Your credit card payment just doubled

-=d=- said:
My wife and I accumulated a decent amount of debt several years ago because we were forced to buy things like 'food' and 'car repairs' and yes, a 'house payment' or two, on Credit cards. You and others here seem to have little in terms of fiscal compassion on others. You talk about people under sometimes CRUSHING debt; associating them with 'irresponsible' when it could be something like 'circumstance' which creates the hole they are in.

D, I've seen your cars. If you're under that much crushing debt, then downscale.
Nobody is talking about those that are RESPONSIBLE and run into problems. That happens to us all. The discussion has been more about those that run up debt on cards to, as Shattered put it, "pimp out their car", buy that 50" HDTV they really can't afford anyway, etc. I understand people run into problems. But sometimes (often) those problems could be avoided if people would just be responsible from the get go.
-=d=- said:
You talk about people under sometimes CRUSHING debt; associating them with 'irresponsible' when it could be something like 'circumstance' which creates the hole they are in.

Happened to me, I was off sick unexpectedly for about six months. During that time, my husband lost his job too. It happens to the best of us.
and this is why I do not have credit cards, If I can't pay cash for it, then I guess I don't need it!
Said1 said:
Happened to me, I was off sick unexpectedly for about six months. During that time, my husband lost his job too. It happens to the best of us.

But did you go out of your way to stack more debt on top of debt? If it came down to a choice between food, gas, and $275 inflatable shoes, and decide that you just *needed* all three? Somehow, I doubt it... *That's* what I'm referring to.
Shattered said:
But did you go out of your way to stack more debt on top of debt? If it came down to a choice between food, gas, and $275 inflatable shoes, and decide that you just *needed* all three? Somehow, I doubt it... *That's* what I'm referring to.

I wasn't replying to you.
Ah, I see.. We're back to the 'only certain people can reply to certain things in certain threads' mentality.

Whatever. Knock yourself out.
Shattered said:
D, I've seen your cars. If you're under that much crushing debt, then downscale.

I only have one car. My wife has a car, too. And I'm not under crushing debt - I 'used to be'. ;)

I have a $25K car; she has a $2,000 car.
Shattered said:
Ah, I see.. We're back to the 'only certain people can reply to certain things in certain threads' mentality.

Whatever. Knock yourself out.

Ah no, I was responding to a comment made by D, which was not meant to refute anything you posted. Just a general ****comment***. Although I can see how you might take it that way.

Plus, I've never claimed only certain people can respond to certain things in any thread, or held that attitude, but it does sound familiar.
Shattered said:
But did you go out of your way to stack more debt on top of debt? If it came down to a choice between food, gas, and $275 inflatable shoes, and decide that you just *needed* all three? Somehow, I doubt it... *That's* what I'm referring to.

But those shoes were soooooo cool!!

I had to have them!
freeandfun1 said:
The blame lies squarely on those that keep running up their PRIVATE (see, there is a reason it is called private) debt. The credit card companies have NOTHING to do with it. As I asked, if I give you a rope am I making your hang yourself with it? This country totally ignore personal responsibility these days. That is how we end up with idiots like you.

Actually it's how we end up with idiots like those in the Republican congressional leadership. Apparently the concept of corporate responsibility is lost on you. After all, corporations are regarded as individuals under US law, and should be held accountable for their actions just as you or I am.

What would you call a person who keeps giving money to someone who promises to pay it back, but never does? An irresponsible idiot. The same concept applies to credit card issuers who keep giving credit cards to irresponsible, uncreditworthy people.

Yes, individual responsibility is profoundly lackin in America today...on all levels.
Bullypulpit said:
Actually it's how we end up with idiots like those in the Republican congressional leadership. Apparently the concept of corporate responsibility is lost on you. After all, corporations are regarded as individuals under US law, and should be held accountable for their actions just as you or I am.

What would you call a person who keeps giving money to someone who promises to pay it back, but never does? An irresponsible idiot. The same concept applies to credit card issuers who keep giving credit cards to irresponsible, uncreditworthy people.

Yes, individual responsibility is profoundly lackin in America today...on all levels.
Well, as you like to point out when you are arguing about them charging, the CC companies are quite profitable. They know what their balance can be. They also know that if the system craps out, they aren't going to do too bad because people are so WILLING to sign over everything they own as collateral. The banks will get to own a lot of houses if people DON'T START TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR DEBT LEVELS! Sure, if the economy tanks the property won't be worth much - today - but it will be in the future and the banks have enough put away to cover their asses until the economy turns around. So to fight their greed, become RESPONSIBLE.

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