A vote for Joe Biden for 2024 will destroy what is left of this country. If you dont like the U.S. vote for Joe.

Citygator is a liar.

1. He says people died of covid because of Trump. That's lunacy, what about those who died in other countries, and those who died on Biden's watch? Citygator is a liar.

2. He says people were unemployed because of Trump, as opposed to the pandemic. That's lunacy, what about those unemployed in other countries over COVID? Do you understand the difference between State and Federal govt.? Fuck, you don't gator. Citygator is uneducated and a liar.

3. He says Trump's deficit rose 30% before covid. We'll disregard Democrack's had the house, because our govt. structure is well above left heads. That's a lie. 779 to 984 is not 30%. Citygator is a liar.

That's as far as I'll go, post #4 is a pack of lies.
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While WE spend all our time supporting party politics. looking for hero's
THOSE BILLIONAIRES are buying our country. And the working man slips a little farther down the ladder.
Was Trump not the POTUS? Was he not in charge of the Executive Branch of the Fed Govt?

Do you really think a President has something to do with everything that goes on in the government?

Shit, we have a President now who signs a declaration for Easter to be the "National Day of Transgender Visibility", then claims next week that he didn't.

I know you'd like to believe in a perfect government, with a perfect candidate who's going to fulfill your lofty ideals, but that's not how it works in the real world. I trust government as far as I could pick up and throw this three bedroom, two bath, two car garage house. But Trump comes closer to being the man I want in the WH, closer than any other candidate running.
Citygator is a liar.

1. He says people died of covid because of Trump. That's lunacy, what about those who died in other countries, and those who died on Biden's watch? Citygator is a liar.

2. He says people were unemployed because of Trump, as opposed to the pandemic. That's lunacy, what about those unemployed in other countries over COVID? Do you understand the difference between State and Federal govt.? Fuck, you don't gator. Citygator is uneducated and a liar.

3. He says Trump's deficit rose 30% before covid. We'll disregard Democrack's had the house, because our govt. structure is well above left heads. That's a lie. 779 to 984 is not 30%. Citygator is a liar.

That's as far as I'll go, post #4 is a pack of lies.

Orange Man bad, you know. Stupid old corrupt pedo with dementia good.

been to your local homeless shelter lately? looked under the interstate?

that bread ain't adding a calorie to the working class diet if it is all headed to wall st.
Yeah, isnt it neat how under Obammy, the rich got very rich with the Quantitative Easing while the poor got poorer, and now with his VP who stole the 2024 election, that the rich are getting richer and the poor is getting poorer again. Alas, idiots like Botox will continue to vote against his own interests, FOR THE PARTY.

Do you really think a President has something to do with everything that goes on in the government?

This from the group of people that blame Biden for everything from a ship hitting a bridge to lighting hitting the Statue of Liberty!

I know you'd like to believe in a perfect government, with a perfect candidate who's going to fulfill your lofty ideals, but that's not how it works in the real world. I trust government as far as I could pick up and throw this three bedroom, two bath, two car garage house. But Trump comes closer to being the man I want in the WH, closer than any other candidate running.

As long as we keep accepting shit for candidates, that is all we are going to get.
Do you realize December is after January?

Yes he was bad for lifting the ban on funding.

Once again, Trump didn't lift the ban. That was the "experts" at the NIH and Congress.

Are you so in love with government that you think a President knows and sees everything?
This from the group of people that blame Biden for everything from a ship hitting a bridge to lighting hitting the Statue of Liberty!

As long as we keep accepting shit for candidates, that is all we are going to get.

Even Biden's former boss Barack Obama said "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up,"

And fucking things up, Joe has. So why should I blame him for every fucking thing that's gone wrong the last four years?

And you have yet to mention a "wonder boy" you think would do a better job.
Even Biden's former boss Barack Obama said "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up,"

And fucking things up, Joe has. So why should I blame him for every fucking thing that's gone wrong the last four years?

So, let me get this straight...Biden is responsible for every bad thing in the country since he took office and Trump is not even responsible for the things his own people do.

And then you people get mad when I point out that you worship Trump.

And you have yet to mention a "wonder boy" you think would do a better job.

Strong arguments that people lived better lives under Trump! “Trump’s America was a nightmarish hellscape” is an interesting pitch.
It was going to be the Roaring 20s all over again, with everyone (except lazy fuck libtards) working, and enjoying life, with low gasoline and food prices, babies having formula at the ready, incomes for middle class going up because of the change in the tax codes, less overbearing regulations that the brown turd Obammy had forced upon everyone. Then Saint George who died of a fentanyl overdose who could of just been arrested peacefully, resisted arrest 5 times while kicking a police officer, who decided to kneel on the dead man, and the leftist decided it was a good day to go full on KKK by burning minority businesses and murdering blacks, and Joe Biden was just sitting in his basement while Democrat cities burned. Then Joe who is bought and paid for by China asked China to help him by releasing the Kung Flu which then helped Joe, steal the 2020 election.

Yeah, isnt it neat how under Obammy, the rich got very rich with the Quantitative Easing while the poor got poorer, and now with his VP who stole the 2024 election, that the rich are getting richer and the poor is getting poorer again. Alas, idiots like Botox will continue to i was in the street vote against his own interests, FOR THE PARTY.

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i was in the street during those obama years, and would have supported impeachment over the BIPARTISAN bad policy during the crash.

you were not. conservatives were very pleased to sit home and cheer the cops who were bashing protestors.
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Once again, Trump didn't lift the ban. That was the "experts" at the NIH and Congress.

The Obama administration enacted the ban. It had to be rescinded by the Trump administration.

But you know this.

Are you so in love with government that you think a President knows and sees everything?

For Trump supporters it seemed Trump knew nothing on what went on during his administration. While probably true it's not an excuse.

It was widely reported. For Trump not to have not known would simply mean he wasn't at all interested.
This from the group of people that blame Biden for everything from a ship hitting a bridge to lighting hitting the Statue of Liberty!

As long as we keep accepting shit for candidates, that is all we are going to get.

broken record skipping on the same crack 24-7. Always wrong always skipping the exact spot same information. spinning…round and round. Really dumb.
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i was in the street during those obama years, and would have supported impeachment over the BIPARTISAN bad policy during the crash.

you were not. conservatives were very pleased to sit home and cheer the cops who were bashing protestors.

Bless your Black heart you lying sack of crap. OBiden 1.0 was to go after the bankers not party with them at Marthas Vineyard. You don’t know enough to protest or riot. You’d have to be carried to the battlefield and directed. You’re the basic cannon fodder. A closeted Obiden fluffer.
The Obama administration enacted the ban. It had to be rescinded by the Trump administration.

But you know this.

For Trump supporters it seemed Trump knew nothing on what went on during his administration. While probably true it's not an excuse.

It was widely reported. For Trump not to have not known would simply mean he wasn't at all interested.

For someone one supposedly "knew nothing", Trump sure got a lot done and made this county a safer place to live.

There is no way that "TAXING THE RICH" is going to bring in enough money to cover a 7.3 trillion dollar budget and the leftists know this. What will end up happening is that more debt will be added, most likely 3 trillion dollars a year or all the working class will end up paying 90% of what the earn towards this budget boondoggle. All in the name of equity....where everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable.

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