Community Odinista


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Mar 28, 2014
The strong legacy of the Middle Ages and the Germanic barbarian of the Cisalpine:

The Community Odinista is an Italian who practice Odinism, a form of Germanic paganism. The term Odinism draws its origin from the name of the father of the gods of Norse mythology, Odin.

Under the influence of the first groups odinisti , Paolo Gauna groups between Piedmont, Valle d' Aosta , Lombardy and Veneto some young people with the aim of organizing the restoration of faith Odinic .

In this first phase , the group model and shares the experience on the heels of other organizations such as the Odinic Rite, the Belgian magazine Megin (organ of the group Fils des Ases Bernard Mengal ) and Artgemeinschaft eV German .

The official founding of the Community Odinista takes place in August 1994 during a stay in Iceland Gauna ( in Iceland 's only contact with the organizers of the faith Odinic was Thorsteinn Gudjonsson ) . The newly formed organization restricts its area of action in northern Italy is mostly influenced by Germanic culture where it is believed that, historically , the worship was practiced by the Germanic tribes of the Cimbri defeated by the Roman Gaius Marius in 101 BC at Vercelli up to traces of ancestral religion at the substratum popular of the Lombard kingdom .

In 1995, the organization comes into contact with the researcher Walter Venetian Ciola , from whose book " We, the Celts and Lombards " the founders were inspired by the revival of an ethno- spiritual reality refers to the ancient Lombards. Ciola collaborates with the magazine 's COl'Araldo Thule and participates in the project group. After a visit from a member of the Viennese dell'Armanen Orden, the collected materials are sorted useful to encode the rituals of seasonal CO . Rituals are published in a "book of blótar " called " The fires of gambara ." Since 1995, the C.O. organized ( on a monthly basis ) or seasonal rituals of passage. The first blòtar ( bloodless sacrifice rituals ) are celebrated in between Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta . For this phase is published " calendar langbärte " that allows scadenziare the rituals of CO during the year. In 1997, the Community Odinista is contacted by the Ásatrú Argentina Hermandad ( Brotherhood Ásatrú Argentina ) based in Buenos Aires : it is the descendants of immigrants of northern Argentina. It is , shortly , organized the "Alliance of the Wolf " ( Alianza del Lobo ) between CO: HAA and to promote cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two organizations . In 2000 he founded a section of the Community Odinista in Australia by a professor at the University of Melbourne. In 2000, the Hermandad Argentina Ásatrú ceases to exist. A member in Mexico, Radwulf CO, is in charge of organizing the CO in Central America to the descendants of the Lombards. After a while the newly formed " Community Odinista América " will expand the ability of accession to the entire Central and South America . Later the southern region of the CO América is coordinated by Bleik CO , another member of Argentina.

In recent years the C.O. has strengthened its organizational structure, slowing decentralization and local brotherhoods in the organization and focusing on the selection criteria for newbies. Annually affiliates of C.O. attending meetings dell'Odinic Rite, the association that, in the context of the movement odinista is considered more akin to CO In April 2006, some affiliates dell'Odinic rite stayed as guests of CO, between Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta to attend Blot and to strengthen the bonds of friendship between the two organizations.

The symbols of C.O. are the Irminsul (the sacred tree to the Saxons conquered by Charlemagne and evangelized by Christian monks in force) in its "standard" version and in the Lombard, visible in two reliefs at the Abbey of Pomposa. There is a flag representing a sacred black raven on white background and a rune "Othila": the rule is that it can never leave the territories of the Lombard Kingdom (Langbardland).



Lombards - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The language Cisalpine belong in the strain of the Celtic-Germanic languages ​​with grafts from Vulgar Latin.

The cisalpino derives from the Vulgar Latin grafted on the former Celtic language spoken by the Gauls. With the passage of time has undergone several changes, the most important of which occurred during the Lombard domination that have left terminologies Germanic revenue to be part of the common language.

The Lombard language could be considered a regional minority language under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages ​​, which art. 1 states that " regional or minority languages ​​are languages ​​that are not dialects of the official language of the State ." Nevertheless , the Italian government does not recognize the speakers of Lombard language as a minority language . It is also for this reason that Lombard is wrongly considered a dialect of Italian ( sometimes even by its own speakers), although part of another sub-group of the Romance languages ​​.
No official recognition has not even happened yet from Switzerland , where, however, the language is studied and protected from the center of dialectology and ethnography of Bellinzona .
The Lombard , contradictorily , is surveyed by UNESCO as " Endangered language " as it is spoken by fewer and fewer people. But Lombard is not recognized as a regional or minority language by the European Council : although it has the features to fit into the standard idioms protected under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages ​​, this document has not yet been ratified by the Italian State .

The medieval-style Nordic-German scholar is still struggling to get out of this peninsula, especially in the northern center.
There is no linguistic-cultural heritage and traditional without the ethnic / anthropology.
The territorial inequality in Italy derives mainly from the barbarian invasions that caused the rift total ethnic indigenous of the contribution, which would have been crucial to the birth of the Italian people, between home and nation.

This gives rise to the separatists in almost the whole peninsula, the Two Sicilies , which arose due to the invasions of the Vikings and the Normans the coronation of Roger II barbarian , and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, which was established by King Ferdinand of Bourbon , belonging to the dynasty of the Capetians , one of many dynastic branches that belonged to the Nordic Germanic Franks.
Not to mention of course the many cells in Cisalpine independence that have arisen in recent years , which , again by ethnic descent Nordic and barbaric !
In doing so , there is nothing to feed the patriotic and nationalistic economic power of the states north Europeans.
After the Middle Ages, Italy became the land of the lower province of Europe , to encroach , plunder and barbaric , doing more and more to enrich the Nordic countries .
The renaissance in this peninsula was the attempt to mold the northern ( Indo-European ) to try to emulate in an artistic political and economic powers of the ancient Mediterranean Hellenistic ( Greek - Latin ), especially of pre-Indo-Europeans matrix.
With the fall of the empire italic, then the native population declined dramatically, especially with the barbarian invasions.
This factor, withdrew from many centuries the process of unification of the peninsula.
There is no nation without there being a single great nation that is reflected in a single ethnic group, which in the Italian peninsula has never happened.
Every Italian region could well form an independent state, since each region, with its linguistic group, traditions, customs and traditions different from other regions.
Even the story changes from region to region ..

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