Young people questioned on history questions.


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
This was truly a demonstration of our educational system or how these young people were raised.'

Listen to these questions and answers:

What country were we fighting in the revolutionary war?

Answer: Virginia

When was the Declaration of Independence signed?

Answer: 1984

Can you sing the Star Spangled Banner?

Answer: Never heard it.

And they can vote.
This was truly a demonstration of our educational system or how these young people were raised.'

Listen to these questions and answers:

What country were we fighting in the revolutionary war?

Answer: Virginia

When was the Declaration of Independence signed?

Answer: 1984

Can you sing the Star Spangled Banner?

Answer: Never heard it.

And they can vote.


or are those your answers to the questions?
He got those from Watters World on FXN. Its supposed to be funny....
History doesn’t seem to be taught in schools anymore. The so called intellectuals are trying to rewrite history as fast as possible so all the young students will learn all the Founding Fathers were racist and nothing good has come from private interprise because all good comes from the state and “ You Didn’t Build That”.
A society ignorant of history will likely repeat all the bad things it should hane learned from that history.
I’m an old man now. I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s, went into the military in 1965 at the age of 19 and learned of the sacrifices past generations made to make life great for me. This is what kids are missing. They have no idea of what past generations have made for the freedom they have and think they are entitled to everything right now for free. Someday they will have to deal with what they are creating and they will have no safe space to hide in and end up just being slaves to the state. Thankfully I will not be alive to see what they have done
History doesn’t seem to be taught in schools anymore. The so called intellectuals are trying to rewrite history as fast as possible so all the young students will learn all the Founding Fathers were racist and nothing good has come from private interprise because all good comes from the state and “ You Didn’t Build That”.
A society ignorant of history will likely repeat all the bad things it should hane learned from that history.
I’m an old man now. I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s, went into the military in 1965 at the age of 19 and learned of the sacrifices past generations made to make life great for me. This is what kids are missing. They have no idea of what past generations have made for the freedom they have and think they are entitled to everything right now for free. Someday they will have to deal with what they are creating and they will have no safe space to hide in and end up just being slaves to the state. Thankfully I will not be alive to see what they have done
How many people do you think Watters asked those questions to that gave him the right answers? Most of them.
Fox is on a mission to make our education system look bad, right from kindergarten through college. I'm not sure why, but it's really obvious.
I doesn’ttake much to make our educational system look bad. The only people that seem to benefit from our current educational system are the College administrators and instructors and unions. We spend more money on education than any country in the world and graduate students that can’t read efficiently or are competent in math. Most students starting college now must take remedial math befor attempting collegelevel math. Schools in most inner cities are so out of control the students only learn street skills. Look at where your politicians send their kids. Charter schools or private schools. Why do you think that is? They know public school graduates are minimally educated to be the workers in their future socialist society. The kids from private schools are trained to lead, public school graduates are trained to follow.

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