Yesterday Was Peak “Muh Russia” – The Lanny Davis Gig Isn’t Turning Out The Way Media Intended….


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Yesterday Was Peak “Muh Russia” – The Lanny Davis Gig Isn’t Turning Out The Way Media Intended….
The pesky thing about the truth is its figurative ambivalence to any feelings or emotions that surrounds it. A few counter-intuitive media appearances by Michael Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, highlights this point succinctly.

Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller has been brilliantly monitoring the statements by far-left Clinton sycophant/convenient Cohen lawyer, Lanny Davis. Two big admissions today are toxic to the previously preferred media narrative.

In one interview Lanny Davis tells CNN, per his client, candidate Donald Trump had no knowledgeof the Trump Tower meeting between Don Jr. and Natalia Veselnitskaya.

(Via Daily Caller) […] “So Michael Cohen does not have information that President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians beforehand or even after?” CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Davis.

“No, he does not,” replied Davis, a longtime Clinton insider who started representing Cohen earlier this summer.

Davis’s bombshell statement severely undercuts a July 27 CNN report that Cohen was willing to tell special counsel Robert Mueller that he was in a meeting when Donald Trump Jr. told his father about an offer to meet with a group of Russians who wanted to provide dirt on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. (read more)

In a second, earlier admission, lawyer Lanny Davis undercut the preferred narrative surrounding the validity of the Clinton/Steele Dossier:

(Via Daily Caller) […] Davis dealt another major blow to the allegations of Trump campaign collusion when he said in an interview with Bloomberg News that the Steele dossier’s allegations about Cohen are “false.”

“Thirteen references to Mr. Cohen are false in the dossier, but he has never been to Prague in his life,” Davis said.

The dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, alleged that Cohen visited Prague in August 2016 as part of a “clandestine” operation to collude with Kremlin insiders to influence the 2016 election. Dossier author Christopher Steele claimed that Cohen arranged payments to hackers to carry out the scheme.

“Never, ever, ever in Prague,” Davis reiterated in an interview on MSNBC later Wednesday. (link)

The intelligence mistake of Michael Cohen traveling to Prague, is a direct-line thread connecting the FBI/DOJ FISA(702)(16)(17) database searches to Fusion-GPS, contractors, and the Steele dossier. As such there would be a very strong motive for similarly aligned political entities within the U.S. intelligence apparatus to take strong action to cloud the connection. In short they have always needed to lower and cloud the connection.

Thus the origin of the July 31st, 2016, FBI Counterintelligence Operation against candidate Trump began as an unofficial outcome of an unofficial CIA referral (John Brennan) connected to unofficial contacts with political and intelligence people within the U.K and Australia. An unofficial and Machiavellian construct.

After Donald Trump won the election, all of the aligned intelligence entities -including Obama officials therein- were now at risk. Hence “the insurance policy”. The issues extend beyond the unlawful activity of the DOJ and FBI; however, one of the trails of their collective activity ended up inside the Steele Dossier with the false fact surrounding Michael Cohen in Prague.

The intelligence apparatus needed to create something, anything, that removed the connection; and, as if on cue…. one of the original leaks from the Mueller Teamspecifically targeted this threat:

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department special counsel has evidence that Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and confidant, Michael Cohen, secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

Confirmation of the trip would lend credence to a retired British spy’s report that Cohen strategized there with a powerful Kremlin figure about Russian meddling in the U.S. election. (read more)

This is where it becomes critical to remind yourself of how far this group went to manipulate the outcomes of the election. Do not sell these Machiavellian-mind people short. Remember, one of the key benefits of the raid on Michael Cohen was to create the architecture underneath fabricated media narratives (stories). The actual content of evidence captured in the FBI raid was/is irrelevant; at the time, they needed the basic element of truth -that the raid took place- as the foundation downstream propaganda.

The U.K., Australia and the U.S. intelligence apparatus, foreign (cia) and domestic (fbi/doj-nsd) collaborated to influence the 2016 U.S. election outcome. As such, those same entities had a vested interest in creating a false series of facts that removed the threat within the false Michael Cohen Prague visit.

The “small group” of Mueller activists within the DOJ and FBI needed to create any alternate appearance in order to cover for the very real likelihood the intelligence apparatus used Christopher Steele to launder search outcomes from the abuse of the U.S. FISA database (NSA, FBI and DOJ-NSD). This Mueller crew needed to create a plausible way the specific Cohen event could have made it into the Steele Dossier without using U.S. intelligence databases.

The raid on Michael Cohen initially created the basis for affirming a false claim. The use of friendly foreign intelligence to potentially substantiate false claims was the plausible deniability they need. Everything is essentially propaganda.

They knew they would lose a fact battle, so they chose to fight a propaganda war.
…that’s the essential argument made by James Comey’s friend Benjamin Wittes in his plan of action written in October 2016 when he described the “insurance policy” – in his outline of what to do in the unlikely event Trump wins. You might remember that Wittes was the friend FBI Director James Comey used to leak his memos to the New York Times.

Remember this?

Yesterday Was Peak “Muh Russia” – The Lanny Davis Gig Isn’t Turning Out The Way Media Intended….

Looks like we can put the Cohen guilty plea in the "liberal plan to take down TRUMP" backfire column. :blowup:


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