Yiannopoulos...just kidding about shooting journalist

Right....and trump was just joking about mocking a handicapped reporter
Fake News. In other words, YOU LIE. This has been proven a lie over and over, but you just keep saying stupid shit.

You will need to be blind or a hopeless trump leg humper not to see trump mocking the reporter's crippled arm. Why do you people lie over and over.
Milo Yiannopoulos: My call for shooting journalists was just a 'troll'

Right....and trump was just joking about mocking a handicapped reporter. And he was just kidding about promoting violence at his rally. And he was just making a joke about Russia finding Hillary emails....and finally....

He was just joking about the media being America's enemy. Boy...those jokes are just killing people.....huh....

Trump didn't mock a handicapped reporter. Since you started out with a lie, the rest of your post can't be trusted.
Right....and trump was just joking about mocking a handicapped reporter
Fake News. In other words, YOU LIE. This has been proven a lie over and over, but you just keep saying stupid shit.

Right.... So when his arm was flailing around....it was just a coincident that the reporter has an arm that resembles trumps mocking. You and your lying so called president are POSs.

Right....and trump was just joking about mocking a handicapped reporter
Fake News. In other words, YOU LIE. This has been proven a lie over and over, but you just keep saying stupid shit.

You will need to be blind or a hopeless trump leg humper not to see trump mocking the reporter's crippled arm. Why do you people lie over and over.

The founder of #walkaway, a gay democrat who is walking away from the democrat party went through this when he told his story. He went back to the 90s as Trump made fun of people and that is his gesture for people who lie and act like asses...and besides....the reporter had a bad hand, you doofus.......

Here you go, you lying doofus....

#WalkAway Campaign Urges Fed-Up Democrats to Leave the Party

He said his evolution away from the lies began when he saw a video that exposed the lie that Trump had made fun of a reporter's disability.

"It's a compilation of footage going back to like the nineties," Straka told Harris. "It's him doing that exact same voice, and that exact same gesture numerous times when he's talking about numerous people in numerous situations," he explained.

"The key common thread witj all of them is -- it's a voice and a gesture that he does when he's making fun of someone who's been caught in a lie, or someone who's done something shady or... dishonest and they've gotten caught. It had nothing to do at all with this person's physical disability. Nothing!" Straka exclaimed.

That revelation led to his realization that the media has gotten a lot of stories wrong about Trump -- including his alleged claim that all Mexicans are rapists and his alleged sexual abuse of women.
Milo Yiannopoulos: My call for shooting journalists was just a 'troll'

Right....and trump was just joking about mocking a handicapped reporter. And he was just kidding about promoting violence at his rally. And he was just making a joke about Russia finding Hillary emails....and finally....

He was just joking about the media being America's enemy. Boy...those jokes are just killing people.....huh....

Trump didn't mock a handicapped reporter. Since you started out with a lie, the rest of your post can't be trusted.
Yes he did. Everybody saw it on the tv.
Right....and trump was just joking about mocking a handicapped reporter
Fake News. In other words, YOU LIE. This has been proven a lie over and over, but you just keep saying stupid shit.

You will need to be blind or a hopeless trump leg humper not to see trump mocking the reporter's crippled arm. Why do you people lie over and over.

The founder of #walkaway, a gay democrat who is walking away from the democrat party went through this when he told his story. He went back to the 90s as Trump made fun of people and that is his gesture for people who lie and act like asses...and besides....the reporter had a bad hand, you doofus.......

Here you go, you lying doofus....

#WalkAway Campaign Urges Fed-Up Democrats to Leave the Party

He said his evolution away from the lies began when he saw a video that exposed the lie that Trump had made fun of a reporter's disability.

"It's a compilation of footage going back to like the nineties," Straka told Harris. "It's him doing that exact same voice, and that exact same gesture numerous times when he's talking about numerous people in numerous situations," he explained.

"The key common thread witj all of them is -- it's a voice and a gesture that he does when he's making fun of someone who's been caught in a lie, or someone who's done something shady or... dishonest and they've gotten caught. It had nothing to do at all with this person's physical disability. Nothing!" Straka exclaimed.

That revelation led to his realization that the media has gotten a lot of stories wrong about Trump -- including his alleged claim that all Mexicans are rapists and his alleged sexual abuse of women.

Milo Yiannopoulos: My call for shooting journalists was just a 'troll'

Right....and trump was just joking about mocking a handicapped reporter. And he was just kidding about promoting violence at his rally. And he was just making a joke about Russia finding Hillary emails....and finally....

He was just joking about the media being America's enemy. Boy...those jokes are just killing people.....huh....

Trump didn't mock a handicapped reporter. Since you started out with a lie, the rest of your post can't be trusted.
Yes he did. Everybody saw it on the tv.

Face it...trump is a slug....that needs to be scraped off the bottom of my shoe.
it's a voice and a gesture that he does when he's making fun of someone who's been caught in a lie
Except it was Donnie Dirt Bag who was caught in a lie, so your rationalization for Tramp mocking a reporter's disability does not hold water!
Right....and trump was just joking about mocking a handicapped reporter
Fake News. In other words, YOU LIE. This has been proven a lie over and over, but you just keep saying stupid shit.

Right.... So when his arm was flailing around....it was just a coincident that the reporter has an arm that resembles trumps mocking. You and your lying so called president are POSs.

He made the same gestures when making fun of other people. He had no idea the man was handicapped, and the handicapped man in question doesn’t flail his arms around anyway. The so called journalist lied his ass off and was acting like a retard about it, and that’s why he was called out by the Donald.
Sarah Palin said the same kind of stuff and a senator got shot in the face.

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