Zionist refugees in 1947:"The German destroyed our families, please don't destroy our hopes."

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
Jewish refugees just arrived Palestine at 1947.
See the banner " The German destroyed our families, please don't you destroy our hopes."

Can you see the IRONY?
The blatant gall of Israel , Palestine embraced Jewish refugees with open arms & Israel thanked Palestine with wars & GENOCIDE.

Jewish refugees just arrived Palestine at 1947.
See the banner " The German destroyed our families, please don't you destroy our hopes."

Can you see the IRONY?
The blatant gall of Israel , Palestine embraced Jewish refugees with open arms & Israel thanked Palestine with wars & GENOCIDE.

View attachment 842968

Palestine embraced Jewish refugees with open arms

Palestine did? Was it the President of Palestine? The Prime Minister?
Who exactly? Where? Any Palestinian government proclamations of welcome?

Jewish refugees just arrived Palestine at 1947.
See the banner " The German destroyed our families, please don't you destroy our hopes."

Can you see the IRONY?
The blatant gall of Israel , Palestine embraced Jewish refugees with open arms & Israel thanked Palestine with wars & GENOCIDE.

View attachment 842968
Another ignorant comment. They didn’t just arrive in 1947. They were there and maintained a presence since time immorial. In fact the Turkish Ottoman Muslims invited the Jews and NOT fellow Muslims back to their holy lland about 600 years ago. Do you know why? Because it says in their own Koran, the land of Israel belongs to bani-Israel, the Jews.

Following the Ottoman conquest in 1517, the Land was divided into four districts and attached administratively to the province of Damascusand ruled from Istanbul. At the outset of the Ottoman era, an estimated 1,000 Jewish families lived in the country, mainly in Jerusalem, Nablus(Shechem), Hebron, Gaza, Safed (Tzfat) and the villages of Galilee. The community was comprised of descendants of Jews who had never left the Land as well as immigrants from North Africa and Europe.

Orderly government, until the death of (1566) Sultan Suleyman the Magificent, brought improvements and stimulated Jewish immigration. Some newcomers settled in Jerusalem, but the majority went to Safed where, by mid-16th century, the Jewish population had risen to about 10,000, and the town had become a thriving textile center as well as the focus of intense intellectual activity. During this period, the study of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) flourished, and contemporary clarifications of Jewish law, as codified in the Shulhan Arukh, spread throughout the Diaspora from the study houses in Safad.
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Palestine embraced Jewish refugees with open arms

Palestine did? Was it the President of Palestine? The Prime Minister?
Who exactly? Where? Any Palestinian government proclamations of welcome?

Why would they? Palestinians didn't murder millions of Jews. The British gifted the Jews someone else's property. Empires do stuff like that.
Why would they? Palestinians didn't murder millions of Jews. The British gifted the Jews someone else's property. Empires do stuff like that.
Hamas terrorist propaganda. The British got the land from the defeated Ottomans, who ruled the land for 600 years and over this period had already invited tens of thousands of Jews back to their ancestral homeland.
Why would they? Palestinians didn't murder millions of Jews. The British gifted the Jews someone else's property. Empires do stuff like that.

The British gifted the Jews someone else's property.

The Ottomans gave up that property.

Empires do stuff like that.

The Ottoman Empire lost their property.
The concept of a Palestinian land or people is the greatest hoax ever to be perpetrated on humanity.
With all the oil money in the middle east, sooner or later Hamas or Hezbollah will get bigger and better missiles. Contemplate what that means for Israel.
There will not be a Hamas very soon, and Hezbollah depending on how they behave, might be gone as well.

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