Zone1 Did Moses go to Heaven?

No. Moses, like everyone else, rests in the grave until the Resurrection of the Dead at Christ return.

Christ Himself is the FIRSTborn of the dead. At this point the ONLY One who conquered death

And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and firstborn from among the dead, so that in all things He may have preeminence

Actually, Moses. Lazarus, and the saints went to the Bosom of Abraham, which is a part of Hell. It won't be until the Judgement that they will be retrieved and ascend to Heaven. Even though God used Moses to glorify Himself, Moses was still a sinner in God's eyes for committing murder.
repentant ... in bears dreams at best.

moses was a murderer, so be that for their judgement in light of those circumstances.

worse for him they were a liar their false commandments as abraham's hereditary idolatry are grievous crimes they will weather without hope till their crimes are brought to justice. the 1st century repudiation of judaism that failed by the crucifixion of jesus. for which those two weep.
So, if you come to the aid of your neighbor who is being beaten to death, you would be considered a murderer if you shot the attacker or beat him with a lead pipe and killed him? Maybe in the head of a Democrat you would. But, not in any sane individual. And, why would a murderer attend Jesus Christ at the Mount of Transfiguration? Really...:eusa_wall:
So, if you come to the aid of your neighbor who is being beaten to death, you would be considered a murderer if you shot the attacker or beat him with a lead pipe and killed him?
moses was a murderer, so be that for their judgement in light of those circumstances.

good luck w/ the lead pipe - same as trump denying an affair w/ stormy daniels ... and crucifying someone is not a sin, bear needs a break from the desert.
I was scrolling Google today for the age of Noah when questions came up about Moses. One of the questions was, "Did Moses go to Heaven?" We know that he was supposed to have died at the entrance of the Promised Land. There's another type of death called transliteration where people may think a person died but actually the body is put into an immortal state awaiting the resurrection. They can appear to people from time to time as well.

My answer is that both Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. "Feast of the Transfiguration, Christian commemoration of the occasion upon which Jesus Christ took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a mountain, where Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus was transfigured, his face and clothes becoming dazzlingly bright (Mark 9:2–13; Matthew 17:1–13; Luke 9:28–36)."

So, I guess it depends on your definition of Heaven. Most likely, he went to where every other repentant good person goes to after the death of their body, Paradise. I would think Paradise is a substation of Heaven. So, the fact he appeared to Jesus Christ in an angelic like way, Moses certainly went to "Heaven."
You may be right, but I prefer Archie Bunker's explanation that Jews go to Heaven because Moses was baptized - water splashed on him as he was crossing through the parted Red Sea.
good luck w/ the lead pipe - same as trump denying an affair w/ stormy daniels ... and crucifying someone is not a sin, bear needs a break from the desert.
Just the facts. Moses came to defend one of his brothers of Israel. He did not shed innocent blood.
I was scrolling Google today for the age of Noah when questions came up about Moses. One of the questions was, "Did Moses go to Heaven?" We know that he was supposed to have died at the entrance of the Promised Land. There's another type of death called transliteration where people may think a person died but actually the body is put into an immortal state awaiting the resurrection. They can appear to people from time to time as well.

My answer is that both Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. "Feast of the Transfiguration, Christian commemoration of the occasion upon which Jesus Christ took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a mountain, where Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus was transfigured, his face and clothes becoming dazzlingly bright (Mark 9:2–13; Matthew 17:1–13; Luke 9:28–36)."

So, I guess it depends on your definition of Heaven. Most likely, he went to where every other repentant good person goes to after the death of their body, Paradise. I would think Paradise is a substation of Heaven. So, the fact he appeared to Jesus Christ in an angelic like way, Moses certainly went to "Heaven."
All go to Sheol( Hebrew) awaiting the resurrection. Sheol= the Grave=Hades( Greek) = the grave. The resurrection occurs after the tribulation and Harmageddon during Jesus 1000 year reign.( Revelation 20)
No one entered heaven prior to Jesus ascension. John 3:13-- Only 144,000 are bought from the earth and go to heaven( Rev 14:3)-- Religions teaching anything opposite do not belong to Jesus.
Just the facts. Moses came to defend one of his brothers of Israel. He did not shed innocent blood.

you really do not know the true circumstances which moses claims for murdering someone and they prove to be a liar as well, a common thread among desert dwellers. as well the book of forgeries and fallacies.
All go to Sheol( Hebrew) awaiting the resurrection. Sheol= the Grave=Hades( Greek) = the grave. The resurrection occurs after the tribulation and Harmageddon during Jesus 1000 year reign.( Revelation 20)
No one entered heaven prior to Jesus ascension. John 3:13-- Only 144,000 are bought from the earth and go to heaven( Rev 14:3)-- Religions teaching anything opposite do not belong to Jesus.
Jesus said today you will be with me in Paradise. Our bodies go to the grave and our spirits ascend to either Paradise or Hell to await the resurrection. Jesus went to preach to those waiting as stated in 1Peter chapter 3. And, there is more in chapter 4. Ignore the facts if you want. Not those who really know the real Jesus Christ.
The 144,000 doesn't mean what your stupid scholars teach you. There's more than 8,700,000 members in your church and only 144,000 get to go? Why would anyone join a Church with about a 1.5% chance of getting resurrected and going to heaven? Such a dumb doctrine of your church.
you really do not know the true circumstances which moses claims for murdering someone and they prove to be a liar as well, a common thread among desert dwellers. as well the book of forgeries and fallacies.
Yes we do. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave and he stepped in. He I'm sure the Egyptian attempted to kill Moses as well and he defended himself. Thus, he was able to be at the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus Christ. Has he committed murder, he would not have been there. End of your accusation.
I was scrolling Google today for the age of Noah when questions came up about Moses. One of the questions was, "Did Moses go to Heaven?" We know that he was supposed to have died at the entrance of the Promised Land. There's another type of death called transliteration where people may think a person died but actually the body is put into an immortal state awaiting the resurrection. They can appear to people from time to time as well.

My answer is that both Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. "Feast of the Transfiguration, Christian commemoration of the occasion upon which Jesus Christ took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a mountain, where Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus was transfigured, his face and clothes becoming dazzlingly bright (Mark 9:2–13; Matthew 17:1–13; Luke 9:28–36)."

So, I guess it depends on your definition of Heaven. Most likely, he went to where every other repentant good person goes to after the death of their body, Paradise. I would think Paradise is a substation of Heaven. So, the fact he appeared to Jesus Christ in an angelic like way, Moses certainly went to "Heaven."
Its most certain that Moses will be rewarded with a home in Heaven...........Moses was one of the most faithful individuals in the entire history of the Judeo/Christian faith. He lived and died with faith in God....he endured all the world's tribulations looking forward to personally seeing "........He who is invisible (God)" -- Hebrews 11:13-27 Moses was indeed seen on the mountain when the 3 apostles of Christ (Peter, James and John the brother of Jesus) witnessed Jesus' body change before their eyes (transfigured). -- Matthew 17

The problem with Moses being caught up into heaven at his death contradicts the teachings of Jesus Christ who explained in detail that when a person's spirit leaves their body they go HADES (not hell.........the place reserved for Satan and his minions) but the GRAVE that is separated into 2 different areas. One a place for the wicked another place within Hades called Paradise (where the righteous rest in the arms of Father Abraham awaiting the final judgment. (Luke 16). Jesus' very mission on earth was to defeat HADES (the grave) ".......and the gates of Hades shall not stand against Me (Jesus and His kingdom -- Matthew 16) Jesus was the first born to defeat Hades, the grave. Those in Hades today are covered in the same blood as every other Christian, the blood of Christ flows backwards as well as forward, the reason that Jesus went IN SPIRIT to Hades to preach the gospel to the dead that are imprisoned until Judgment Day (1 Peter 3:19)

Of course there is a history of God saving who He wants to save without following the covenant (contract) between God and man. One would be the thief on the cross whom Jesus declared would be in Paradise Himself that very day. Jesus ........God incarnate.....God can save whom He wishes. Enoch, Elisha. But none have ascended from Heaven to walk the earth again....except Jesus Christ. (John 3:13) Just as Jesus went to Hades "IN SPIRIT"........God could allow those in Hades (Paradise) to be witnessed IN SPIRIT, not the flesh. Its clear that it was the Spirit of God that allowed the transfiguration of Jesus (face turned into bright and shinning light)....and for the apostles of Jesus to witness this event, as God spoke to them in the form of a cloud. Sound familiar? Like Moses when God commissioned him (Ex. 19:9).

Jesus did not physically go to Hades......."He was made alive IN THE SPIRIT (during the 3 days in the tomb) IN WHICH HE WENT AND PROCLAIMED TO THE SPIRITS IN PRISON...." -- 1 Peter 3:18-20
Actually, Moses. Lazarus, and the saints went to the Bosom of Abraham, which is a part of Hell. It won't be until the Judgement that they will be retrieved and ascend to Heaven. Even though God used Moses to glorify Himself, Moses was still a sinner in God's eyes for committing murder.
Jesus made the trip to Abraham's Bosom to retrieve them. They are in Heaven as we speak. Moses and one other are going to show up during the Tribulation and will be killed, and left in the street. With media cameras watching in 3 and 1/2 days later, the world will watch them rise from the dead.
Its most certain that Moses will be rewarded with a home in Heaven...........Moses was one of the most faithful individuals in the entire history of the Judeo/Christian faith. He lived and died with faith in God....he endured all the world's tribulations looking forward to personally seeing "........He who is invisible (God)" -- Hebrews 11:13-27 Moses was indeed seen on the mountain when the 3 apostles of Christ (Peter, James and John the brother of Jesus) witnessed Jesus' body change before their eyes (transfigured). -- Matthew 17

The problem with Moses being caught up into heaven at his death contradicts the teachings of Jesus Christ who explained in detail that when a person's spirit leaves their body they go HADES (not hell.........the place reserved for Satan and his minions) but the GRAVE that is separated into 2 different areas. One a place for the wicked another place within Hades called Paradise (where the righteous rest in the arms of Father Abraham awaiting the final judgment. (Luke 16). Jesus' very mission on earth was to defeat HADES (the grave) ".......and the gates of Hades shall not stand against Me (Jesus and His kingdom -- Matthew 16) Jesus was the first born to defeat Hades, the grave. Those in Hades today are covered in the same blood as every other Christian, the blood of Christ flows backwards as well as forward, the reason that Jesus went IN SPIRIT to Hades to preach the gospel to the dead that are imprisoned until Judgment Day (1 Peter 3:19)

Of course there is a history of God saving who He wants to save without following the covenant (contract) between God and man. One would be the thief on the cross whom Jesus declared would be in Paradise Himself that very day. Jesus ........God incarnate.....God can save whom He wishes. Enoch, Elisha. But none have ascended from Heaven to walk the earth again....except Jesus Christ. (John 3:13) Just as Jesus went to Hades "IN SPIRIT"........God could allow those in Hades (Paradise) to be witnessed IN SPIRIT, not the flesh. Its clear that it was the Spirit of God that allowed the transfiguration of Jesus (face turned into bright and shinning light)....and for the apostles of Jesus to witness this event, as God spoke to them in the form of a cloud. Sound familiar? Like Moses when God commissioned him (Ex. 19:9).

Jesus did not physically go to Hades......."He was made alive IN THE SPIRIT (during the 3 days in the tomb) IN WHICH HE WENT AND PROCLAIMED TO THE SPIRITS IN PRISON...." -- 1 Peter 3:18-20
And the final sentence explains that the dead, even those who were sometimes wicked had spirit bodies that Jesus preached to. Therefore, this “Hades” is spirit prison where the spirits of the dead bodies go after physical death. But the good people also are in spirit prison but in Paradise. The reason Paradise is still in spirit prison is because without the body, they cannot progress into Heaven.
Yes we do. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave and he stepped in. He I'm sure the Egyptian attempted to kill Moses as well and he defended himself. Thus, he was able to be at the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus Christ. Has he committed murder, he would not have been there. End of your accusation.

moses is a proven liar ... and so is now cougarbear.
Jesus said today you will be with me in Paradise. Our bodies go to the grave and our spirits ascend to either Paradise or Hell to await the resurrection. Jesus went to preach to those waiting as stated in 1Peter chapter 3. And, there is more in chapter 4. Ignore the facts if you want. Not those who really know the real Jesus Christ.
The 144,000 doesn't mean what your stupid scholars teach you. There's more than 8,700,000 members in your church and only 144,000 get to go? Why would anyone join a Church with about a 1.5% chance of getting resurrected and going to heaven? Such a dumb doctrine of your church.
trinity translations are filled with errors
truly i tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error
truly i tell you today, you will be with me in paradise= correct

Jesus was in Hades( grave) for 3 days. If anyone thinks the grave is paradise they are insane.
I was scrolling Google today for the age of Noah when questions came up about Moses. One of the questions was, "Did Moses go to Heaven?" We know that he was supposed to have died at the entrance of the Promised Land. There's another type of death called transliteration where people may think a person died but actually the body is put into an immortal state awaiting the resurrection. They can appear to people from time to time as well.

My answer is that both Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. "Feast of the Transfiguration, Christian commemoration of the occasion upon which Jesus Christ took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a mountain, where Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus was transfigured, his face and clothes becoming dazzlingly bright (Mark 9:2–13; Matthew 17:1–13; Luke 9:28–36)."

So, I guess it depends on your definition of Heaven. Most likely, he went to where every other repentant good person goes to after the death of their body, Paradise. I would think Paradise is a substation of Heaven. So, the fact he appeared to Jesus Christ in an angelic like way, Moses certainly went to "Heaven."

Exod 3:13 Moses said to God, “When I come to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers’ [house] has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is [God’s] name?’ what shall I say to them?”
And the final sentence explains that the dead, even those who were sometimes wicked had spirit bodies that Jesus preached to. Therefore, this “Hades” is spirit prison where the spirits of the dead bodies go after physical death. But the good people also are in spirit prison but in Paradise. The reason Paradise is still in spirit prison is because without the body, they cannot progress into Heaven.
Again..........Hades has "2" realms one for the wicked another for the righteous, who are at rest in HADES in the bosom of Father Abraham. (Luke 16:19-3). Thus, unless you are suggesting that Father Abraham is in a spiritual place reserved for the wicked alone, you are proven wrong by the actual content and context of the Holy Scriptures. Also take note on the words of Jesus when speaking to the thief on the cross. "And He (Jesus) said to him (the thief), Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise." -- Luke 23:43

The word of God declares that Jesus, while His body was in the Tomb.......went to speak to spirits in prison in Hades (1 Peter 3:18-20). If He went to preach only to the wicked in could He be with the thief on the cross IN PARADISE that first day after death......IF PARADISE IS NOT PART OF HADES, the resting place of all the spirits of the dead, righteous and wicked? Also note that Jesus declared that His very mission on earth was to conquer Hades (the grave). "And I tell you Peter, on this rock (rock of truth), I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH and the gates of HADES shall not prevail against it." -- Matthew 16:18

Reason and Logic: Attempt to use it sometimes. Let the scriptures direct your doctrine do not attempt to direct the scriptures to fit into your doctrine like pieces of a puzzle.

Logic: Reasoned and reasonable judgment.
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Again..........Hades has "2" realms one for the wicked another for the righteous, who are at rest in HADES in the bosom of Father Abraham. (Luke 16:19-3). Thus, unless you are suggesting that Father Abraham is in a spiritual place reserved for the wicked alone, you are proven wrong by the actual content and context of the Holy Scriptures.
poetry is not quantitative analytical chemistry.
poetry is not quantitative analytical chemistry.
Correction, Hyperbolic use of the English language does not contradict the actual content of the Holy Scriptures.....sounds like you attempted to swallow a copy of Webster's Collegiate Dictionary ;)
Correction, Hyperbolic use of the English language does nor contradict the actual content of the Holy Scriptures.....sounds like you attempted to swallow a copy of Webster's Collegiate Dictionary ;)
nothing "hyperbolic" about my comment---not does it require DANIEL WEBSTER -----and the salvation of farmer JABEZ

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