You Take Their Money and the Wealthy Will Flee


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Why would they leave the country with the best government money can buy?
According to Warren Buffet, if you tax the investment class they will double down on their job producing, productive investments.
Robbie Cooper @ Urban Grounds blog sends a Drudge Report item that should put the next four years in perspective.

We call this "Going Galt." A phrase Liberals should become very familiar with over the next 4 years as the economy completes its collapse and the true job producers in this country pack it in and disappear.

Read the full blog @ SHOCKER: Millionaires Flee the Country When More of Their Wealth is Confiscated Than They Are Allowed to Keep » UrbanGrounds

So Exxon will quit selling oil in America if they have to pay taxes? If they are not paying taxes who cares if they flee? The rich are not going to get more of a free ride in another country.
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Robbie Cooper @ Urban Grounds blog sends a Drudge Report item that should put the next four years in perspective.

We call this "Going Galt." A phrase Liberals should become very familiar with over the next 4 years as the economy completes its collapse and the true job producers in this country pack it in and disappear.

Read the full blog @ SHOCKER: Millionaires Flee the Country When More of Their Wealth is Confiscated Than They Are Allowed to Keep » UrbanGrounds

Randian references? Oh neat...
Just as importantly, we see yet more verification that the Laffer Curve is right. Raising tax rates often results in LESS revenue. From the article:

Far from raising funds, it actually cost the UK £7 billion in lost tax revenue.
According to Warren Buffet, if you tax the investment class they will double down on their job producing, productive investments.

how can they double down when the liberals have stolen the money with which they would double down??

If you take half a venture capitalists money he can fund half the new ventures. Make sense??
According to Warren Buffet, if you tax the investment class they will double down on their job producing, productive investments.

how can they double down when the liberals have stolen the money with which they would double down??

If you take half a venture capitalists money he can fund half the new ventures. Make sense??

"how can they double down when the liberals have stolen the money with which they would double down??"

Well that explains the over 30 years of flat wages and the fact that the working class's share of the National Income is at record lows,,,their stealing from the wealthy! :lol:
Let 'em move to Greece and live off bailouts like the rest of those leeches.

Regards from Rosie
According to Warren Buffet, if you tax the investment class they will double down on their job producing, productive investments.

how can they double down when the liberals have stolen the money with which they would double down??

If you take half a venture capitalists money he can fund half the new ventures. Make sense??

"how can they double down when the liberals have stolen the money with which they would double down??"

Well that explains the over 30 years of flat wages and the fact that the working class's share of the National Income is at record lows,,,their stealing from the wealthy! :lol:

what is "that" and what exactly does it explain ???????????????????
I was being satirical of your post.
The wealth gap keeps growing, it hasn't shrunk. So how can the wealthy be victims of someone stealing their wealth?


  • $EPI-wealth-gap-chart.jpg
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I was being satirical of your post.
The wealth gap keeps growing, it hasn't shrunk. So how can the wealthy be victims of someone stealing their wealth?

the top 1% pay 40 % of all federal taxes. This is theft!
When the wealthy go into a supermarket they don't pay more for a can of soup do they?????? Why do they pay more for a fighter plane??
I was being satirical of your post.
The wealth gap keeps growing, it hasn't shrunk. So how can the wealthy be victims of someone stealing their wealth?

the top 1% pay 40 % of all federal taxes. This is theft!
When the wealthy go into a supermarket they don't pay more for a can of soup do they?????? Why do they pay more for a fighter plane??

The top 1% owns over 40% of the nation's wealth.
I was being satirical of your post.
The wealth gap keeps growing, it hasn't shrunk. So how can the wealthy be victims of someone stealing their wealth?

the top 1% pay 40 % of all federal taxes. This is theft!
When the wealthy go into a supermarket they don't pay more for a can of soup do they?????? Why do they pay more for a fighter plane??

The top 1% owns over 40% of the nation's wealth.

And? Do you think that means that the bottom 60% must therefore own less? Do you think wealth is a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw?
the top 1% pay 40 % of all federal taxes. This is theft!
When the wealthy go into a supermarket they don't pay more for a can of soup do they?????? Why do they pay more for a fighter plane??

The top 1% owns over 40% of the nation's wealth.

And? Do you think that means that the bottom 60% must therefore own less? Do you think wealth is a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw?

bottom 60% of what, cletus?

we should aggressively kiss the asses of the super wealthy in hopes that they'll leave us a few crumbs, right?
the top 1% pay 40 % of all federal taxes. This is theft!
When the wealthy go into a supermarket they don't pay more for a can of soup do they?????? Why do they pay more for a fighter plane??

The top 1% owns over 40% of the nation's wealth.

And? Do you think that means that the bottom 60% must therefore own less? Do you think wealth is a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw?

Did I say that? Ah,,no.
People cry and moan about the alleged class warfare on the wealthy. The same people think that in order to avoid the fiscal cliff, everyone but the wealthy must sacrifice,,,but the wealthy sacrifice? Nooo!
As the chart I posted shows, the wealthy are the only group that are seeing increases with income in Real Dollars (Real Dollars are constant dollars adjusted for inflation, nominal income does not factor in inflation). Everyone other than the uber wealthy have seen flat income growth, in other words, they are spinning their wheels. But only those that are not in the top percentile should sacrifice for the good of the country through budget cuts, while the wealthy skate free.
You people are hurting yourselves. You worship the wealthy so much, you are willing to sacrifice so the wealthy don't have to sacrifice for the good of the country.
I think all Americans should sacrifice and the problem you have with this is,,,what?
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we should aggressively kiss the asses of the super wealthy in hopes that they'll leave us a few crumbs, right?

Again, here is someone that thinks wealth is finite. Unbelievable!

Look man, just because someone else has more toys than you doesn't mean you must have less. Your jealousy is overwhelming.
The top 1% owns over 40% of the nation's wealth.

And? Do you think that means that the bottom 60% must therefore own less? Do you think wealth is a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw?

Did I say that? Ah,,no.
People cry and moan about the alleged class warfare on the wealthy. The same people think that in order to avoid the fiscal cliff, everyone but the wealthy must sacrifice,,,but the wealthy sacrifice? Nooo!
As the chart I posted shows, the wealthy are the only group that are seeing increases with income in Real Dollars (Real Dollars are constant dollars adjusted for inflation, nominal income does not factor in inflation). Everyone other than the uber wealthy have seen flat income growth, in other words, they are spinning their wheels. But only those that are not in the top percentile should sacrifice for the good of the country through budget cuts, while the wealthy skate free.
You people are hurting yourselves. You worship the wealthy so much, you are willing to sacrifice so the wealthy don't have to sacrifice for the good of the country.
I think all Americans should sacrifice and the problem you have with this is,,,what?

The wealthy "skate free" eh? Then how do you explain that America has the most progressive tax structure in the world? The rich pay a bigger proportion of the overall tax burden in the US than anywhere else. The top 20% basically support the entire cost of government. That's more lopsided than any other country. If our rich "skate free", the wealthy in other countries must REALLY have it good.

Your envy of those that made better choices than you did is palpable. There is no logical reason to tax more those that create jobs, provide capital for innovation, and make the large scale purchases that stimulate the economy. Hell, you can't even say with certainty that raising tax rates would result in more revenue to the government. As we learned yesterday, the UK raised taxes on the rich and their tax revenues dropped significantly. At best, you'd fund a few days of government expenditures while helping to stifle economic growth. This isn't about raising revenues, it's about class envy.

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