Your political beliefs


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
Fill out the questions like I did

Preferred Political System:

(Write down your preferred system of government)
Democratic Republic or Parliamentary Monarchy like the UK

Political and civil rights

Free speech: Yes
Freedom of religion: Yes
Freedom of assembly: Yes (but must be peaceful not violence)

Corporal/capital punishment: In very rare cases maybe if the guilt is proven beyond doubt and it is a serial murderer rapist torturer eats babies etc.
Universal suffrage: Dont know what that is
Compulsory voting: Dont know what that is

Nationalism: No
Internationalism: Yes
EU-membership (only for Europeans): Yes
UN-membership: Yes
NATO-membership: Undecided
ZOG: Dont believe in Zog. I support Israel though to some degree.

The Military

Militancy (as in supporting military operations abroad): In some cases, as peace establishment to help get rid of murderous dictators, murderous terrorist gangs who hold their citizens captive and set them free
Compulsory military service: No
Women in the armed forces: Yes

The Environment

Environmentalism: Yes but not take it too far
Urbanization: Yes but not take it too far
Natural/unprocessed food production: Doesnt matter if it is not unhealthy I believe that processed and even genetically engineered food maybe is not really more unhealthy then natural food Im not sure about that
Animal rights: Yes but not over the top, to some degree

The Economy
Welfare state: Yes
Taxation: The poor should be free of tax or less taxed then the rich. Because the poor are in danger of homelesness or financial marginalisation. The rich can afford to pay more.
Economic System: (Write down your preferred economic system) Social Free Market Capitalism with some but limited government controll
Public/Private/Other Ownership over industries: Private
Public/Private/Other Ownership over banks: Private but Central National Bank should be public owned
National bank in public/private ownership: Public
Healthcare (Private/Public/Other): Public with possibility of additional private who wants extras
Education (Private/Public/Other): Public and some private like catholic Schools also homeschooling should be legal I think in Germany it isnt but in USA it is

Social Conservatism.
Political correctness: Yes but not proffessionaly victim card and proffessionally offended, only if it goes below the belt line, serious hate speech etc. only basic civlitiy and politeness I dont believe for example in cultural appropriation or that you cant dress up as native american or gypsy or mexican on carneval or something like that or that a white person cant have dread locks, thats too crazy
Degenerate media & entertainment:
Religion: (in most cases) Christianity should be official religion but it should still be secular
Pornography: Undecided
Abortion: In some cases if the women is in danger of life or health damage, if the kid would be severly crippled (not only slightly) or if she was raped
Prostitution: Yes but it should be thoroughly controlled
Homosexuality: Yes
(If voted - Same-sex marriage): Yes but not in church
(If voted - Civil unions for same-sex couples): Yes(If voted - Adoption by same-sex couples): The biological parents should have a say, if the couple who gave it to adoption is straight and doesnt want that gays adopt it they shouldnt if it is the kid a homosexual from a previous marriage (that exists too) then yes and if the biological are straight but are ok with it. There was a case in UK where a kid was taken away from gypsy parents because of suppossed neglectance and it was given against the will of the parents to a gay couple. Im against that.
Drugs / alcohol / tobacco: Drugs no, Weed yes, Alcohol yes, Tobacco yes.

Gun control: I never had a gun or needed one, it is more a question for americans Im conent how it is in austria and dont even know really the law never bothered
Euthanasia: Medically assisted in some cases if the person suffers really heavily and will die of cancer or like that and wants to end his suffering.
Eugenics: Yes
Racial integration / miscegenation: Yes should be left to free choice for everyone
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So you want an international welfare state? I'm guessing you're a Democrat. I will give you props for supporting Christianity.
So you want an international welfare state? I'm guessing you're a Democrat. I will give you props for supporting Christianity.

Not exactly. But I support internationalism in the sense that I support cooperation on international basis. I dont support a one world government though. I do support welfare on national level for citizens and permanent residents who are legal if they are in risk of homelesness or such to me it is the humane thing to do.
Fill out the questions like I did

Preferred Political System:

(Write down your preferred system of government)
Racial Socialist state

Political and civil rights

Free speech: Yes
Freedom of religion: The OFFICIAL religion would be Creativity but other NON foreign religions would be acceptable as long as they don't interfere with the state.
Freedom of assembly: Yes (but must be peaceful not violence)

Corporal/capital punishment: Absolutely
Universal suffrage:
Compulsory voting: No. In fact I think citizens should WORK their way up to being allowed to vote. Military service,civil service etc.

Nationalism: 100% yes
Internationalism: Hell no!
EU-membership (only for Europeans):
UN-membership: Nope!
NATO-membership: Nope!
ZOG: What about it? The Jewish menace needs to be destroyed in its entirety

The Military

Militancy (as in supporting military operations abroad): Speak quietly and carry a big stick. Fuck with us and we will wipe you off the map. This is OF COURSE after we have cleaned the earth up of all nonwhites and jews and undesirables so in reality there won't be really a need for war.
Compulsory military service: Yes!
Women in the armed forces: Sure but in traditional roles.

The Environment

Environmentalism: Yes but not like the enviro whackos
Urbanization: Yuck no!
Natural/unprocessed food production: As natural as possible,ban GMO's etc.
Animal rights: Lol seriously? OK no abusing animals other than that its a dog eat dog world we are at top of food chain so.

The Economy
Welfare state: In a way, no where near what we have now. No sitting on welfare for years on end etc...won't really need welfare in general because won't be any nonwhites sucking off the government tit. The whites that run into hard times will be helped with learning a new trade or finding a job etc.
Taxation: No income tax at all. Survived without it for first 125 years or more. Tax on goods etc possibly
Economic System: Racial Socialism. Not INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM!
Public/Private/Other Ownership over industries: Private for the most part
Public/Private/Other Ownership over banks: No government involvement at all,free market here...
National bank in public/private ownership: There won't be a national bank.
Healthcare (Private/Public/Other): Universal healthcare for citizens.
Education (Private/Public/Other): All will be allowed and everything in between encouraged. In a racially aware state the children are our future and would be looked at as such.

Social Conservatism.
Political correctness: Absolutely not
Degenerate media & entertainment:Destroyed and banned
Religion: As long as its no foreign religion such as Islam,Judaism etc etc then sure but state religion will be Creativity. Odinism, Christian Identity,etc will be accepted with open arms as will Atheism but not allowed any real power in politics or society outside of their churches and churches WILL be taxed.
Pornography: Its a jewish invention and detrimental to the health of a state so banned.
Abortion: I will bring back Eugenics so yes quality is important not quantity
Prostitution: No!
Homosexuality: Is a mental disease and will be banned and anyone found to be with it will be given chance to get help...death penalty after that.
(If voted - Same-sex marriage):
(If voted - Civil unions for same-sex couples):
Drugs / alcohol / tobacco: Absolutely no drugs outside of medical marijuana,as far as other 2 that's up to the citizens if they want to partake in it. No official government position

Gun control:
ZERO gun laws! ANY citizen can own ANY weapon they want.
Eugenics: Yes
Racial integration / miscegenation:
Absolutely not! There will be no other race than the white race so no need for this question.

I answered.
So you want an international welfare state? I'm guessing you're a Democrat. I will give you props for supporting Christianity.

Not exactly. But I support internationalism in the sense that I support cooperation on international basis. I dont support a one world government though. I do support welfare on national level for citizens and permanent residents who are legal if they are in risk of homelesness or such to me it is the humane thing to do.
A little biased there though aren't you? Don't you receive Austrian welfare?
So you want an international welfare state? I'm guessing you're a Democrat. I will give you props for supporting Christianity.

Not exactly. But I support internationalism in the sense that I support cooperation on international basis. I dont support a one world government though. I do support welfare on national level for citizens and permanent residents who are legal if they are in risk of homelesness or such to me it is the humane thing to do.

I'm not sure getting along with people internationally makes you an internationalist, or mandates that nationalism is bad. Can't you be proud of your country and culture and still get along with your neighbors? I hear you on helping the desperate, but you have to be careful saying you are pro-welfare. For some reason Democrats want to put everyone on public programs whether they need help or not. Thanks for the discussion, you seem like a reasonable person. Also, I don't think anyone wants huge international military involvement, but we have seen that withdrawing leaves a vacuum that despots take advantage of. Also, Russia taking Crimea was worrisome, as well as China's aggressiveness and naval buildup. Pacifism sounds great, but I don't think it is really possible.
Fill out the questions like I did

Preferred Political System:

(Write down your preferred system of government)
Democratic Republic or Parliamentary Monarchy like the UK

Political and civil rights

Free speech: Yes
Freedom of religion: Yes
Freedom of assembly: Yes (but must be peaceful not violence)

Corporal/capital punishment: In very rare cases maybe if the guilt is proven beyond doubt and it is a serial murderer rapist torturer eats babies etc.
Universal suffrage: Dont know what that is
Compulsory voting: Dont know what that is

Nationalism: No
Internationalism: Yes
EU-membership (only for Europeans): Yes
UN-membership: Yes
NATO-membership: Undecided
ZOG: Dont believe in Zog. I support Israel though to some degree.

The Military

Militancy (as in supporting military operations abroad): In some cases, as peace establishment to help get rid of murderous dictators, murderous terrorist gangs who hold their citizens captive and set them free
Compulsory military service: No
Women in the armed forces: Yes

The Environment

Environmentalism: Yes but not take it too far
Urbanization: Yes but not take it too far
Natural/unprocessed food production: Doesnt matter if it is not unhealthy I believe that processed and even genetically engineered food maybe is not really more unhealthy then natural food Im not sure about that
Animal rights: Yes but not over the top, to some degree

The Economy
Welfare state: Yes
Taxation: The poor should be free of tax or less taxed then the rich. Because the poor are in danger of homelesness or financial marginalisation. The rich can afford to pay more.
Economic System: (Write down your preferred economic system) Social Free Market Capitalism with some but limited government controll
Public/Private/Other Ownership over industries: Private
Public/Private/Other Ownership over banks: Private but Central National Bank should be public owned
National bank in public/private ownership: Public
Healthcare (Private/Public/Other): Public with possibility of additional private who wants extras
Education (Private/Public/Other): Public and some private like catholic Schools also homeschooling should be legal I think in Germany it isnt but in USA it is

Social Conservatism.
Political correctness: Yes but not proffessionaly victim card and proffessionally offended, only if it goes below the belt line, serious hate speech etc. only basic civlitiy and politeness I dont believe for example in cultural appropriation or that you cant dress up as native american or gypsy or mexican on carneval or something like that or that a white person cant have dread locks, thats too crazy
Degenerate media & entertainment:
Religion: (in most cases) Christianity should be official religion but it should still be secular
Pornography: Undecided
Abortion: In some cases if the women is in danger of life or health damage, if the kid would be severly crippled (not only slightly) or if she was raped
Prostitution: Yes but it should be thoroughly controlled
Homosexuality: Yes
(If voted - Same-sex marriage): Yes but not in church
(If voted - Civil unions for same-sex couples): Yes(If voted - Adoption by same-sex couples): The biological parents should have a say, if the couple who gave it to adoption is straight and doesnt want that gays adopt it they shouldnt if it is the kid a homosexual from a previous marriage (that exists too) then yes and if the biological are straight but are ok with it. There was a case in UK where a kid was taken away from gypsy parents because of suppossed neglectance and it was given against the will of the parents to a gay couple. Im against that.
Drugs / alcohol / tobacco: Drugs no, Weed yes, Alcohol yes, Tobacco yes.

Gun control: I never had a gun or needed one, it is more a question for americans Im conent how it is in austria and dont even know really the law never bothered
Euthanasia: Medically assisted in some cases if the person suffers really heavily and will die of cancer or like that and wants to end his suffering.
Eugenics: Yes
Racial integration / miscegenation: Yes should be left to free choice for everyone

What purpose does the monarchy serve besides figureheads of state?

No purpose really only symbolic but it is a nice tradition in my opinion and many democratic countries have a monarch the UK for example.

The King/Queen of England actually does have some real political power though it is not often exercised. The Queen has pardon powers, power to declare war, and is commander of the armed forces (though that gets delegated). She also has the power to dissolve Parliament and must assent to new laws before they go into effect.
So you want an international welfare state? I'm guessing you're a Democrat. I will give you props for supporting Christianity.

Not exactly. But I support internationalism in the sense that I support cooperation on international basis. I dont support a one world government though. I do support welfare on national level for citizens and permanent residents who are legal if they are in risk of homelesness or such to me it is the humane thing to do.

The problem with giving free anything is that it doesn't promote self sufficiency, it rewards bad behavior. " I dropped out of school in 10th grade can't get a decent job and am way more valuable than starting wage. So I'll apply for welfare say I'm unable to work because my mom never made me go to school and get paid to do nothing. JACKPOT! Except for the people who pay into the system through forced mandatory payroll deductions . Welfare starts at home give the task of caring for a States citizenry back to the States they live in not the ones they don't.
So you want an international welfare state? I'm guessing you're a Democrat. I will give you props for supporting Christianity.

Not exactly. But I support internationalism in the sense that I support cooperation on international basis. I dont support a one world government though. I do support welfare on national level for citizens and permanent residents who are legal if they are in risk of homelesness or such to me it is the humane thing to do.

The problem with giving free anything is that it doesn't promote self sufficiency, it rewards bad behavior. " I dropped out of school in 10th grade can't get a decent job and am way more valuable than starting wage. So I'll apply for welfare say I'm unable to work because my mom never made me go to school and get paid to do nothing. JACKPOT! Except for the people who pay into the system through forced mandatory payroll deductions . Welfare starts at home give the task of caring for a States citizenry back to the States they live in not the ones they don't.

Maybe there is a reason why someone dropped out of school. Maybe he was neglected by his parents, or the parents didnt had the financial means to let him go to school. It is not black and white. Also you can be a hard worker and then have a accident and become crippled and lose your job your home etc. Some people are born with disabilities too. To me it is the humane thing to do. Some people didnt do much though to be rich. They inherited it. I respect the hard workers, intelligent people, etc. and they became rich. Im not against rich people.
What purpose does the monarchy serve besides figureheads of state?

A GREAT question and if one is a Constitutional Monarchist I answer this way.

Three critical steps along the way help to explain the current usage of the concept of the Crown in the United Kingdom. One was the acceptance of the legal personality of the Crown, whether justified by reference to the person of the Monarch or by characterisation of the Crown as a corporation sole (or, occasionally, aggregate).9 A second was the progressive loss of royal power to adjudicate and legislate to the courts and Parliament respectively, leaving the Crown with a somewhat nebulous residue of ‘executive’ power. And a final step, also relevant for present purposes, was the progressive constitutionalisation of the monarchy, through acceptance that the powers held by the Crown would always, or almost always, be exercised on the advice of Ministers with the support of a majority in the House of Commons.

It really cannot be condensed; one must do one's homework.

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