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"You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of pros

They certainly aren't Starving as they gobble up junk food while watching their big screen TVs.

There are serious issues with the status of the poor in our society - lack of food is not one of them.

This is one of my favorite right wing tactics. Take attention away from the rich by blaming the poor. Its the old "Poor people drive Escalades" myth. Selling the mistruth that the poor are living high off the hog.

I personally,am more concerned with the working poor. Those Americans who work 40-50 hours a week and have less and less to show for it. People who would lose everything if they become sick, people who must assume tens of thousands in debt to send their kids to college, people who wonder if they should pay the doctor bill or the rent.

Used to be, you could support a family on a high school education and one spouse working. That American dream has anished as the wealthy have become richer and the standard of living has declined

Blah blah blah.

You and your fellow cadre of Pea Green With Envy Morons started this attacking nonsense in the first place.

If uneducated people can no longer support their families on unskilled labor, perhaps you should look at why they are uneducated and unskilled instead of attacking those who are actually in a position to create jobs for qualified people.

Hmmmm...look who is engaging in class warfare now

The majority of Americans fall into the class of people you attack in this post. They are people who graduated High School, joined the military, have sellable job skills but find they are being offered less and less for those skills.

Your "let them eat cake" attitude makes me sick
This is one of my favorite right wing tactics. Take attention away from the rich by blaming the poor. Its the old "Poor people drive Escalades" myth. Selling the mistruth that the poor are living high off the hog.

I personally,am more concerned with the working poor. Those Americans who work 40-50 hours a week and have less and less to show for it. People who would lose everything if they become sick, people who must assume tens of thousands in debt to send their kids to college, people who wonder if they should pay the doctor bill or the rent.

Used to be, you could support a family on a high school education and one spouse working. That American dream has anished as the wealthy have become richer and the standard of living has declined

Blah blah blah.

You and your fellow cadre of Pea Green With Envy Morons started this attacking nonsense in the first place.

If uneducated people can no longer support their families on unskilled labor, perhaps you should look at why they are uneducated and unskilled instead of attacking those who are actually in a position to create jobs for qualified people.

Hmmmm...look who is engaging in class warfare now

The majority of Americans fall into the class of people you attack in this post. They are people who graduated High School, joined the military, have sellable job skills but find they are being offered less and less for those skills.

Your "let them eat cake" attitude makes me sick
Feeling locked out of the American Dream?
well, no... but then again, Abe Lincoln wouldn't be a republican now.

but to the "point" of the thread... the middle class doesn't exist without protection and a society where businesses are unfettered looks like Dickens' England.

Or should we go back to the days of sweat shops so as not to somehow offend corporatists?

Ummm...we have never left the "days of sweat shops".
Chances are right now what you are wearing was made by people making between $.50 - $1.00 an hour working usually 14 hours a day.
The fight against capitalism isn't over.

The Right would have us surrender what we've won and join the children in the sweatshop- all in the name of a bigger profit margin.

this is a good example if liberal democraticraticrat drama
i love the word "fluff" how 'bout constitutional capitalist candy

Your "let them eat cake" attitude makes me sick

how bout "let them work harder... we do"
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Let us know when anyone advocates making the rich poor.

I've seen no such proposals in congress.

Care to join us in the real world, now?

Why should anyone wish to make the rich poor? What possible benefit would that achieve?

To stimulate economic growth by putting their money in circulation instead of investments.

That is economically ignorant and destructive. Without investments to create goods and services, upon what would that circulated money be spent?

You clearly do not grok the importance of the role of capital for healthy growth.
"You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

Adrian Rogers, 1931

Wonderful quote! Have to add that to my list of favorites.

Simplistic noise.


A waste of time.


"Yes we can!"
Once again, the right wing takes everything to the absurd extremes. Nobody is confiscating the wealth of the rich and giving it to the poor. Yes, you are right. There is a redistribution of wealth going on. It is removing wealth from the working class and giving it to the wealthy.

Guess what? Nobody came to the working class and confiscated their bank accounts. It was done slowly and methodically as wages did not keep up with the cost of living, housing prices skyrocketed, education costs skyrocketed, the cost of healthcare went through the roof. The working class was told to sacrifice and work harder. So they did, they put in more hours for a lower standard of living and the rich got richer

Workers were told that if we only cut taxes on the wealthy (the people who give them jobs) that this money would actually "trickle down" in the form of more jobs, higher wages and a surging economy. Guess what happend to the money? The rich just kept it

What we found out is 'trickle down' was a Trojan Horse for what conservatives have always built since the beginning of time...aristocracies, plutocracies, oligarchies and monarchies.


Ummm...we have never left the "days of sweat shops".
Chances are right now what you are wearing was made by people making between $.50 - $1.00 an hour working usually 14 hours a day.
The fight against capitalism isn't over.

The Right would have us surrender what we've won and join the children in the sweatshop- all in the name of a bigger profit margin.

this is a good example if liberal democraticraticrat drama
i love the word "fluff" how 'bout constitutional capitalist candy

Your "let them eat cake" attitude makes me sick



I'm neither a Liberal nor a Democrat.
how bout "let them work harder... we do

How many CEOs are there working on the factory floor? Many modern corporations have been around for some time- the CEOs did not found the company, nor do they labour to create wealth.

Yet we're to give them more tax breaks while they buy old masterpieces and new ferraris and the common man struggles to get by?
Oh Noessssss!!!11!!!111!!!!!!

JB has played the Ferrari Card.
Blah blah blah.

You and your fellow cadre of Pea Green With Envy Morons started this attacking nonsense in the first place.

If uneducated people can no longer support their families on unskilled labor, perhaps you should look at why they are uneducated and unskilled instead of attacking those who are actually in a position to create jobs for qualified people.

Hmmmm...look who is engaging in class warfare now

The majority of Americans fall into the class of people you attack in this post. They are people who graduated High School, joined the military, have sellable job skills but find they are being offered less and less for those skills.

Your "let them eat cake" attitude makes me sick
Feeling locked out of the American Dream?
Communists are stupid.
Why should anyone wish to make the rich poor? What possible benefit would that achieve?

To stimulate economic growth by putting their money in circulation instead of investments.

That is economically ignorant and destructive. Without investments to create goods and services, upon what would that circulated money be spent?

You clearly do not grok the importance of the role of capital for healthy growth.
Shintao is a known troll

Noon's suggesting 'making the rich poor' or 'taxing the rich onto the streets' or any of the other hyperbolic bullshit the Right loves to go on about.

We're just talking about evening the playing field (thereby enabling true market competition) and giving the common man a chance at a decent life.

You know, like we did the first time, making it possible for the middle class to exist in the first place.

the conservative alternative
The fight against capitalism isn't over.

The Right would have us surrender what we've won and join the children in the sweatshop- all in the name of a bigger profit margin.

this is a good example if liberal democraticraticrat drama
i love the word "fluff" how 'bout constitutional capitalist candy"

Your "let them eat cake" attitude makes me sick



I'm neither a Liberal nor a Democrat.
how bout "let them work harder... we do

How many CEOs are there working on the factory floor? Many modern corporations have been around for some time- the CEOs did not found the company, nor do they labour to create wealth.

Yet we're to give them more tax breaks while they buy old masterpieces and new ferraris and the common man struggles to get by?

would you rather the chinese own the masterpieces ? i cant tell you how many "important" works go right from southeby's in nyc to the orient...what about world market valuation ? why shouldn't i have a ferrari in this country ? tell me that bertram scudder..
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Hmmmm...look who is engaging in class warfare now

The majority of Americans fall into the class of people you attack in this post. They are people who graduated High School, joined the military, have sellable job skills but find they are being offered less and less for those skills.

Your "let them eat cake" attitude makes me sick
Feeling locked out of the American Dream?
Communists are stupid.
A brilliant refutation.

Let me try.

Capitalists are retarded.
To stimulate economic growth by putting their money in circulation instead of investments.

That is economically ignorant and destructive. Without investments to create goods and services, upon what would that circulated money be spent?

You clearly do not grok the importance of the role of capital for healthy growth.
Shintao is a known troll

Noon's suggesting 'making the rich poor' or 'taxing the rich onto the streets' or any of the other hyperbolic bullshit the Right loves to go on about.

We're just talking about evening the playing field (thereby enabling true market competition) and giving the common man a chance at a decent life.

You know, like we did the first time, making it possible for the middle class to exist in the first place.

the conservative alternative

I'm all for getting rid of all transfer payments and letting the markets decide.

That is not how Progressives intend to level the playing field, however. Their policies will just make everyone poorer, except of course, the elite Ruling Class who will divide up the leftovers once they and their favored waiver receiving cronies pick over the spoils.
this is a good example if liberal democraticraticrat drama
i love the word "fluff" how 'bout constitutional capitalist candy

Your "let them eat cake" attitude makes me sick



I'm neither a Liberal nor a Democrat.
how bout "let them work harder... we do
How many CEOs are there working on the factory floor? Many modern corporations have been around for some time- the CEOs did not found the company, nor do they labour to create wealth.

Yet we're to give them more tax breaks while they buy old masterpieces and new ferraris and the common man struggles to get by?

would you rather the chinese own the masterpieces ? what about world market valuation ?

Why do I care who owns a bunch of old paintings?

World Market? Let me guess, you're a free trade idiot?
Runs deep the envy in this thread it does.
That is economically ignorant and destructive. Without investments to create goods and services, upon what would that circulated money be spent?

You clearly do not grok the importance of the role of capital for healthy growth.
Shintao is a known troll

Noon's suggesting 'making the rich poor' or 'taxing the rich onto the streets' or any of the other hyperbolic bullshit the Right loves to go on about.

We're just talking about evening the playing field (thereby enabling true market competition) and giving the common man a chance at a decent life.

You know, like we did the first time, making it possible for the middle class to exist in the first place.

the conservative alternative

I'm all for getting rid of all transfer payments and letting the markets decide.

The 'free market' gave us the slums of the industrial age prior to socialist reforms

'The markets' gave us rivers that caught fire- and continues to give us flaming water where the merging of corporate and state power (read: fascism) renders those reforms null

That is not how Progressives intend to level the playing field, however. Their policies will just make everyone poorer, except of course, the elite Ruling Class who will divide up the leftovers once they and their favored waiver receiving cronies pick over the spoils.

Sounds like the Republicans with their massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans

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