You Just Lived Through Earth's Hottest Year on Record.

That's the data.


You haven't posted global temperature and global SAP data for Earth.

Why are you such a pussy?

Are you too stupid to find the data? Or did you find it and, as usual, it refuted your claims?
You haven't posted global temperature and global SAP data for Earth.

Why are you such a pussy?

Are you too stupid to find the data? Or did you find it and, as usual, it refuted your claims?

Curious, your first piece of WU fudge was busted immediately.

You came back with a second.

Why not a third one?

Is the "Chairman of the Board" of the "Climate Legal Defense Fund" not up for another FUDGE JOB??

Curious, your first piece of WU fudge was busted immediately.

You came back with a second.

Why not a third one?

Is the "Chairman of the Board" of the "Climate Legal Defense Fund" not up for another FUDGE JOB??


You haven't busted anything. Not even a little bit.

Come on, pussy, post the world-wide data.
Hottest where? The Sahara? Right now it's around 20 degrees below normal in the South.
Only if you live in Los Angeles.

Why can't Faux "News" ever bust CO2 FRAUD?

Heck, why can't FAUX "News" even ASK BASIC CLIMATE QUESTIONS like "real journalists" would...

So normal interglacial period then?

and a "normal interglacial" is when 97% of Earth ice grows....

so what is a "normal glacial," when "everything melts?"

You haven't busted anything. Not even a little bit.

Come on, pussy, post the world-wide data.


Your problem is, which entity was gathering SAP data globally 6 months ago...
and a "normal interglacial" is when 97% of Earth ice grows....

so what is a "normal glacial," when "everything melts?"

Interglacial periods and glacial periods are not straight lines, dummy.

glacial cycles.webp
Interglacial periods and glacial periods are not straight lines, dummy.

View attachment 1066151

interglacial and glacial periods are 100% pure FUDGED FRAUD BULLSHIT used by CO2 FRAUD to obscure the truth of Earth climate change...

interglacial and glacial periods are 100% pure FUDGED FRAUD BULLSHIT used by CO2 FRAUD to obscure the truth of Earth climate change...

When you cannot refute one word, troll...

Page 3 of the "job description" of CO2 FRAUD taxpayer funded "faux skeptic."
What’s to refute? Your dismissal of the entire geologic record?

It seems your strategy is to dismiss all evidence of a bipolar glaciated planet. You are insane.

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