Your first political event, that you remember as a child

The earliest political event I remember in my childhood is Kennedy's funeral on a black-and-white TV screen.

I was going to say the Kennedy assassination. I have a recollection that when the news was showing Oswald being escorted out, my Dad called out “Come watch this guy get shot!” and sure enough Ruby executed Oswald right then and there

He knew the whole thing was a set up

Trying hard to think of something earlier, but the best I can come up with is the announcement, made by the principal of my school, that JFK had been shot. I was 9 years old.

Maybe not political, but I remember before that, getting the Presidential Memorial Certificate with the facsimile of JFK's signature, acknowledging my deceased father's military service. Still have it and it hangs on the wall next to the one I got with the facsimile of Donald Trump's signature, when my husband passed two years ago.

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i remember watching Ron Paul at the debate. i asked my bro: "what party is he with?". he said he's a Republican. i said: 'THEN I WANT TO BE A REPUBLICAN!"
The earliest political event I remember in my childhood is Kennedy's funeral on a black-and-white TV screen.

Drinking milk at the kitchen table while the news went on and on about Nixon. I was real little--I guess five years old.
I remember watching TV news with my parents when I was very very young. I was wondering what the people being talked about were going to do with all those Boats. I had no concept about what a vote was at that age, but I knew what a boat was.
5 th grade for the jfk assassination....i remember the kid next to me wrote on my desk...this means war

In the United States everything means war.

I remember going to school on election day and passing the people handing out pamphlets for their candidates.
I was going to say the Kennedy assassination. I have a recollection that when the news was showing Oswald being escorted out, my Dad called out “Come watch this guy get shot!” and sure enough Ruby executed Oswald right then and there

He knew the whole thing was a set up

At the time, I remember being more upset seeing Oswald get shot than JFK being shot.

While I had seen hundreds of shootings on TV, it was the first time I ever saw anyone actually shot
The 1st thing that got me into politics was hearing that there's a politician named Dick Armey.

i was like: "where do i join this Dick Armey"?
my older brother in the 90s used to listen to Newt Gingrich's GOPAC tapes. i remember that too
my bro says this is the 1st political article he read...from 1989:

''There is an evil wind blowing in the halls of Congress today that is reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition,'' said Representative Jack Brooks of Texas, chairman of the Judiciary Committee. ''It is replacing comity and compassion with hatred and malice.'


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