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You won’t believe how little $8.25 an hour buys

the ones that lost their jobs? the ones who had hours cut? The ones who are having to pay higher prices to support the ones getting $15/hr?

This libtardian bullshit does not work. If a person's abilities are worth 8.25, paying him $15 does not help him or anyone else. Want more pay? get more skills or more education. The govt is not your momma.

So leave Seattle and never return. Do you seriously think American Workers are gonna miss you hateful white Republican dudes? If you think they will, you really are delusional.

I am not in Seattle and have no desire to go there. BTW, are Alan West and Ben Carson and Mia Love, and Tim Scott angry white republican dudes?

Then don't worry about it. Maybe your State will allow you to continue abusing American Workers. Keep your fingers crossed.

No workers are being abused in my state or any other state. Now, if you want to see real worker abuse visit north korea, China, any other of the socialist countries that you want the US to copy.

You are so fricken stupid you have no idea what you are asking for. Do you really want a system where all the money and all the power resides in a very small group of super elites and everyone else is equally miserable? Thats socialism, idiot. Thats what you say you want.

Ah, no one's gonna steal your pot o' gold. Stop being so paranoid and hateful. That's no way to live.

I earned my "pot of gold" worked hard for over 40 years to get what I have. I hate no one. I want everyone to have the opportunity that I had-------------and in this country they still do.

What I will not do is give up some of what I earned so it can be given to someone who sits on his ass begging.
Sure, the ones who still have jobs are getting higher pay. How about the ones who now have no jobs? How about the ones who are working fewer hours? How about the ones that had jobs in restaurants that are now closed?

You idiots got what you asked for.

"They'll survive" is how I imagine he would respond to that.

That's liberal "compassion" for you.

Seattle Workers will do better without you greedy hateful white Republican dudes. Bet on that.

No they won't. They'll do a lot better when they don't have to compete with millions of immigrants from third world countries who will work for almost nothing. That's what you support, so all your lamentations about the "working man" are obvious horseshit.

I've always supported securing the border. Unlike you greedy Republican frauds. And it's you guys who started the whole Outsourcing craze. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

more bullshit. Oursourcing is the direct result of unions, taxes, and regulations.

Any idea why the once great american textile industry no longer exists? Any idea why there is no commerical shipbuilding in the USA? Any idea why all electronics are built outside the USA?

Hint----------its not because of republicans, greedy evil corporations, or rich white guys.

When there were more Unions, American Workers prospered. How they doin nowadays? The same manufacturing job today, pays significantly less than it did 30yrs ago. Now you greedy white Republican dudes call that a 'Good Thing.' But others see it much differently. We've gone backwards.
So what specific Worker Right have you ever fought for? Still waiting for just one. And btw, i'm pretty sure you hateful white dudes would vote against the Civil Rights Act if it were presented today. My opinion anyway.

I do the best thing I can for workers. As a business owner, I hire people and pay them fair wages, which means what are worth. No more, no less. I fire the ones not worth it, I give raises to the ones worth more. I pay market values.

Clearly that's above the head of Marxists, you think we adopted our employees, it's on us. Actually, it's our job to set them up for success, it's their job to achieve success

Yet you still can't give us even Worker Right you've ever supported or fought for. Also, caring about and respecting American Workers doesn't make you a 'Marxist.' It makes you a decent person and American.

I did, Holmes. The ultimate worker right is a free man in a free marketplace. Your employer sucks? They don't pay you enough? Fire them...

You want me to name a socialist program to prove we don't need socialism. You're a tool of politicians

So you got nothin. That's what i thought. Stop being so greedy and hating your fellow Americans. Find God or some spirituality. You really can't take it with you.

Seriously, so I am advocating free markets, and you want me to name a government program that interferes with free markets to prove that free markets are the best solution. You are not a bright guy. I'm sure teachers mentioned that to you when they gave you your grades...

So you can't even give one Worker Rights benefit you supported or fought for? Wow, that does say it all. Not much left to discuss i guess. But hey, you greedy old white Republicans dudes go on hating your fellow Americans. That's a great Platform. A real winner for future Elections. :cuckoo:
Which ones? give us a list of greedy white republicans who have harmed american workers. Or, since you won't be able to do that, give us a list of bills that only republicans voted for that have harmed american workers.
h1b visas... NAFTA... amnesty...

The list would be too long to post here. Greedy white Republican guy has opposed every single Workers' Rights advancement in history. Their Party Platform is pretty simple, and evil...

Pay American Workers the lowest wages possible, Outsource their jobs whenever possible, and replace them with Illegal Slave Labor whenever possible.

And Republicans wonder why American Workers are turning to the other Party in droves.

Democrats are the pieces of shit who want to open the floodgates to immigration from third world countries and drive down the wages of American workers. Pretty funny that you whine about Republicans when you take a great big shit on the American worker every day.

Greedy white Republican guy has always supported Open-Borders and Outsourcing. Where you been? Many get very rich off foreign Slave Labor. You don't know your own Party very well.
You may say what you wish. That is the America we live in and the one YOU hate and want to destroy...
What you may not do is create your own reality and demand others live in it.

A new day is dawning. The time of the greedy old fat white Republican dude is passing. He'll soon be outnumbered. So I suggest angry white guy stock up on his Camo & Ammo and go hide in a bunker. The countdown to extinction is on. Humanity can't wait.
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I fully support securing our border. Always have. Too bad you Republicans never have. And btw, we're still waiting for you to give us just one Worker Right you white Republican dudes have ever fought for.

The civil rights act of 1965 would not have passed without republican votes. The dems tried to fillibuster it.

you don't know shit about the party that you want to keep in power.

So what specific Worker Right have you ever fought for? Still waiting for just one. And btw, i'm pretty sure you hateful white dudes would vote against the Civil Rights Act if it were presented today. My opinion anyway.

I do the best thing I can for workers. As a business owner, I hire people and pay them fair wages, which means what are worth. No more, no less. I fire the ones not worth it, I give raises to the ones worth more. I pay market values.

Clearly that's above the head of Marxists, you think we adopted our employees, it's on us. Actually, it's our job to set them up for success, it's their job to achieve success

Yet you still can't give us even Worker Right you've ever supported or fought for. Also, caring about and respecting American Workers doesn't make you a 'Marxist.' It makes you a decent person and American.

I did, Holmes. The ultimate worker right is a free man in a free marketplace. Your employer sucks? They don't pay you enough? Fire them...

You want me to name a socialist program to prove we don't need socialism. You're a tool of politicians

Ha, whatever helps you sleep better. No American Worker can support you guys. You give em no reasons to.
Ha, Bullshit. Another hateful white Republican dude organization. Seattle's doin fine. Don't wanna pay American Workers a decent wage, go set up shop somewhere else. Good riddance.

Sure, the ones who still have jobs are getting higher pay. How about the ones who now have no jobs? How about the ones who are working fewer hours? How about the ones that had jobs in restaurants that are now closed?

You idiots got what you asked for.

"They'll survive" is how I imagine he would respond to that.

That's liberal "compassion" for you.

Seattle Workers will do better without you greedy hateful white Republican dudes. Bet on that.

No they won't. They'll do a lot better when they don't have to compete with millions of immigrants from third world countries who will work for almost nothing. That's what you support, so all your lamentations about the "working man" are obvious horseshit.

I've always supported securing the border. Unlike you greedy Republican frauds. And it's you guys who started the whole Outsourcing craze. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

You vote for people who want to open the flood gates. Your protests are meaningless.
Sure, the ones who still have jobs are getting higher pay. How about the ones who now have no jobs? How about the ones who are working fewer hours? How about the ones that had jobs in restaurants that are now closed?

You idiots got what you asked for.

"They'll survive" is how I imagine he would respond to that.

That's liberal "compassion" for you.

Seattle Workers will do better without you greedy hateful white Republican dudes. Bet on that.

No they won't. They'll do a lot better when they don't have to compete with millions of immigrants from third world countries who will work for almost nothing. That's what you support, so all your lamentations about the "working man" are obvious horseshit.

I've always supported securing the border. Unlike you greedy Republican frauds. And it's you guys who started the whole Outsourcing craze. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

You vote for people who want to open the flood gates. Your protests are meaningless.

Your fellow greedy white Republicans have always supported Open-Borders and Outsourcing. They've always been about the Slave Labor. Wake up.
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.

I will try to be civil dealing with you.

While I agree with you that poverty is difficult to get out of, consider when I was as a seventeen year old immigrant who spoke no English and compare it to a seventeen year old who was born in the United States, who had all the opportunities to be successful, who spoke the language of the land, who had the protection that I never had. Consider that I learned enough English, saved enough money to support myself while attended high school as an adult student. Consider that I asked for no assistance, consider that my accent is as audible as your skin color is visible, Consider that my ancestors in feudal Europe were far worse off than your ancestors were in America.

And consider that some of you don't even have a valid reason to bitch about slavery. You came last year from a country that is supposed to be free of white colonization and oppression. How does Obama come off talking about racial injustice when he had nothing but being taken care of by loving WHITE grandparents, while his black father told him "Fuck YOU"?

When you need a job to support yourself, you go just about any length to find that job. You get hired and you do the best you can in order yo keep that job and if you have any self-respect you work at it until something better comes along.

Only if you are a worthless slug you listen to fellow worthless slug Al Sharpton and bitch and complain.
They haven't viciously fought against Workers' Rights for several decades. The greedy white dudes who run the Republican Party have.

If anyone is fighting against worker's rights, it's Democrats who are flooding this country with immigrants from third world countries who are willing to work for peanuts.

Again, greedy white Republican dudes love foreign Slave Labor. They've fought tirelessly to keep the border open. And they've Outsourced Millions of American Jobs. But regardless, give us just one Worker Right you greedy white Republicans have ever fought for.

Don't want some brown skin foreigner to get a job when a lily white American doesn't have one, ay?

I fully support securing our border. Always have. Too bad you Republicans never have. And btw, we're still waiting for you to give us just one Worker Right you white Republican dudes have ever fought for.

The civil rights act of 1965 would not have passed without republican votes. The dems tried to fillibuster it.

you don't know shit about the party that you want to keep in power.

you don't know shit about the party that you want to keep in power.

The irony is thick with this post.
It's funny how the Dems were against it and Repubs were for it in '65.

What changed? Why don't Repubs support such things any longer? Because the same conservative ideology that opposed it in '65 is the Republican party of today.
"They'll survive" is how I imagine he would respond to that.

That's liberal "compassion" for you.

Seattle Workers will do better without you greedy hateful white Republican dudes. Bet on that.

No they won't. They'll do a lot better when they don't have to compete with millions of immigrants from third world countries who will work for almost nothing. That's what you support, so all your lamentations about the "working man" are obvious horseshit.

I've always supported securing the border. Unlike you greedy Republican frauds. And it's you guys who started the whole Outsourcing craze. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

You vote for people who want to open the flood gates. Your protests are meaningless.

Your fellow greedy white Republicans have always supported Open-Borders and Outsourcing. They've always been about the Slave Labor. Wake up.

Horseshit. Only a few establishment RINOs support it. The vase majority of Republicans oppose it. On the other hand, we know Dims are almost universally support it. They say so all the time in this forum. Every Dim in Congress and every Dim mayor and governor supports it, and you vote for them.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I advise hateful greedy white Republican dude to stock up on Camo & Ammo and hop into that bunker. He'll soon be vastly outnumbered. His day is quickly passing. Extinction is near.
I do the best thing I can for workers. As a business owner, I hire people and pay them fair wages, which means what are worth. No more, no less. I fire the ones not worth it, I give raises to the ones worth more. I pay market values.

Clearly that's above the head of Marxists, you think we adopted our employees, it's on us. Actually, it's our job to set them up for success, it's their job to achieve success

Yet you still can't give us even Worker Right you've ever supported or fought for. Also, caring about and respecting American Workers doesn't make you a 'Marxist.' It makes you a decent person and American.

I did, Holmes. The ultimate worker right is a free man in a free marketplace. Your employer sucks? They don't pay you enough? Fire them...

You want me to name a socialist program to prove we don't need socialism. You're a tool of politicians

So you got nothin. That's what i thought. Stop being so greedy and hating your fellow Americans. Find God or some spirituality. You really can't take it with you.

Seriously, so I am advocating free markets, and you want me to name a government program that interferes with free markets to prove that free markets are the best solution. You are not a bright guy. I'm sure teachers mentioned that to you when they gave you your grades...

So you can't even give one Worker Rights benefit you supported or fought for? Wow, that does say it all. Not much left to discuss i guess. But hey, you greedy old white Republicans dudes go on hating your fellow Americans. That's a great Platform. A real winner for future Elections. :cuckoo:

I want to give EVERY worker exactly what I had F-R-E-E M-A-R-K-E-T-S. The chance to do it on their own unencumbered by government. How do you not grasp that? Free markets are the best protection for workers, they give workers the free market choice to fire their crappy bosses.

You are seriously stupid. How does it even make sense to you that I have to give you a socialist program to validate my free market views?
The civil rights act of 1965 would not have passed without republican votes. The dems tried to fillibuster it.

you don't know shit about the party that you want to keep in power.

So what specific Worker Right have you ever fought for? Still waiting for just one. And btw, i'm pretty sure you hateful white dudes would vote against the Civil Rights Act if it were presented today. My opinion anyway.

I do the best thing I can for workers. As a business owner, I hire people and pay them fair wages, which means what are worth. No more, no less. I fire the ones not worth it, I give raises to the ones worth more. I pay market values.

Clearly that's above the head of Marxists, you think we adopted our employees, it's on us. Actually, it's our job to set them up for success, it's their job to achieve success

Yet you still can't give us even Worker Right you've ever supported or fought for. Also, caring about and respecting American Workers doesn't make you a 'Marxist.' It makes you a decent person and American.

I did, Holmes. The ultimate worker right is a free man in a free marketplace. Your employer sucks? They don't pay you enough? Fire them...

You want me to name a socialist program to prove we don't need socialism. You're a tool of politicians

Ha, whatever helps you sleep better. No American Worker can support you guys. You give em no reasons to.

You are awash with ideology with your manhood washed away by a wave of leftist rhetoric and dogma.

Just so you know, you weren't fired because of some guy with brown skin or because your employer was greedy. You were fired because you didn't give a shit about your job and you sucked
Yet you still can't give us even Worker Right you've ever supported or fought for. Also, caring about and respecting American Workers doesn't make you a 'Marxist.' It makes you a decent person and American.

I did, Holmes. The ultimate worker right is a free man in a free marketplace. Your employer sucks? They don't pay you enough? Fire them...

You want me to name a socialist program to prove we don't need socialism. You're a tool of politicians

So you got nothin. That's what i thought. Stop being so greedy and hating your fellow Americans. Find God or some spirituality. You really can't take it with you.

Seriously, so I am advocating free markets, and you want me to name a government program that interferes with free markets to prove that free markets are the best solution. You are not a bright guy. I'm sure teachers mentioned that to you when they gave you your grades...

So you can't even give one Worker Rights benefit you supported or fought for? Wow, that does say it all. Not much left to discuss i guess. But hey, you greedy old white Republicans dudes go on hating your fellow Americans. That's a great Platform. A real winner for future Elections. :cuckoo:

I want to give EVERY worker exactly what I had F-R-E-E M-A-R-K-E-T-S. The chance to do it on their own unencumbered by government. How do you not grasp that? Free markets are the best protection for workers, they give workers the free market choice to fire their crappy bosses.

You are seriously stupid. How does it even make sense to you that I have to give you a socialist program to validate my free market views?

Uh huh, just trust the fat greedy white Republican dudes. They'll do the right thing. Ha sorry, but those days are over. You can't have your slaves. Now deal with it.

Otherwise, stock up on that Camo & Ammo and hop in your bunker. Because y'all are gonna be outnumbered soon. Your day is passing.
If anyone is fighting against worker's rights, it's Democrats who are flooding this country with immigrants from third world countries who are willing to work for peanuts.

Again, greedy white Republican dudes love foreign Slave Labor. They've fought tirelessly to keep the border open. And they've Outsourced Millions of American Jobs. But regardless, give us just one Worker Right you greedy white Republicans have ever fought for.

Don't want some brown skin foreigner to get a job when a lily white American doesn't have one, ay?

I fully support securing our border. Always have. Too bad you Republicans never have. And btw, we're still waiting for you to give us just one Worker Right you white Republican dudes have ever fought for.

The civil rights act of 1965 would not have passed without republican votes. The dems tried to fillibuster it.

you don't know shit about the party that you want to keep in power.

you don't know shit about the party that you want to keep in power.

The irony is thick with this post.
It's funny how the Dems were against it and Repubs were for it in '65.

What changed? Why don't Repubs support such things any longer? Because the same conservative ideology that opposed it in '65 is the Republican party of today.

Governments have no business interfering in free markets. And they have no reason to.

A question for you. Were Jim Crow Laws government or business? Since liberals suck at identifying the obvious, I even underlined a word to help you. So what's you're answer to the question, Holmes?

Did you know the Montgomery bus system managers opposed the bus rules for blacks to sit in the back and give up their seats? They objected to their most loyal customers being treated that way. Who's the problem? Another hint, the head of the biggest crime syndicate's black ass is currently parked behind a desk in the Oval Office....
I did, Holmes. The ultimate worker right is a free man in a free marketplace. Your employer sucks? They don't pay you enough? Fire them...

You want me to name a socialist program to prove we don't need socialism. You're a tool of politicians

So you got nothin. That's what i thought. Stop being so greedy and hating your fellow Americans. Find God or some spirituality. You really can't take it with you.

Seriously, so I am advocating free markets, and you want me to name a government program that interferes with free markets to prove that free markets are the best solution. You are not a bright guy. I'm sure teachers mentioned that to you when they gave you your grades...

So you can't even give one Worker Rights benefit you supported or fought for? Wow, that does say it all. Not much left to discuss i guess. But hey, you greedy old white Republicans dudes go on hating your fellow Americans. That's a great Platform. A real winner for future Elections. :cuckoo:

I want to give EVERY worker exactly what I had F-R-E-E M-A-R-K-E-T-S. The chance to do it on their own unencumbered by government. How do you not grasp that? Free markets are the best protection for workers, they give workers the free market choice to fire their crappy bosses.

You are seriously stupid. How does it even make sense to you that I have to give you a socialist program to validate my free market views?

Uh huh, just trust the fat greedy white Republican dudes. They'll do the right thing. Ha sorry, but those days are over. You can't have your slaves. Now deal with it.

Otherwise, stock up on that Camo & Ammo and hop in your bunker. Because y'all are gonna be outnumbered soon. Your day is passing.

I like how a self professed Paul follower keeps using Republican as an insult.

Polly-ticitan want a cracker?
So you got nothin. That's what i thought. Stop being so greedy and hating your fellow Americans. Find God or some spirituality. You really can't take it with you.

Seriously, so I am advocating free markets, and you want me to name a government program that interferes with free markets to prove that free markets are the best solution. You are not a bright guy. I'm sure teachers mentioned that to you when they gave you your grades...

So you can't even give one Worker Rights benefit you supported or fought for? Wow, that does say it all. Not much left to discuss i guess. But hey, you greedy old white Republicans dudes go on hating your fellow Americans. That's a great Platform. A real winner for future Elections. :cuckoo:

I want to give EVERY worker exactly what I had F-R-E-E M-A-R-K-E-T-S. The chance to do it on their own unencumbered by government. How do you not grasp that? Free markets are the best protection for workers, they give workers the free market choice to fire their crappy bosses.

You are seriously stupid. How does it even make sense to you that I have to give you a socialist program to validate my free market views?

Uh huh, just trust the fat greedy white Republican dudes. They'll do the right thing. Ha sorry, but those days are over. You can't have your slaves. Now deal with it.

Otherwise, stock up on that Camo & Ammo and hop in your bunker. Because y'all are gonna be outnumbered soon. Your day is passing.

I like how a self professed Paul follower keeps using Republican as an insult.

Polly-ticitan want a cracker?

Better get your Camo & Ammo and build your bunker. Because times, they are a changin. You're gonna be outnumbered soon. Your time's almost up.
You won t believe how little 8.25 an hour buys Oxfam America First Person Blog
Disgusting that this is possible in the "richest country in the world"
Cleaning the movie theater is part of my daughter's duties. But does her job actually pay enough to live on? Photo: Mary Babic/Oxfam America



For my hard-working family and friends who earn just above the US minimum wage, a paycheck doesn’t go very far.

My daughter struck it lucky when she landed a job for $8.25 an hour at the local movie theater. They pay 25 cents more than the Massachusetts minimum wage (which is already 75 cents more than the federal wage); they don’t charge her for the monogrammed black polo shirt that constitutes her uniform (unlike some businesses); they let her know her hours a few days ahead; and they are, simply put, nice people: film nerds who enjoy keeping an independent theater alive, who don’t mind if she reads a book while sitting in the box office and waiting for the next rush.

Still, it’s a business. Her hours each week never mount up to the point where they’d be responsible for her healthcare (30 hours a week or more); her schedule varies widely; when it’s slow, they let her go (and it’s been a slow year for movies). And, to reiterate: they pay $8.25 an hour.

You can’t blame them; they’re generous at paying more than the legally required wage. But it is, even for my daughter, a measly wage. She lives at home, but she’s scraping together savings for college, living very simply, contributing to the household.

So what her earnings really translate to? I wondered, after seeing this helpful and harrowing piece on What Life Really Costs at $7.25 an Hour.

First, there’s transportation. After taxes, she brings home $7.62 an hour. Last week, after working for 27 hours (and commuting for about 8 hours), she got a check for $205.71. Just to get there and back: Slice the bus fare off the top (2.10 each way; 4.20 round trip; times four): 205.71 – 16.80 = 188.91.

A sandwich = one hour’s work. Some days, when her shift stretches longer than eight hours, she gets a plain chicken sandwich at the place next door: 7.43 (with tax). So she works a full hour to buy a sandwich. Without a drink.

A book = three hours. She loves books and music, and we visit the library every week. But sometimes she likes to buy the ones she loves the very most. Her favorite graphic novelist, Emily Carroll, just published a beautiful new book, Through the Woods. On Amazon, discounted, it’s $18.10. So she worked almost three hours to buy it.

Work shoes cost a day’s pay. We do most of our shopping at Goodwill, but every once in a while, she indulges. She really needed a good pair of shoes as she stands most of the time at work. She got a cheap pair of Nikes at around $50: Basically, a day’s pay.

And what about college tuition? Again, she got lucky: Smith College offered her a whopping scholarship, covering about half the cost. Which left her with a bill of (only) $24,000 for a year, not counting books, art supplies, etc.

So if she wants to cover one year of college – at this deeply discounted price – she’s going to work 3150 hours. Or 61 hours a week for a year. If she wants to go for the full four years… it would take 12,598 hours. Of course, she couldn’t eat. Or pay rent, take the bus, buy shoes, or get her hair cut. At least she can go to the movies…

So she’s lucky in some ways. But so many workers do not enjoy her luck. In fact, the vast majority of low-wage workers do not match this “Poster Child” profile of the minimum wage worker.


Source: the Economic Policy Institute.
Indeed, the average age of low-wage workers is 35. A third have dependent children at home. In our (extremely fortunate)Congressional district, 34,000 working families are using food stamps, and 71,000 are living below the poverty line .

8.25/hour is a perfect rate for a know-nothing, skilless worker who has nothing to offer and is not the sole support for his or her family. If he is the sole support for his or her family, he needs to improve his skill set and take on a second job. You know, like Americans have done traditionally for more than 200 years now. You work, work work.
Seriously, so I am advocating free markets, and you want me to name a government program that interferes with free markets to prove that free markets are the best solution. You are not a bright guy. I'm sure teachers mentioned that to you when they gave you your grades...

So you can't even give one Worker Rights benefit you supported or fought for? Wow, that does say it all. Not much left to discuss i guess. But hey, you greedy old white Republicans dudes go on hating your fellow Americans. That's a great Platform. A real winner for future Elections. :cuckoo:

I want to give EVERY worker exactly what I had F-R-E-E M-A-R-K-E-T-S. The chance to do it on their own unencumbered by government. How do you not grasp that? Free markets are the best protection for workers, they give workers the free market choice to fire their crappy bosses.

You are seriously stupid. How does it even make sense to you that I have to give you a socialist program to validate my free market views?

Uh huh, just trust the fat greedy white Republican dudes. They'll do the right thing. Ha sorry, but those days are over. You can't have your slaves. Now deal with it.

Otherwise, stock up on that Camo & Ammo and hop in your bunker. Because y'all are gonna be outnumbered soon. Your day is passing.

I like how a self professed Paul follower keeps using Republican as an insult.

Polly-ticitan want a cracker?

Better get your Camo & Ammo and build your bunker. Because times, they are a changin. You're gonna be outnumbered soon. Your time's almost up.

I never disputed that authoritarian leftists are taking over, Holmes. Actually, I agreed you are
So you can't even give one Worker Rights benefit you supported or fought for? Wow, that does say it all. Not much left to discuss i guess. But hey, you greedy old white Republicans dudes go on hating your fellow Americans. That's a great Platform. A real winner for future Elections. :cuckoo:

I want to give EVERY worker exactly what I had F-R-E-E M-A-R-K-E-T-S. The chance to do it on their own unencumbered by government. How do you not grasp that? Free markets are the best protection for workers, they give workers the free market choice to fire their crappy bosses.

You are seriously stupid. How does it even make sense to you that I have to give you a socialist program to validate my free market views?

Uh huh, just trust the fat greedy white Republican dudes. They'll do the right thing. Ha sorry, but those days are over. You can't have your slaves. Now deal with it.

Otherwise, stock up on that Camo & Ammo and hop in your bunker. Because y'all are gonna be outnumbered soon. Your day is passing.

I like how a self professed Paul follower keeps using Republican as an insult.

Polly-ticitan want a cracker?

Better get your Camo & Ammo and build your bunker. Because times, they are a changin. You're gonna be outnumbered soon. Your time's almost up.

I never disputed that authoritarian leftists are taking over, Holmes. Actually, I agreed you are

Hop in your bunker Archie Bunker. Your time's just about up. Better get to the Walmart for some more Camo & Ammo. You're all done greedy white Republican guy.

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