A vote for Joe Biden for 2024 will destroy what is left of this country. If you dont like the U.S. vote for Joe.

i was in the street during those obama years, and would have supported impeachment over the BIPARTISAN bad policy during the crash.

you were not. conservatives were very pleased to sit home and cheer the cops who were bashing protestors.
If you are talking about the Andrew Cuomo Crash of 2007, yeah, it figures that the guy who brought that ruinous time for American households, would be governor of NY where he murdered 10s of thousands of elderly by putting Kung Flu infected people in with the infirm. I guess when you fuck up in the Democrat Party you move up in power.

As for cops bashing protestors, if one of those fucks would of come to Florida, we would of had open season on them.

Liberal Hunting.png
Because economy wide lockdowns and trillion dollar spending bills were such stellar notions
And to think, that with Joe Biden Campaign working with China, that, that event almost ruined this country will all those Democrat States in lockdown, while the Red States were open and people were happy again.

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Imagine how much destruction this country could have avoided if these people, and those they choose to represent them, were more adept at communicating, collaborating and innovating with those who don't think just like they do.

Kind of like the way the Constitution was created.

But no, they've been told their representatives keep getting ripped off, and so they no longer allow collaboration and innovation.

Maybe they should just get better at it.

Trump could have easily went down as the greatest president of all time if he would not have leaned so far right. Could you imagine if he passed a MOSTLY middle class tax bill? Or didn't touch divisive racism and trannies. Instead he went after trannies and sided with Klansmen at rallies.

Trump could have very well have decided he was going to play it down the middle. Be the most pro middle class AND corporate President. See it from both labor and managements perspective.

It's funny I went with a bike ride with my brother yesterday. First thing he did was bring up trannies. The Republicans have got him brainwashed. I pointed that out to him. I also reminded him how much he liked it in the 2000's when I was all political and they all told me to chillax.

The middle class needs to know how hard Biden is working for them. All Trump did was talked about bringing jobs back home and playing wackamole with illegals.

We need to go back to raiding illegal employers. Clinton raided 400 companies in 1999. A couple years later, Bush raided 3.

Biden's going after the real problem. Illegal employers.

Moving forward, DHS will focus on adopting policies and practices that achieve the following:

  • Reduce the demand for illegal employment by delivering more severe consequences to exploitative employers and their agents;

Shut them down!
Trump could have easily went down as the greatest president of all time if he would not have leaned so far right. Could you imagine if he passed a MOSTLY middle class tax bill? Or didn't touch divisive racism and trannies. Instead he went after trannies and sided with Klansmen at rallies.

Trump could have very well have decided he was going to play it down the middle. Be the most pro middle class AND corporate President. See it from both labor and managements perspective.

It's funny I went with a bike ride with my brother yesterday. First thing he did was bring up trannies. The Republicans have got him brainwashed. I pointed that out to him. I also reminded him how much he liked it in the 2000's when I was all political and they all told me to chillax.

The middle class needs to know how hard Biden is working for them. All Trump did was talked about bringing jobs back home and playing wackamole with illegals.

We need to go back to raiding illegal employers. Clinton raided 400 companies in 1999. A couple years later, Bush raided 3.

Biden's going after the real problem. Illegal employers.

Moving forward, DHS will focus on adopting policies and practices that achieve the following:

  • Reduce the demand for illegal employment by delivering more severe consequences to exploitative employers and their agents;

Shut them down!
Biden has never intentionally done anything good for anyone other than mostly himself.
We don't spend remotely enough on defense as is. We should be spending on trillion a year on defense with an increase of an average of 100 billion each year thereafter.
We don't spend remotely enough on defense as is. We should be spending on trillion a year on defense with an increase of an average of 100 billion each year thereafter.
Speak softly, but carry a big stick. ;)

That was Teddy Roosevelt. It's attributed to him, not me. I ain't no plagiarizer like Joe Biden.

Teddy was a wise man.

He'd beat Bill Gates and Zuckerberg with a big stick, I betcha!

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There is no way that "TAXING THE RICH" is going to bring in enough money to cover a 7.3 trillion dollar budget and the leftists know this. What will end up happening is that more debt will be added, most likely 3 trillion dollars a year or all the working class will end up paying 90% of what the earn towards this budget boondoggle. All in the name of equity....where everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable.

View attachment 928466
^^^ 100% FACT!

There is no way that "TAXING THE RICH" is going to bring in enough money to cover a 7.3 trillion dollar budget and the leftists know this. What will end up happening is that more debt will be added, most likely 3 trillion dollars a year or all the working class will end up paying 90% of what the earn towards this budget boondoggle. All in the name of equity....where everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable.

View attachment 928466
If by "this country" you mean Russia, you may be right.


Each and every indicator says the US is much better off today than it was 4 years ago.

Especially MAGAT desperation.

These people go through life like this, 24/7/365.

It must be awful.
Can you imagine being this addicted to anger?
They're like crack whores doing anything to get that fix.

Truly a sad group
They would be if they were not so dangerous
Can you imagine being this addicted to anger?
They're like crack whores doing anything to get that fix.

Truly a sad group
They would be if they were not so dangerous
I've spent a lot of time trying to understand this.

I understand it more than I used to, but some real mysteries remain.
Biden's already not funding the border, nor has he done so for four years. And our military is at its weakest point in history.
So you're saying no one in ICE, CBP, or INS has been paid for three years?

You could be
A. Lying
B. Full of crap
C. All the above.
Definitely. Biden’s tax and spend nightmare grossly expands the deficit. Seemingly not accounted for is the cost to taxpayers of welfare for 10 million+ illegals.

What Biden is trying not to say to the American people is that interest rates will surge, homeownership opportunities will slip away as mortgages will be unaffordable and the quality of life for everyone will be much lower.
Start your response with a bald faced lie and get called a bald faced liar.
I've spent a lot of time trying to understand this.

I understand it more than I used to, but some real mysteries remain.
Look at it from the perspective that MAGA is nothing but addicts and MAGA media and politicians are their dealers.

The addicts are always looking for that new higher high
While the dealers keep repackaging the same old crap and calling it brand new.

And like all addicts, the high is never enough. Never high enough, never long enough.
Which, like the crack whores they are, keeps them coming back for more.

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