Yet another recycled fanatic-liberal lie: "Waterboarding didn't produce any useful information"


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Looks like the liberals are scraping the bottom of the barrel, after their historic landslide defeat at the polls on Nov. 4.

They've hurriedly published a hit piece on the GWB administration, disguised as a Senate report (disavowed by half the Senate) pretending we practiced "torture" on terrorists who attacked us, when it wasn't even torture.

Another fib that permeates the "report", is the assertion that we got no useful information from the terrorists after using waterboarding, sleep deprivation and other harsh interrogation methods.

How quickly they forget, that those techniques got us the information that Osama bin Laden was using couriers to send and receive information to his fellow terrorists... and the exact identity of some of those couriers.

After getting that information by waterboarding terrorists like Khalid Sheik Mohammed, we then began tracking those couriers... and one of them led us straight to bin Laden's hideaway in Pakistan. One Navy SEAL mission later, Osama bin Laden was dead.

That takes care of that lie.

I wonder what other falsehoods the liberal fanatics will try to push on us, in their desperate desire to pretend the country is mean and worthless?

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