Your 2016 Tax Dollars At Work


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
9 Horrific Examples Of Gov’t Waste In 2016, Starting With Feminine Glacier Studies

1. $412,000 for a study on a feminine approach to glaciology
$412,000 for a paper encouraging a feminist approach to glaciology, the study of glaciers - “Merging feminist postcolonial science studies and feminist political ecology, the feminist glaciology framework generates robust analysis of gender, power, and epistemologies in dynamic social-ecological systems, thereby leading to more just and equitable science and human-ice interactions


2. $20 million on enough cheddar cheese for 67 million grilled cheese sandwiches
12.5 million pounds — to reduce a cheese surplus and help out American dairy farmers

3. $87 billion on ignored inspector general recommendations
The federal government wasted $87 billion by ignoring thousands of recommendations from agency inspectors general (IGs) during President Barack Obama’s tenure -- "“no excuse” for the refusal to carry out 15,222 IG recommendations that could have saved billions each year"
- Refusal to accept IG's findings in order to keep the status quo

4. Untold millions on untracked credit card spending
- Un-checked, un-controlled govt spending.

5. $461 million on no-strings attached grants for the Middle East
Obama's State Department officials failed to set up metrics for success, a basic and unacceptable mistake, according to a State Department IG report - resulting in no idea if the grant money was used effectively

6. Hundreds of thousands of dollars for IRS employees to live in luxury

Yes, the Obama administration spent lots of money to ensure the people who targeted and victimized tax payers several years ago lived a life of luxury.

7. $125 billion on covered-up Pentagon waste
The Pentagon commissioned — then buried — a report that could have saved $125 billion by 2020
- Trump has already put Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, and the Pentagon on notice - no more fiscal responsibility.

8. Untold amount on housing fugitives in public housing
Public housing authorities refused to evict 1,300 “felony fugitives” — including rapists and murderers — un-told Millions of your money spent on these 'descent' Americans.

9. $27 billion on global warming
2017 waste to possibly avoided?

...and let's not forget how Barry LIED to the American people and to Congress, took / STOLE $500 MILLION he said was for Zika here at home, then gave it to the UN on his own for their new 'Global Initiative'.

...and let's not forget how Barry paid Iran a ransom for US hostages - again, on his own.

This is what happens when you give a bunch of career politicians / lawyers who have no respect for our tax dollars or the people from whom it is taken full un-checked control of our tax dollars!

9 Horrific Examples Of Gov’t Waste In 2016, Starting With Feminine Glacier Studies
I love the first one, its all pretentious bullshit. Wtf does feminism.have to do.with glaciers? Answer not a fucking thing.

Oh but notice the word equal, dogwhistle for commie.
9 Horrific Examples Of Gov’t Waste In 2016, Starting With Feminine Glacier Studies

1. $412,000 for a study on a feminine approach to glaciology
$412,000 for a paper encouraging a feminist approach to glaciology, the study of glaciers - “Merging feminist postcolonial science studies and feminist political ecology, the feminist glaciology framework generates robust analysis of gender, power, and epistemologies in dynamic social-ecological systems, thereby leading to more just and equitable science and human-ice interactions


2. $20 million on enough cheddar cheese for 67 million grilled cheese sandwiches
12.5 million pounds — to reduce a cheese surplus and help out American dairy farmers

3. $87 billion on ignored inspector general recommendations
The federal government wasted $87 billion by ignoring thousands of recommendations from agency inspectors general (IGs) during President Barack Obama’s tenure -- "“no excuse” for the refusal to carry out 15,222 IG recommendations that could have saved billions each year"
- Refusal to accept IG's findings in order to keep the status quo

4. Untold millions on untracked credit card spending
- Un-checked, un-controlled govt spending.

5. $461 million on no-strings attached grants for the Middle East
Obama's State Department officials failed to set up metrics for success, a basic and unacceptable mistake, according to a State Department IG report - resulting in no idea if the grant money was used effectively

6. Hundreds of thousands of dollars for IRS employees to live in luxury

Yes, the Obama administration spent lots of money to ensure the people who targeted and victimized tax payers several years ago lived a life of luxury.

7. $125 billion on covered-up Pentagon waste
The Pentagon commissioned — then buried — a report that could have saved $125 billion by 2020
- Trump has already put Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, and the Pentagon on notice - no more fiscal responsibility.

8. Untold amount on housing fugitives in public housing
Public housing authorities refused to evict 1,300 “felony fugitives” — including rapists and murderers — un-told Millions of your money spent on these 'descent' Americans.

9. $27 billion on global warming
2017 waste to possibly avoided?

...and let's not forget how Barry LIED to the American people and to Congress, took / STOLE $500 MILLION he said was for Zika here at home, then gave it to the UN on his own for their new 'Global Initiative'.

...and let's not forget how Barry paid Iran a ransom for US hostages - again, on his own.

This is what happens when you give a bunch of career politicians / lawyers who have no respect for our tax dollars or the people from whom it is taken full un-checked control of our tax dollars!

9 Horrific Examples Of Gov’t Waste In 2016, Starting With Feminine Glacier Studies

Damn Bush, oops, damn Trump

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