Yet another example of how republicans fight for the 'little guy'

The bigger question OB is how have all the little people benefited more from Democrats?
  • San Fran is now overrun with homeless.
  • Inflation is eating up the poor man's wages.
  • More than ever are dependant of government aid.
Nice deflection..get back on topic..the big republican tax cut in 2017 was nothing but a big gift for the 2%ers DISGUISED as a BIG tax break for working Americans
Nice deflection..get back on topic..the big republican tax cut in 2017 was nothing but a big gift for the 2%ers DISGUISED as a BIG tax break for working Americans

Which wasn't enough because now they need trillions of dollars to stay afloat to operate their businesses with the governments support of an infrastructure bill and other bills they want to pass with Biden's approval.

Will the banks be bailed out again next year so the CEOs can take another Bahama getaway on their bonuses?


Nice deflection..get back on topic..the big republican tax cut in 2017 was nothing but a big gift for the 2%ers DISGUISED as a BIG tax break for working Americans
And of course you're simply lying. Working Americans certainly did get a federal tax break.

I've saved money every quarter since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act went into effect.

Unemployment also went lower than any economists predicted. Lower than any time since the draft.

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