Youths leading to a gender free future?

Family doesn't matter to these idiots. We will be a very weak country that will be taken over by religions like islam that will out power us.

The family is what makes humanity strong.
Link doesn't work for me so I'll just get angry about what I think it says. Damn those liberals and their promotion of shit I don't like, we're all going to hell in a handcart. GRRRRRRR
Gender free future? wtf does that even mean?

It means he's obsessed with his own confused sexual identity and therefore wants to discuss nothing but other people's sex lives, HG.

Rather sad, isn't it?
Would assume it refers to no more boys and girls toilets, and just toilets. No boys or girls sections for clothes at stores and just clothes. :) While some countries have done this already, the USA is still quite socially retarded on sex issues so I wouldn't worry about it happening here anytime soon.
Yes, because they don't get genital warts early enough in the USA
It means the destruction of the family, religion and everything that was worth fighting for. A win win for collectivists until their tyranny comes full circle and starts exterminating the fags.
I think this 'splains the technonerd fascination with Robots and porting their beings into computers.

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