Zimmerman Terrorizing Women {KING}


Black Is Beautiful
Dec 1, 2013
OK. People were calling Zim a hero and a stand up guy for killing an unarmed teen.

So, people in Florida decided to set him free.

NOW...a troubling pattern has emerged.

1. Zim.issued a restraining order by his former fiance per domestic violence.

2. Zim's wife calls police on him and says he smashed her ipad, and assaulted her elderly father.

3. Zim's new girlfriend calls police on him for pointing a loaded shotgun at her while he thought she was PREGNANT.

So how do you feel about Zimmerman NOW??

Looks like Zimmerman has "done it".

Are ppl still thinking he's a "stand up guy" like they thought when he killed an unarmed kid?

Just curious...
OK. People were calling Zim a hero and a stand up guy for killing an unarmed teen.

So, people in Florida decided to set him free.

NOW...a troubling pattern has emerged.

1. Zim.issued a restraining order by his former fiance per domestic violence.

2. Zim's wife calls police on him and says he smashed her ipad, and assaulted her elderly father.

3. Zim's new girlfriend calls police on him for pointing a loaded shotgun at her while he thought she was PREGNANT.

So how do you feel about Zimmerman NOW??


That whether he is innocent or guilty, Justice should be served.
So, these innocent women need justice?

Justice from who?

Justice from the violent attacks of Zimmerman?

I thought Zimmerman was just a normal guy that "Stood His Ground" against "thugs"??

Has SOMETHING changed??
OK. People were calling Zim a hero and a stand up guy for killing an unarmed teen.

So, people in Florida decided to set him free.

NOW...a troubling pattern has emerged.

1. Zim.issued a restraining order by his former fiance per domestic violence.

2. Zim's wife calls police on him and says he smashed her ipad, and assaulted her elderly father.

3. Zim's new girlfriend calls police on him for pointing a loaded shotgun at her while he thought she was PREGNANT.

So how do you feel about Zimmerman NOW??


Not "people". Right wingnuts.
The only troubling pattern is among the women who imagine they can turn a relationship with Zimmerman into money.

Zimmerman never thought his girlfriend was pregnant. She didn't decide to claim she was pregnant until she tried to sell her "story". She told the reporter she was pregnant hoping to spark some interest. Sadly, even that couldn't make her a dime.
If Zimmerman was a Black Man, all these issues would be no big deal
So, these innocent women need justice?

Justice from who?

Justice from the violent attacks of Zimmerman?

I thought Zimmerman was just a normal guy that "Stood His Ground" against "thugs"??

Has SOMETHING changed??

I think you are confused. ;)

Were the charges against you, I'm sure you would appreciate a fair shake.
I don't know your definition of normal. I don't know Zimmerman, nor the others involved. I'm not privy to the details, are you?
OK. People were calling Zim a hero and a stand up guy for killing an unarmed teen.

So, people in Florida decided to set him free.

NOW...a troubling pattern has emerged.

1. Zim.issued a restraining order by his former fiance per domestic violence.

2. Zim's wife calls police on him and says he smashed her ipad, and assaulted her elderly father.

3. Zim's new girlfriend calls police on him for pointing a loaded shotgun at her while he thought she was PREGNANT.

So how do you feel about Zimmerman NOW??


Not "people". Right wingnuts.
Save this post, maybe you can use it to disqualify yourself from ever serving on a Jury. Consider it your civic duty to disclose this information. ;) Humanity will thank you for doing the right thing. :):):)
OK. People were calling Zim a hero and a stand up guy for killing an unarmed teen.

No dumbass, we are calling him a hero basically because he makes liberals like you wet your panties on a regular basis. He seems like a guy with problems but I'd shake his hand just for the way he irritates the left.

So, people in Florida decided to set him free.

A jury of his peers, after seeing the evidence and listening only to facts, aquitted him.

NOW...a troubling pattern has emerged.

Troubling? To whom?

1. Zim.issued a restraining order by his former fiance per domestic violence.


2. Zim's wife calls police on him and says he smashed her ipad, and assaulted her elderly father.

Turned out to be bull shit.

3. Zim's new girlfriend calls police on him for pointing a loaded shotgun at her while he thought she was PREGNANT.


So how do you feel about Zimmerman NOW??

I'd like to buy him a beer.

Looks like Zimmerman has "done it".

Are ppl still thinking he's a "stand up guy" like they thought when he killed an unarmed kid?

Just curious...

Please point out where anyone called him a stand up guy.

He killed a worthless thug who attacked him. Good riddance.
So, these innocent women need justice?

How do you know they are innocent?

Justice from who?

Do you understand what you post?

Justice from the violent attacks of Zimmerman?

What attacks?

I thought Zimmerman was just a normal guy that "Stood His Ground" against "thugs"??

He was a normal guy who defended himself from the violent thug Trayvon Martin. What does that have to do with his girlfriend?

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