You don't know how hard it is....

You seem to have had no problamo before doing it..I can't have the one I like, so I do with what I have....
You seem to have had no problamo before doing it..I can't have the one I like, so I do with what I have....

I made a bet - I have to keep this one until Feb 23 (ack!) - anyway.... could be worse I guess.....

Which is the one you like/want?
for me NOT to change my Profile Pic shadow355

I'm dyin' here!!!!
If you are as cute as you seem put up a pic. Or do like the others and put up a fake. I don't care if its not you. I'm thinking Mariann from Gilligan's island.

No one but you will even remember this one. Change it.
You seem to have had no problamo before doing it..I can't have the one I like, so I do with what I have....

I made a bet - I have to keep this one until Feb 23 (ack!) - anyway.... could be worse I guess.....

Which is the one you like/want?
I had one on the old forum OS that was a gif, no gif's on this OS..

You can convert a gif to another format.... if you still have it I could do it, or, could find one, but, I think this is your identity now..............
for me NOT to change my Profile Pic shadow355

I'm dyin' here!!!!
If you are as cute as you seem put up a pic. Or do like the others and put up a fake. I don't care if its not you. I'm thinking Mariann from Gilligan's island.

No one but you will even remember this one. Change it.

awww.... I have never been told I seem cute - that's awesome! Mariann! Even more awesome! :)
No, I'm try to see if I can keep the bet -- Feb 23 is not that far away.... <pout>.....
for me NOT to change my Profile Pic shadow355

I'm dyin' here!!!!
If you are as cute as you seem put up a pic. Or do like the others and put up a fake. I don't care if its not you. I'm thinking Mariann from Gilligan's island.

No one but you will even remember this one. Change it.

awww.... I have never been told I seem cute - that's awesome! Mariann! Even more awesome! :)
No, I'm try to see if I can keep the bet -- Feb 23 is not that far away.... <pout>.....

-- Feb 23 is not that far away.... <pout>.....

" Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."
You seem to have had no problamo before doing it..I can't have the one I like, so I do with what I have....

I made a bet - I have to keep this one until Feb 23 (ack!) - anyway.... could be worse I guess.....

Which is the one you like/want?
I had one on the old forum OS that was a gif, no gif's on this OS..

You can convert a gif to another format.... if you still have it I could do it, or, could find one, but, I think this is your identity now..............
I have always had Bart mooning......before it was a gif of Bart pulling his pants down to Moon and then pulled his pants back up....
Hey Bonzi, I think this one should be your next avie. ;)

You seem to have had no problamo before doing it..I can't have the one I like, so I do with what I have....

I made a bet - I have to keep this one until Feb 23 (ack!) - anyway.... could be worse I guess.....

Which is the one you like/want?

Feb 23rd @ 9:00 am to be precise.

Think of your avatar as you with a new and wild hair style. A style ...... That fits your posts. :) ;)

Chow baby ----- Shadow

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