ashley claim she was veing sexualized?
Weird? Ehat did Joe do during these supposed warm showers with his daughter?
"Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma – I remember not liking the woolzacks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with Friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate). Being turned on when I wasn’t supposed to be."
After this retraction by Snopes Snopes this should be the last to go for a fact check. Politics makes strange bedfwllows, especially when child molestation and trafficking vecomes so blatant.
Oh. I missed the auto mis correct from “does it” to “doesn’t.” Please don’t cry. I swear, it’s ok.

I don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories.

Consider yourself marginalized. Wish granted.
One word can change the meaning of an entire sentence. That's why you proof read.
But I was just concerned that you might be experiencing an event.

You are constantly putting forth conspiracy theories on this board.
One word can change the meaning of an entire sentence. That's why you proof read.
But I was just concerned that you might be experiencing an event.

You are constantly putting forth conspiracy theories on this board.
You misuse the term. You’re intellectually lazy or just dishonest.

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