Your Political Beliefs?

Do you know what a corporation is?
Its the same thing as a person

Wrong. It is a legal entity created to allow individuals to invest without incurring personal liability. Without corporations, it would be impossible to engage in any large scale enterprise. Corporations are what allow us to have cars, purchase homes, use credit cards, etc. That being said, neither corporations, labor unions nor any other business entity should be permitted to contribute, directly or indirectly, to any individual person's or political party's campaign efforts.

Hmm... would that apply to everyone who owns a portion of the corporation (stockholders)? Or just their employees?

It should apply to corporations and labor unions, not individuals.

Huh? If the law doesn't apply to the owners of the corporation, nor to their employees, who does it apply to?

Current laws apply to the employee's, just not the Corporations.
Its the same thing as a person

Wrong. It is a legal entity created to allow individuals to invest without incurring personal liability. Without corporations, it would be impossible to engage in any large scale enterprise. Corporations are what allow us to have cars, purchase homes, use credit cards, etc. That being said, neither corporations, labor unions nor any other business entity should be permitted to contribute, directly or indirectly, to any individual person's or political party's campaign efforts.

Hmm... would that apply to everyone who owns a portion of the corporation (stockholders)? Or just their employees?

It should apply to corporations and labor unions, not individuals.

Huh? If the law doesn't apply to the owners of the corporation, nor to their employees, who does it apply to?

Current laws apply to the employee's, just not the Corporations.

And how would a law apply to corporations but not people? Let me put it this way, if a "corporation" breaks a law, who goes to jail?
Hard to describe me politically.

First of , I don't believe voting should be a right, I think it should be a privilege that is earned. Gender/Race/Religion should have no part in that discussion. Simple voter exam that you must pass to vote.

Secondly, I take issue with both "conservatives" and "liberals" who constantly want to tell others what they may or may not do. Its sickening and frightening how much power people are willing to give the government over OTHER people.

We have became the furthest thing from a free society that a person can possibly imagine.

How do you think the right to vote should be earned?
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I believe that genes are considerably more important than any other factor in determining ability levels and behavior.

This belief pushes me to the left and the right. On the one hand I see little moral significance in the distribution of wealth and income. On the other I doubt that social reform and social welfare spending can do much to solve social problems that are caused by personal inadequacies.

I lean to the left on economic and environmental issues, and to the right on social issues, especially crime and punishment. I am a moderate Democrat, who disagrees with a few stands the Democratic Party took after the death of John Kennedy.
Our form of government was built with an extremely logical focus on society. All of the parts were designed to work together, strengthening one another. When the country was founded "the whole" was the focus. As time progressed "the individual" became the focus. This shift is the current undoing of our country. A centralized federal government can't effectively govern individuals.

Most debates start from false premises now. 1.) Marriage - The government has no business approving or sanctioning marriage straight or gay. 2.) Religion - The government is strictly prohibited from establishing a national religion or prohibiting the free exercise of. 3.) Citizenship - Being born here to illegal residents should not grant citizenship. The 14th amendment was poorly written and was not intended for its current use. 4.) Citizens United - The problem lies with the tax system. If you are going to tax corporations as independent beings then you have to afford that corporation the same access to representation as an independent being.

We, as a nation, have bastardized the original intent of the Constitution for years based on special interests (individualism). That leads to all of the turmoil that we face now.

You're reasoning is skewed beyond recognition.

This nation was founded upon the principles declared in it's foundational action... "We hold these truths to be self evident ... that all men are created equal. ..."

Note that singular point wherein all men are recognized to be equal, in the specific context of their individual rights and the responsibilities of the individual, which sustain those God-given rights. There is no 'collectivism' to be found anywhere within the foundational principles upon which America, the concept and The United States which stems from that concept, rests.

Where the individual is well versed in the recognition and defense of, as well as the adherence to those principles, issues regarding the collective are axiomatically addressed and satisfied. This is NEVER true, where the same would-be problem is addressed from the inverse, or through the irrational notion of trying to solve for 'the problems of the collective'.

All amendments post the 10th are poorly considered, as the individuals writing them fell short in their sense of and respect for objectivity and this 'problem' only deepens where the culture turns more inward as it falls into the abyss of subjectivism, OKA: Socialism.

This is all very simple stuff... .
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I'm with Abe Lincoln. This is a government of the people, by the people, for the people but we now have the most unequal distribution of wealth among all modern nations and the supreme court says corporations are citizens who can flood the political system with influence by way of campaign financing. I don't think corporations are the people Lincoln had in mind when he made that speech.

The answer is not a return to somehow restricting how much treasure that any given creature with a Social Security number or a Tax ID number can give to politicians, the answer is removing from the politicians the power to grant favors in return.

Fair and simple taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law, and transparency in spending. Then, build an economy that your kids & grand kids can drive to The Stars.

:smoke: It's not rocket science, y'all.​

A balanced budget amendment is like a promise to go on a diet, quit drinking, and begin an exercise program six months from now.
I believe that genes are considerably more important than any other factor in determining ability levels and behavior.

This belief pushes me to the left and the right. On the one hand I see little moral significance in the distribution of wealth and income. On the other I doubt that social reform and social welfare spending can do much to solve social problems that are caused by personal inadequacies.

I lean to the left on economic and environmental issues, and to the right on social issues, especially crime and punishment. I am a moderate Democrat, who disagrees with a few stands the Democratic Party took after the death of John Kennedy.

There is no 'Left' on economic issues, in terms of sound, sustainable economics. It's math... .

Leftist economics, is simply unsound reasoning applied to economics. Socialism, in all of its innumerable facets is merely the blue-print for building the economic 'House of Cards'. There is no such thing as a sustainable socialist economic model. At least not where the exercise is to be executed through a human culture. One assumes your 'feelings' on the issue are being considered as such applies to humanity, so... well, you know.

What's more is that there is no separating socialism from the Leftist environmental scam. The two are now and have been for generations, synonymous. Such is foolish and unworthy of consideration by anything approaching a viable adult.

Human genetics is what it is... and altering it to adopt behavior more suited to finding 'an easier way' is a long ago discredited (Leftist) notion OKA: Eugenics.

The solution to most, if not all issues common to humanity; certainly in terms of behavior, all center upon the aforementioned principles in, or 'laws of' nature. Where individuals recognize, respect, defend and adhere to those principles, sustainable prosperity and happiness abound, where they do not, you find chaos, calamity and catastrophe.

Such are merely the laws of God and the rejection of such, Evil... and that is truly all there is to this crap.
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Okay so this is my first post here so hooray! Now with that out of the way, My question is this: What are your overall political beliefs, and most importantly, why? What are your thoughts on our political system and where it is going? Where does religion fit into the picture? I know those are pretty open-ended questions but it will be interesting to see where this goes.

The reason I ask is because a) I am curious and b) My final in my political science class involves getting people's opinions and whatnot. So you BETTER have some GOOD answers, lol. :biggrin:
My main political belief is it takes a lot of money to run our country and I am with any Party I think can save us the most money, by reducing taxes so people have more money in their own pockets, and by reducing regulations on businesses so more people can afford to BE in business, thus creating more full-time jobs. Also by lowering corporate taxes so we can keep businesses in America, and their preferred states in which to be in business.
I believe that genes are considerably more important than any other factor in determining ability levels and behavior.

This belief pushes me to the left and the right. On the one hand I see little moral significance in the distribution of wealth and income. On the other I doubt that social reform and social welfare spending can do much to solve social problems that are caused by personal inadequacies.

I lean to the left on economic and environmental issues, and to the right on social issues, especially crime and punishment. I am a moderate Democrat, who disagrees with a few stands the Democratic Party took after the death of John Kennedy.

You exemplify a lot of Democrats who should (and often do) vote Republican, but are loathe to admit it. The Left does a very good job of demonizing those with whom they disagree.
Fair and simple taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law, and transparency in spending. Then, build an economy that your kids & grand kids can drive to The Stars.

A balanced budget amendment is like a promise to go on a diet, quit drinking, and begin an exercise program six months from now.

And whose fault is that?

Say what you want about America, She gets what She demands.
I believe that genes are considerably more important than any other factor in determining ability levels and behavior.

This belief pushes me to the left and the right. On the one hand I see little moral significance in the distribution of wealth and income. On the other I doubt that social reform and social welfare spending can do much to solve social problems that are caused by personal inadequacies.

I lean to the left on economic and environmental issues, and to the right on social issues, especially crime and punishment. I am a moderate Democrat, who disagrees with a few stands the Democratic Party took after the death of John Kennedy.

You exemplify a lot of Democrats who should (and often do) vote Republican, but are loathe to admit it. The Left does a very good job of demonizing those with whom they disagree.

I have only voted for two Republicans in my life. I am dissatisfied with Barack Obama, but I voted for him in 2008 and 2012. Obama is an incompetent beneficiary of affirmative action, but I would vote for him a third time against any Republican.
Our form of government was built with an extremely logical focus on society. All of the parts were designed to work together, strengthening one another. When the country was founded "the whole" was the focus. As time progressed "the individual" became the focus. This shift is the current undoing of our country. A centralized federal government can't effectively govern individuals.

Most debates start from false premises now. 1.) Marriage - The government has no business approving or sanctioning marriage straight or gay. 2.) Religion - The government is strictly prohibited from establishing a national religion or prohibiting the free exercise of. 3.) Citizenship - Being born here to illegal residents should not grant citizenship. The 14th amendment was poorly written and was not intended for its current use. 4.) Citizens United - The problem lies with the tax system. If you are going to tax corporations as independent beings then you have to afford that corporation the same access to representation as an independent being.

We, as a nation, have bastardized the original intent of the Constitution for years based on special interests (individualism). That leads to all of the turmoil that we face now.

You're reasoning is skewed beyond recognition.

This nation was founded upon the principles declared in it's foundational action... "We hold these truths to be self evident ... that all men are created equal. ..."

Note that singular point wherein all men are recognized to be equal, in the specific context of their individual rights and the responsibilities of the individual, which sustain those God-given rights. There is no 'collectivism' to be found anywhere within the foundational principles upon which America, the concept and The United States which stems from that concept, rests.

Where the individual is well versed in the recognition and defense of, as well as the adherence to those principles, issues regarding the collective are axiomatically addressed and satisfied. This is NEVER true, where the same would-be problem is addressed from the inverse, or through the irrational notion of trying to solve for 'the problems of the collective'.

All amendments post the 10th are poorly considered, as the individuals writing them fell short in their sense of and respect for objectivity and this 'problem' only deepens where the culture turns more inward as it falls into the abyss of subjectivism, OKA: Socialism.

This is all very simple stuff... .

The only thing "skewed" must be my way of expressing my thoughts. Other than your attempt to "teach" me something, I don't necessarily disagree with anything you said. Moreover, if you spent more time trying to discuss and less time trying to sound like a self important asshole, we might be able to help those with truly Socialist leanings see the error in their ways.

The "simple stuff" is that government and society are two different things. A federal government has to be concerned with the collective. That is the very reason for the existence of a federal government. Put away your "word of the day" calendar and try having a discussion with someone rather than preaching to people and you may have better luck.

I am sorry if my original post did not flow correctly which led to this discussion. Please read it again through the prism of me being an open minded constitutionalist with a full understanding of individual responsibility and freedoms. Sorry for the trouble.
Not sure if ya can read my response above... some glitch I guess.

Here is my response:

If you're offended, perhaps the problem is within you. Look in there and see if you find something bent out of shape. I have my way, you have yours... that doesn't mean we can't converse civilly.

The "simple stuff" is that government and society are two different things. A federal government has to be concerned with the collective. That is the very reason for the existence of a federal government. Put away your "word of the day" calendar and try having a discussion with someone rather than preaching to people and you may have better luck.

The interests of the collective are inherently resolved where the interests of the individual is resolved. There is no better place for the interests of the individual to get their interests resolved, than THE INDIVIDUAL THEMSELVES.

Government is THE PEOPLE... and the people (The Collective) get precisely the government it DESERVES!
Thus we can deduce from that, that the United States is a hot mess, having long ago become infected by a virulent Ideology which sets Foreign Ideas that are HOSTILE TO THE PRINCIPLES THAT DEFINE AMERICA, in opposition to those principles... .

The United States is faltering... it will likely cease to exist as you've known it, within the very near future.

If it has ANY CHANCE, it is in a resurgence of the INDIVIDUAL taking responsibility FOR ITSELF... bearing the responsibilities that sustain its rights... and doing so without regard to the 'feelings' of those who challenge those rights and reject all sense of responsibility.

I am sorry if my original post did not flow correctly which led to this discussion. Please read it again through the prism of me being an open minded constitutionalist with a full understanding of individual responsibility and freedoms. Sorry for the trouble.

Not necessary... and I feel ya. I read it the first time. I get it... we can move on.
Okay so this is my first post here so hooray! Now with that out of the way, My question is this: What are your overall political beliefs, and most importantly, why? What are your thoughts on our political system and where it is going? Where does religion fit into the picture? I know those are pretty open-ended questions but it will be interesting to see where this goes.

The reason I ask is because a) I am curious and b) My final in my political science class involves getting people's opinions and whatnot. So you BETTER have some GOOD answers, lol. :biggrin:

I am a rightwinger


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