zionist free speach

I doubt if they'd allow a university event that questions the abolishment of slavery. They wouldn't allow an event that questions if faggotry should be legal. I say put the fudge packers in prison and let them pack to their heart's content.
I don't mind if its hate speech because I don't agree with the rather recent discovery in the USA of the hate speech concept . Other then that , this is the UK I think and they don't really have free speech anyway . --------- OFF TOPIC , but He11 , the English stopped Geert Wilders initially when he wanted to speak and show FITNA in front of , think it was 'parliment' . Anyway , the event shoulda been held in my opinion !!
They are not talking about a parliamentary debate on taxing sugar. What they wanted was to incite violence against Israel.
If there is a question about Israel's right to exist, there is even more questions about should there be a palestinian state.
The world was reformed after WWII, drawing new lines and creating new countries. Jordan, iraq, syria, UEA, algeria, saudi, etc. were created with as much or less foundation, history or justification than Israel, but their right to exist are not being questioned.
I don't know , I just know that englands free speech is pretty wusslike to begin with Aris . Also you stating the reasons for the meeting while probably accurate are just your thoughts in my opinion .
I dislike Jew haters and I dislike Jew lovers.

But Jews themselves... no problem.

Grandstanding on the backs of others for any cause is cause to pause. And get a fucking life.
University event questioning Israel s right to exist is cancelled World news The Guardian

We want free speach say the Zionists, but not when it doesn't suit them

Because it was not free speech in the UK. it was seen as incitement to violence, incitement to racism and incitement to religious intolerance. You really need to understand what free speech is if you want to keep on posting on here. Now do explain why what happens in the UK has any bearing on the topic of this board. Might I suggest you take it to the Europe board were it can die in peace.
I don't mind if its hate speech because I don't agree with the rather recent discovery in the USA of the hate speech concept . Other then that , this is the UK I think and they don't really have free speech anyway . --------- OFF TOPIC , but He11 , the English stopped Geert Wilders initially when he wanted to speak and show FITNA in front of , think it was 'parliment' . Anyway , the event shoulda been held in my opinion !!

No it was the muslims that stopped him with threats of violence against the palace of Westminster. After the muslim peer was removed from the house and sent packing for his racist remarks the film was shown.
They are not talking about a parliamentary debate on taxing sugar. What they wanted was to incite violence against Israel.
If there is a question about Israel's right to exist, there is even more questions about should there be a palestinian state.
The world was reformed after WWII, drawing new lines and creating new countries. Jordan, iraq, syria, UEA, algeria, saudi, etc. were created with as much or less foundation, history or justification than Israel, but their right to exist are not being questioned.

It would be allowed if they debated the rights of all the Mandate creations of the time and their right to exist, but because of racism and Nazi Jew hatred the only topic was Israel. This made it RACIST in the extreme and was rightly banned. Reminds me of hope not hate having an EDL march banned and they trying to have one of their own, only to be told the law applied to them as well.
it was seen as incitement to violence, incitement to racism and incitement to religious intolerance.

But insulting cartoons that caused violence was free speach. There was no intent here, just talking about the Jewish land grab.
I don't mind if its hate speech because I don't agree with the rather recent discovery in the USA of the hate speech concept . Other then that , this is the UK I think and they don't really have free speech anyway . --------- OFF TOPIC , but He11 , the English stopped Geert Wilders initially when he wanted to speak and show FITNA in front of , think it was 'parliment' . Anyway , the event shoulda been held in my opinion !!

No it was the muslims that stopped him with threats of violence against the palace of Westminster. After the muslim peer was removed from the house and sent packing for his racist remarks the film was shown.

Well...that's Phoney's fantasy take on it, :cuckoo: the facts can be read in this link BBC NEWS UK UK Politics Dutch MP refused entry to Britain
They are not talking about a parliamentary debate on taxing sugar. What they wanted was to incite violence against Israel.
If there is a question about Israel's right to exist, there is even more questions about should there be a palestinian state.
The world was reformed after WWII, drawing new lines and creating new countries. Jordan, iraq, syria, UEA, algeria, saudi, etc. were created with as much or less foundation, history or justification than Israel, but their right to exist are not being questioned.

How can you possibly know what they wanted to do? Condemn them by all means, had the conference descended into genuine "hate speech", but this sort of political pressure to censor an academic event, smacks of zionist scaremongering. As for it being "one sided", It's not the organiser's fault if the "pro-Israel speakers declined their invitations to attend. Wonder what the Zionists are so scared of that this sort of pressure is applied to prevent 150-300 people from coming together to discuss the legality of the Zionist Paradise in International Law?
I don't know , I just know that englands free speech is pretty wusslike to begin with Aris . Also you stating the reasons for the meeting while probably accurate are just your thoughts in my opinion .

Actually you know were you stand as there are no grey areas. If anyone perceives your words as objectionable then they are not free speech. The muslims tried to make mountains out of molehills with false claims only to see their tricks backfire on them. The latest was to petition the Government to make it illegal to talk about islam and muslims in a manner that showed them in a bad light, even if the facts were true.
I don't mind if its hate speech because I don't agree with the rather recent discovery in the USA of the hate speech concept . Other then that , this is the UK I think and they don't really have free speech anyway . --------- OFF TOPIC , but He11 , the English stopped Geert Wilders initially when he wanted to speak and show FITNA in front of , think it was 'parliment' . Anyway , the event shoulda been held in my opinion !!

No it was the muslims that stopped him with threats of violence against the palace of Westminster. After the muslim peer was removed from the house and sent packing for his racist remarks the film was shown.

Well...that's Phoney's fantasy take on it, :cuckoo: the facts can be read in this link BBC NEWS UK UK Politics Dutch MP refused entry to Britain

All because of a muslim making threats

Cranmer Lord Ahmed threatens Parliament into submission

Lord Ahmed is a repugnant individual. Not only in appearance, but in association, character and morality. And to hear that he has threatened jihad on the House of Lords if their lordships should fail to meet his demands only serves to intensify Cranmer’s loathing of the man.

It appears that a member of the House of Lords had invited the Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, to a private meeting in the Palace of Westminster. She had intended to invite her colleagues in the Lords to a private viewing of his ‘documentary’ Fitna, followed by discussion and debate in true parliamentary fashion. This is, after all, a liberal democracy, and their lordships enjoy the rights of freedom of expression and freedom of association, not to mention certain parliamentary privileges for the protection of their function in the legislature.

But no sooner had the unsuspecting baroness sent out her invitations, Lord Ahmed raised hell. It is reported that he ‘threatened to mobilise 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr Wilders from entering the House and threatened to take the colleague who was organising the event to court’
They are not talking about a parliamentary debate on taxing sugar. What they wanted was to incite violence against Israel.
If there is a question about Israel's right to exist, there is even more questions about should there be a palestinian state.
The world was reformed after WWII, drawing new lines and creating new countries. Jordan, iraq, syria, UEA, algeria, saudi, etc. were created with as much or less foundation, history or justification than Israel, but their right to exist are not being questioned.

How can you possibly know what they wanted to do? Condemn them by all means, had the conference descended into genuine "hate speech", but this sort of political pressure to censor an academic event, smacks of zionist scaremongering. As for it being "one sided", It's not the organiser's fault if the "pro-Israel speakers declined their invitations to attend. Wonder what the Zionists are so scared of that this sort of pressure is applied to prevent 150-300 people from coming together to discuss the legality of the Zionist Paradise in International Law?

Where was the balance, which is lacking in your racist posts, that asks the same questions regarding islamonazi states created at the same time and in the same manner using the same treaty. In other words if they consider Israel to be illegal then they must also believe that Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi and Egypt are also illegal. It is simple why the Pro isrealis refused to attend the conference as it was destined to be a one sided hate fest inciting violence, racism and religious intolerance. They feared for their lives and safety in view of the number of muslims likely to be present following the commands of their prophet to KILL THE JEWS
It's interesting how so many people try to shift blame and/or derail.

I assume this is because they can't defend the Zionist's attempts to stop people saying anything against Israel.
I'm not a Jew, and I don't care for their "chosen people" claim. But Jews have contributed greatly to western culture. Einstein, medicine, science, music. And I like how they don't cut people's heads off, burn people alive, stone people, or fly planes into buildings. Muslims have contributed nothing, and the world would be far better off if mohamed (piss be upon him) had never been born.

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