You've come a long way, baby! Female child molestors on the rise

-=d=- said:
Because she get married until she's President. :)

Will that be before, or after she's locked in her room until she's 35? (And I've seen pics of that kid - better make it 40) :)
pretender said:
What do you think kids expect?

Kids expect what their parents teach them; Today kids are taught, by and large, How they 'feel' is everything...everything revolves around them feeling 'happy'.
Shattered said:
Will that be before, or after she's locked in her room until she's 35? (And I've seen pics of that kid - better make it 40) :)


She may get out early, on good behaviour. :)
-=d=- said:
Kids expect what their parents teach them; Today kids are taught, by and large, How they 'feel' is everything...everything revolves around them feeling 'happy'.

And you think they think that marriage will make them happy? Happier than they are before marriage?
Shattered said:
Yer such a daddy. :tng:
Don't mess with the Daddy of a girl!
We all have guns and know how to use em..we have rural property and shovels too! :)
pretender said:
And you think they think that marriage will make them happy? Happier than they are before marriage?

No - I think kids get into marriage because they 'feel' in love - when shit hits the fan, when reality smacks them in the face, they get pissed, cuz the 'feeling' is gone.
Mr. P said:
Don't mess with the Daddy of a girl!
We all have guns and know how to use em..we have rural property and shovels too! :)

What's your point? *I* have a crawl-space. :D
-=d=- said:
No - I think kids get into marriage because they 'feel' in love - when shit hits the fan, when reality smacks them in the face, they get pissed, cuz the 'feeling' is gone.

That was my point earlier.. They think they're in love...Soon enough, most of them find out differently. They're not old enough to make those kinds of decisions..
-=d=- said:
No - I think kids get into marriage because they 'feel' in love - when shit hits the fan, when reality smacks them in the face, they get pissed, cuz the 'feeling' is gone.
That ain't just the kids that do that D.
Just ask the women on this board.
Heck I only know of one that's happily married now. The rest...well...Bitter I think.
Shattered said:
That was my point earlier.. They think they're in love...Soon enough, most of them find out differently. They're not old enough to make those kinds of decisions..

...because Kids aren't typically grasping what love 'means'. My kids will know Love is SO much more than a feeling.


Love is a decision.

Mr. P said:
That ain't just the kids that do that D.
Just ask the women on this board.
Heck I only know of one that's happily married now. The rest...well...Bitter I think.

-=d=- said:
No - I think kids get into marriage because they 'feel' in love - when shit hits the fan, when reality smacks them in the face, they get pissed, cuz the 'feeling' is gone.
just picking you brain ya know....

When they realize that love doesn't pay the bills, you can't eat love etc etc.... huh. Yep, they have this made up idea of how it will be.

Kids today have no idea how good they have it and that they should take advantage of it as long as they can. They can't wait to get out from under Mom and Dad's rules. If they only knew. But our parents couldn't tell us either. Soooo

Will someone adopt me? I will abide by all the rules and only take a few dollars allowance. I'll be so good you won't even know I am there. ROFL.... oh to be a KID again.
pretender said:
just picking you brain ya know....

When they realize that love doesn't pay the bills, you can't eat love etc etc.... huh. Yep, they have this made up idea of how it will be.

Kids today have no idea how good they have it and that they should take advantage of it as long as they can. They can't wait to get out from under Mom and Dad's rules. If they only knew. But our parents couldn't tell us either. Soooo

Will someone adopt me? I will abide by all the rules and only take a few dollars allowance. I'll be so good you won't even know I am there. ROFL.... oh to be a KID again.

Then again - I know a lot of adults who feel the same. A good e-friend of mine has a wife who is leaving him because she can't afford what she wants to buy. "When I said better or worse, I didn't expect THIS" she said. :(
-=d=- said:
Then again - I know a lot of adults who feel the same. A good e-friend of mine has a wife who is leaving him because she can't afford what she wants to buy. "When I said better or worse, I didn't expect THIS" she said. :(

WTF.. Tell her to get a flipping j-o-b, then. If she's got one, get another.
Shattered said:
WTF.. Tell her to get a flipping j-o-b, then. If she's got one, get another.

She has one - He's recently been laid off from his Network Admin job... :-/

I told him "I'm never pro-divorce...but if she can't handle scaling back income for a time, what's she gonna do if you ever become bedridden? Or worse?"


I sorta hope he just gets out while he can..

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