Beware of the Electric car powered using batteries

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Scraping the bottom panel that protects the battery can lead to enormous costs. Learn about this here.
Just sayin, it looks more like an example of a REALLY bad dealer, and a continuation of that with a bad company as well, than the car itself or EV itself.
More than anything, this should be a good warning that if you are going to buy an EV - don't buy a Hyundai.
I've seen this claimed with all sorts of cars on YouTube. If you do a wee bit of research you see where it's total B.S.
Just sayin, it looks more like an example of a REALLY bad dealer, and a continuation of that with a bad company as well, than the car itself or EV itself.
More than anything, this should be a good warning that if you are going to buy an EV - don't buy a Hyundai.
What happens with using batteries is very similar to when cars were invented, insisting that the front seats are saddles. Or the car must have a daily diet of oats.
Point? Batteries are very heavy when economy should aim at less weight.
For EVs there are far better systems that do not use batteries as the driving force yet still use electricity.
I've seen this claimed with all sorts of cars on YouTube. If you do a wee bit of research you see where it's total B.S.
Let's keep the EV. Let's not use the batteries to power the car. Seems elementary to me.
People who are buying the current day crop of EVs, no matter what make, are going to be in for a shock when (not if) their battery needs replacing. Might as well junk it and buy a new car.
People who are buying the current day crop of EVs, no matter what make, are going to be in for a shock when (not if) their battery needs replacing. Might as well junk it and buy a new car.

Not really your concern is it?
Let's keep the EV. Let's not use the batteries to power the car. Seems elementary to me.

As poor as modern battery technology is, as far as storing energy, compared to a source such as plain-old gasoline, we do not yet have any other technology, nor have any reason to anticipate any technology in the near future, that is nearly as good as batteries, for storing energy in a form than can be used by an EV.

For the time being, and for the foreseeable future, EV technology is solidly held hostage to battery technology, and that is why it is still a very long way from being ready to take the place of real cars.
As poor as modern battery technology is, as far as storing energy, compared to a source such as plain-old gasoline, we do not yet have any other technology, nor have any reason to anticipate any technology in the near future, that is nearly as good as batteries, for storing energy in a form than can be used by an EV.

For the time being, and for the foreseeable future, EV technology is solidly held hostage to battery technology, and that is why it is still a very long way from being ready to take the place of real cars.
As an owner of a powerful gasoline powered car, if they want me to switch, I shall drive the Hydrogen powered car. Till then, I stick with my ICE.
As an owner of a powerful gasoline powered car, if they want me to switch, I shall drive the Hydrogen powered car. Till then, I stick with my ICE.

No good if you want to drive anywhere very far from the few places where there are facilities to refuel a hydrogen-fueled car.

It is, at this time, not possible to drive a hydrogen-fuel car from Sacramento to Los Angeles. Last place to get fuel, before you arrive in Los Angeles, is in the Than Fwanthithco area. From there, you'll run out of fuel long before you get anywhere near anywhere else to refuel. And at that point, you'll still be much closer to Than Fwanthithco than to Los Angeles.
No good if you want to drive anywhere very far from the few places where there are facilities to refuel a hydrogen-fueled car.

It is, at this time, not possible to drive a hydrogen-fuel car from Sacramento to Los Angeles. Last place to get fuel, before you arrive in Los Angeles, is in the Than Fwanthithco area. From there, you'll run out of fuel long before you get anywhere near anywhere else to refuel. And at that point, you'll still be much closer to Than Fwanthithco than to Los Angeles.
And that is why I stick with my ICE. I know about a hydrogen refuelling place half way from Sacramento to LA. But they must first install a lot more hydrogen places to get a wide approval by customers.

Here in Idaho there are 3 hydrogen filling stations all within 3 miles of me.

Hydrogen Benefits and Considerations​

Hydrogen can be produced from diverse domestic resources with the potential for near-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Once produced, hydrogen generates electrical power in a fuel cell, emitting only water vapor and warm air. It holds promise for growth in both the stationary and transportation energy sectors.

Energy Security​

The United States became a net exporter of petroleum in 2020 with exports surpassing imports, although imports of 8.47 million barrels per day in 2021 remained an important part of balancing supply and demand for domestic and international markets. Overall, the transportation sector accounts for approximately 30% of total U.S. energy needs and 70% of U.S. petroleum consumption. Hydrogen can be produced domestically from resources like natural gas, coal, solar energy, wind, and biomass. When used to power highly efficient fuel cell electric vehicles, hydrogen holds the promise of helping strengthen national energy security, conserve petroleum, and diversify our transportation energy options for a more resilient system.

Public Health and Environment​

About half of the U.S. population lives in areas where air pollution levels are high enough to negatively impact public health and the environment. Emissions from gasoline and diesel vehicles—such as nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter—are a major source of this pollution. Hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles emit none of these harmful substances—only water (H2O) and warm air.

The environmental and health benefits are also seen at the source of hydrogen production if derived from low- or zero-emission sources, such as solar, wind, and nuclear energy and fossil fuels with advanced emission controls and carbon sequestration. Because the transportation sector accounts for about one-third of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions, using these sources to produce hydrogen for transportation can cut greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more about hydrogen emissions.

Fuel Storage​

Hydrogen's energy content by volume is low. This makes storing hydrogen a challenge because it requires high pressures, low temperatures, or chemical processes to be stored compactly. Overcoming this challenge is important for light-duty vehicles because they often have limited size and weight capacity for fuel storage.

Typically, the storage capacity for hydrogen in light-duty vehicles should enable a driving range of more than 300 miles to meet consumer needs. Because hydrogen has a lower volumetric energy density than that of gasoline, storing this much hydrogen on a vehicle currently requires a larger tank at higher pressure than other gaseous fuels. Medium- and heavy-duty vehicles have more space for larger tanks but could face weight limitations that reduce the total load potential to stay within U.S. Department of Transportation restrictions. Learn more about hydrogen storage challenges from the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office.
And that is why I stick with my ICE. I know about a hydrogen refuelling [sic] place half way from Sacramento to LA.

It didn't comes up in whatever research I did a few months ago on the subject. Perhaps it is newer than that.

Could you get to it from Than Fwanthithco, without running out of fuel, first?

Could you get to it from Los Angeles, without running out of fuel, first?

Here in Idaho there are 3 hydrogen filling stations all within 3 miles of me.

Idaho is a big state. So there are three in that state, near you. I'm sure there must be some place in or near Than Fwanthithco, where one is within three miles of a lot more than that. But living near a cluster of refueling stations doesn't do much good, if you need to drive far enough away from that cluster, to where you are not in range of any others.
Hydrogen can be produced from diverse domestic resources with the potential for near-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Once produced, hydrogen generates electrical power in a fuel cell, emitting only water vapor and warm air.

Past discussions, in other threads, seem to reveal that you are wholly incapable of understanding that it takes more energy to produce hydrogen that can be used as fuel, than you can ever get back from it by using it as fuel; at least through any chemical process.

And the majority of energy that is available at this time, or will be available in the near future, to go into producing hydrogen, comes from fossil fuel-based sources. Through the inefficiency involved in producing and using hydrogen as an energy storage medium, you're only going to end up creating more “greenhouse gasses” (this, assumes, of course, that you are stupid enough to fall for the whole line of bullshit about anthropogenic “greenhouse gasses” and their purported impact on the climate).
Past discussions, in other threads, seem to reveal that you are wholly incapable of understanding that it takes more energy to produce hydrogen that can be used as fuel, than you can ever get back from it by using it as fuel; at least through any chemical process.

And the majority of energy that is available at this time, or will be available in the near future, to go into producing hydrogen, comes from fossil fuel-based sources. Through the inefficiency involved in producing and using hydrogen as an energy storage medium, you're only going to end up creating more “greenhouse gasses” (this, assumes, of course, that you are stupid enough to fall for the whole line of bullshit about anthropogenic “greenhouse gasses” and their purported impact on the climate).
You are not arguing with me. I posted from the Alternative fuel site by the federal Government.

I argue that man is not the cause of global warming.

You need to alert the Feds that they are wrong.

I posted this same link but this will ensure you read who made the claims you argue against.

It didn't comes up in whatever research I did a few months ago on the subject. Perhaps it is newer than that.

Could you get to it from Than Fwanthithco, without running out of fuel, first?

Could you get to it from Los Angeles, without running out of fuel, first?

Idaho is a big state. So there are three in that state, near you. I'm sure there must be some place in or near Than Fwanthithco, where one is within three miles of a lot more than that. But living near a cluster of refueling stations doesn't do much good, if you need to drive far enough away from that cluster, to where you are not in range of any others.
How many hydrogen fueling stations are in California?

FCEV Sales, FCEB, & Hydrogen Station Data
Numbers as of October 25, 2023Total
Hydrogen stations available in California**55
Retail hydrogen stations in construction in California***5
Retail hydrogen stations in permitting in California***19
Retail hydrogen stations proposed in California***4

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