You have gotta love Ky's GOP Governor's race....too funny!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
For decades, our Ky Hillbillies have been wise enough to keep our state democratic and for that and that alone I give em creds.....(sigh)...this latest bunch..are too funny for words.....All of em, all trying to get that hillbilly vote, all caught with their Anti Obamacare, Anti government, Anti you name faced. Each one of these GOP hypocrites, got their wealth, there lively hood from GOVERNMENT FARM SUBSIDIES....IE THE very damned government these lunatics are rallying against. They kinda remind us all of Rand Paul, another Anti government hypocrite, who got his wealth guessed it, The Federal Government through medicaid and medicare payments from his clients.

I'm convinced Republicans love getting federal dollars, they just don't want anyone else getting em. Anyways, these GOP lunatics are not only welfare kings, but its clear they don't pay attention to the world that's going on around them, ie the state of Ky. They're talking about repealing OBamacare? Don't they know Ky. was the leader in signing up for ACA, so much in fact, the President and the media applauded Beshear on his flawless efforts on implementing it so proficiently. I mean the Hillbillies were lining up in droves and trust me, they ain't giving it up. They're rallying against big government....don't they know Ky. houses some of the poorest people in the nation? Don't they know that Ky is so bad in recieving the white man's welfare, ie Disability, that 60Minutes did a story on in a few years ago, that caused eye brows to raise in the congress? They're talking about jobs? Not to brag, but our job outreach is so proficient that the president came to take a look a few weeks ago. Our social outreach programs are so stellar, that the Prince and Princess of Duke, Charlie and Camilla came to check it out. They want to demand illegals show legitimate ID status....not gonna happen, too many anchor babies to contend the question now becomes.....HOW WILL KENTUCKY'S GOP CANDIDATES SCARE THE HELL OUT OF WHITES TO GET A VOTE? UHMMMM, INTERESTING!!
You want them to keep voting Democrat yet you insult them with calling them hillbillies like its a bad thing. If it wasn't for Louisville and Lexington. Kentucky would be blood red.
You want them to keep voting Democrat yet you insult them with calling them hillbillies like its a bad thing. If it wasn't for Louisville and Lexington. Kentucky would be blood red.

Ah, you hit the nail on the coffin, there pal.....Kentucky is by far one of the poorest states in the country, this is just fact. So only a stupid retarded Hillbilly, ie Kentucky's white folk would vote the GOP in, when their main focus is to strip the very people who depend on socialized programs to put fkken food on the damned table, so I stand by my comment and I thank God every single day for the people of Lex and Lou for having brains and education to back up the ignorant and save them from themselves.

America's poorest county: Proud Appalachians who live without running water or power in region where 40% fall below poverty line

Read more: Pictured The modern day poverty of Kentucky where people live with no running water or electricity Daily Mail Online
So instead of calling them names why not load the car up with some information and go talk to them....not sure what these people are afraid of maybe guns being taken but republicans and even moderate democrats will never let that happen.
So instead of calling them names why not load the car up with some information and go talk to them....not sure what these people are afraid of maybe guns being taken but republicans and even moderate democrats will never let that happen.

Seriously? My granddaddy use to say, "white folk been free all they damned lives, if they ain't got their shit together, its nobody's fault but their own".

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