Zenaida Gonzales Expecting A Handout In October,Yet Too Lazy To Pursue A New Career !

Feb 13, 2011

This is BullSh--t !!, what has Zanaida been doing these last three years? Sitting on her fat-ass waiting for a six-digit handout so she can continue sitting on her ass? Meanwhile a milion other skilled residents of Florida are either unemployed or working part time,just scraping by. She hasn't even attempted learning to speak english(makes you wonder if she is even a legal citizen). God, with all this free time in the last three years,she could of at least use the time to learn more work skills and speak english. It was so obvious from the start that she didn't kidnap Caylee. Yet she puts on this BooHooHoo act when she is on TV complaining that she can't find a job. Yah, well look at her, she's overweight,unnatractive,can't speak english,no work skills,yet believes she's entitiled to some six-digit figure. I know I made a similar thread to this about 2 weeks ago,and now she has to wait till October. She may not even have a case being she really wasn't making much in the first case. And now she's telling the media that she has been "Getting Death Threats For Killing Caylee"?? OH COMON !!!! What a LIER !!!!
One of the biggest mistakes Casey made as she was trying to cover up the murder of Kaylee was choosing the wrong woman to be her nanny, I guess she didn't know who Zanaida Gonzalez was. (and the fact that she had no life and would of sued her for defomation) Casey should have chosen an attractive young female with at least some personality, and if so by now, the "New&Improved" Nanny would of been the Kato Kalen of 2011. I wonder how much Morgan and Morgan expects to sue Casey for? and what if she is still broke by the time the case comes up in October.

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