You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming

LOL! Right wing policy collapse almost put the entire country in a depression.
LOL! Right wing policy collapse almost put the entire country in a depression.
That would be a cool story...if it had ever happened. Thankfully conservative policy has rescued the U.S. from every depression and recession the left has created.
The problem with Left wing policy is.....

There's more than enough abject morons around who actually are stupid enough to support it's idiocy.
LOL! Right wing policy collapse almost put the entire country in a depression.
That would be a cool story...if it had ever happened. Thankfully conservative policy has rescued the U.S. from every depression and recession the left has created.

Since that did not happen. I see that I am talking to a complete nut.
LOL! Right wing policy collapse almost put the entire country in a depression.
That would be a cool story...if it had ever happened. Thankfully conservative policy has rescued the U.S. from every depression and recession the left has created.
Since that did not happen. I see that I am talking to a complete nut.
I see I’m talking to someone who is not only ignorant of history, but who also swallows the left-wing propaganda as quickly as her masters can feed it to her.
LOL! Right wing policy collapse almost put the entire country in a depression.
That would be a cool story...if it had ever happened. Thankfully conservative policy has rescued the U.S. from every depression and recession the left has created.

Really now. You really want me to document the recessions and the depression,. the causes, etc. and who was in charge at the time? As the old timers once said, it'll cost you a new hat.
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
Georgetown’s bet against fossil fuel prices cost the city-owned utility nearly $7 million this year, and prompted officials to look for a way out of long-term contracts for solar and wind energy.
This is how idiotic left-wing policy always ends. With costs (and poverty) skyrocketing and resources/production plummeting. Show me left-wing policy and I will show you Venezuela-like results every time.

Texas City Featured in Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Sequel’ Lost Millions in Its Green Energy Gamble
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
Georgetown’s bet against fossil fuel prices cost the city-owned utility nearly $7 million this year, and prompted officials to look for a way out of long-term contracts for solar and wind energy.
This is how idiotic left-wing policy always ends. With costs (and poverty) skyrocketing and resources/production plummeting. Show me left-wing policy and I will show you Venezuela-like results every time.

Texas City Featured in Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Sequel’ Lost Millions in Its Green Energy Gamble

Yet, there are areas in the US where they have gone energy neutral that have made money and cleaned up their cities. Montrose, Co. is trying to get away from it's current electric provider that only uses coal, oil and NG to generate electricity and go to a New Mexico Provider that also uses some Renewables mixed in and they are 20% cheaper in rates. The state of Colorado is moving to renewables fast with or without your help.
The reality of our history is that when America is threatened by war. recession/depression or time of crisis we seem to elect Democrats to cope with the problem, An example: during the Great Depression we called on Hoover for help, and his response was to loan businesses money at low rates. So which is it: the Republicans simply can't cope with crisis or their ideas of coping are to help maintain, not the nation, but the wealthy?

?. The Republican party has a one-track answer for our problems: help the wealthy with tax cuts
The reality of our history is that when America is threatened by war. recession/depression or time of crisis we seem to elect Democrats to cope with the problem, An example: during the Great Depression we called on Hoover for help, and his response was to loan businesses money at low rates. So which is it: the Republicans simply can't cope with crisis or their ideas of coping are to help maintain, not the nation, but the wealthy?

?. The Republican party has a one-track answer for our problems: help the wealthy with tax cuts

You missed where Hoover came up with the bright idea to dramatically raise Tariffs and the rest of the world decided they no longer wanted to trade with the US. Prices went sky high, the docks filled up with what should have been exports, etc.. Does any of this sound familiar?
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
The amazing thing about our species tribal thinking is the constant assertions from both left and right each is entirely wrong.
As to this weird idea only the left induce catastrophic failure I’d no idea the Wall St banking community who triggered the Global Financial Crisis were left wing. How very interesting.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
The amazing thing about our species tribal thinking is the constant assertions from both left and right each is entirely wrong.
As to this weird idea only the left induce catastrophic failure I’d no idea the Wall St banking community who triggered the Global Financial Crisis were left wing. How very interesting.

Does that mean Herbert Hoover was left wing and FDR was right wing? Must be if we accept Patboys logic. Hoover either caused it (he had a big hand in causing the depression) or he didn't take the necessary steps to prevent it. FDR inherited a powder keg that was very close to becoming a full blown armed Revolution. I doubt he agreed with his own actions nor did congress their actions but they had to do something fast to get the confidence of the public back and the guns put away. The USArmy was only 75,000 by law back then but there were over 3 1/2 million armed hungry, cold and pissed off Veterans from WWI. It's hard to fire a gun when your hands are full of shovels and picks.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
The amazing thing about our species tribal thinking is the constant assertions from both left and right each is entirely wrong.
As to this weird idea only the left induce catastrophic failure I’d no idea the Wall St banking community who triggered the Global Financial Crisis were left wing. How very interesting.

Does that mean Herbert Hoover was left wing and FDR was right wing? Must be if we accept Patboys logic. Hoover either caused it (he had a big hand in causing the depression) or he didn't take the necessary steps to prevent it. FDR inherited a powder keg that was very close to becoming a full blown armed Revolution. I doubt he agreed with his own actions nor did congress their actions but they had to do something fast to get the confidence of the public back and the guns put away. The USArmy was only 75,000 by law back then but there were over 3 1/2 million armed hungry, cold and pissed off Veterans from WWI. It's hard to fire a gun when your hands are full of shovels and picks.
Interesting how the question of the Wall St thugs who triggered the Global Financial Crisis escaped your attention.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
The amazing thing about our species tribal thinking is the constant assertions from both left and right each is entirely wrong.
As to this weird idea only the left induce catastrophic failure I’d no idea the Wall St banking community who triggered the Global Financial Crisis were left wing. How very interesting.

Does that mean Herbert Hoover was left wing and FDR was right wing? Must be if we accept Patboys logic. Hoover either caused it (he had a big hand in causing the depression) or he didn't take the necessary steps to prevent it. FDR inherited a powder keg that was very close to becoming a full blown armed Revolution. I doubt he agreed with his own actions nor did congress their actions but they had to do something fast to get the confidence of the public back and the guns put away. The USArmy was only 75,000 by law back then but there were over 3 1/2 million armed hungry, cold and pissed off Veterans from WWI. It's hard to fire a gun when your hands are full of shovels and picks.
Interesting how the question of the Wall St thugs who triggered the Global Financial Crisis escaped your attention.

They are neither Left nor right. They are pure Capitalist. Unlike their Grand Daddies who thought in the long run terms, these clowns only think in short term and how much money they can make the quickest. Never mistake a Crook for anything other than a crook.
LOL! Right wing policy collapse almost put the entire country in a depression.
That would be a cool story...if it had ever happened. Thankfully conservative policy has rescued the U.S. from every depression and recession the left has created.

And just whom was President and controlled congress in the 1920s? It wasn't the Democrats.
And just whom was President and controlled congress in the 1920s? It wasn't the Democrats.
You’re right. The Dumbocrats weren’t President or “controlling” Congress during the Roaring 20’s. One of - if not thee - most prosperous times in the history of the United States.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
these clowns only think in short term and how much money they can make the quickest. Never mistake a Crook for anything other than a crook.
Pure communist ignorance there. A person who accumulates wealth quickly is a “crook” even if they did it legally and morally.
And just whom was President and controlled congress in the 1920s? It wasn't the Democrats.
You’re right. The Dumbocrats weren’t President or “controlling” Congress during the Roaring 20’s. One of - if not thee - most prosperous times in the history of the United States.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Your response is exactly what brought on the 1929 Depression. Thanks for showing that you aren't any brighter than they were. Doing the same thing over and over and being surprised you get the same results. You can't make this stupid up.
And just whom was President and controlled congress in the 1920s? It wasn't the Democrats.
You’re right. The Dumbocrats weren’t President or “controlling” Congress during the Roaring 20’s. One of - most prosperous times in the history of the United States.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Those most prosperous of times was the preparation time needed for the Republicans to create the greatest depression in our history. We tried first a Republican, Hoover, but he increased the depression so the nation dumped him and elected FDR. Had FDR lived we would probably still be voting for him.

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