Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Before Dobbs, the Republicans could placate the Religious Right and Social Conservatives by speaking out against Abortion. This was essentially harmless. With Roe as the law of the land, there was no hope of actually doing anything. And best of all, the Republicans couldn’t be blamed for doing nothing. The Supreme Court had ruled and the poor politicians were powerless to do anything about it.

So some fool in the audience screams that “Abortion is Murder” and the politician could agree and lament about how awful it was and it’s a shame the Supremes gave us this awful ruling.

Then Dobbs came and the Republicans got what they said they wanted. Only, it’s not going the way they wanted.

Abortions have remained the same, and indications are that there has been an increase since Dobbs.

So the stated goal to stop abortions, has failed. They are about the same and even possibly increasing. So the “have to save lives” mentality is taking it right on the nose.

For decades polling indicated that most people supported a woman’s right to choose. The Anti Abortion people swore that these were push polls. They were fiction. These polls were lies. A vast majority wanted to save the unborn babies.

Even when Abortion was an issue in an election, the Republican would win. But nobody stopped to consider it might be because the voters didn’t think the politician could do anything about the issue.

Now of course we are in a post Dobbs world. The problem is that the Republicans don’t know what to do. It turns out the polls were right. The majority of voters actually are pro choice. In the meantime the Republicans have become defined by fierce opposition to Abortion.

It is worse for Trump. He proudly announced he had done this. He had packed the court with anti abortion Judges who overturned Roe.

The Republicans are now demanding that the important issues, the ones that matter are the economy, and immigration, and the deficit. The voters appear to think Abortion is pretty important.
Another interesting thing that has not happened, is the despite all the talk that abortion is murder, not a single state that has passed abortion limiting laws has made it so, none of them even have made any sort of penalty for the mother that chooses to have an abortion
I said at the time of the decision that they fucked-up and the 15-week compromise was the way to go.....I knew what was in store because the holy-roller beholden politicians would not be able to help themselves.

Frankly, women who desire to live consequence-free lives probably shouldn’t be passing-on their DNA or that of the boys they are fucking. Let them abort themselves out of the gene pool.
Then Dobbs came and the Republicans got what they said they wanted.
Did they? The SC was charged with the matter of RvW and simply returned control of it to the states. It was not a Republican issue, but a legal issue not to ban abortions, but to simply de-federalize it and de-centralize the issue. All the rest of it has been nothing but shrill noise by the Left.

Only, it’s not going the way they wanted.
It went exactly as intended, control of the decisions moved closer to the actual people.

Abortions have remained the same, and indications are that there has been an increase since Dobbs.
In other words, all of the panic and hysteria of the Left was once again baseless and unfounded. No women have had their "rights" taken away. All of the abortion rhetoric and panic is once again, nothing but a sheep horn to the bleating idiots on the Left.

So the stated goal to stop abortions, has failed.
If the SC had wanted to write law and end abortions, they could have simply banned them. Once again,the Left have scored a "victory," where no battle was ever waged. Just one more nothingburger to rally the mass legions of idiots in their flock.
Before Dobbs, the Republicans could placate the Religious Right and Social Conservatives by speaking out against Abortion. This was essentially harmless. With Roe as the law of the land, there was no hope of actually doing anything. And best of all, the Republicans couldn’t be blamed for doing nothing. The Supreme Court had ruled and the poor politicians were powerless to do anything about it.

So some fool in the audience screams that “Abortion is Murder” and the politician could agree and lament about how awful it was and it’s a shame the Supremes gave us this awful ruling.

Then Dobbs came and the Republicans got what they said they wanted. Only, it’s not going the way they wanted.

Abortions have remained the same, and indications are that there has been an increase since Dobbs.

So the stated goal to stop abortions, has failed. They are about the same and even possibly increasing. So the “have to save lives” mentality is taking it right on the nose.

For decades polling indicated that most people supported a woman’s right to choose. The Anti Abortion people swore that these were push polls. They were fiction. These polls were lies. A vast majority wanted to save the unborn babies.

Even when Abortion was an issue in an election, the Republican would win. But nobody stopped to consider it might be because the voters didn’t think the politician could do anything about the issue.

Now of course we are in a post Dobbs world. The problem is that the Republicans don’t know what to do. It turns out the polls were right. The majority of voters actually are pro choice. In the meantime the Republicans have become defined by fierce opposition to Abortion.

It is worse for Trump. He proudly announced he had done this. He had packed the court with anti abortion Judges who overturned Roe.

The Republicans are now demanding that the important issues, the ones that matter are the economy, and immigration, and the deficit. The voters appear to think Abortion is pretty important.
When you cheat on selfishness, it comes back to you. The more we think and rule like women, the more the civilization sinks. That is, we will go the polar opposite when living becomes more of survival. The reality is now. African Americans in many areas are violent. Islamic men and women in areas are rising in power and if they do not get their way at some point will get violent. These are Prog dominated groups. And groups that are very male dominated when the crap hits the fan. Progs also have feminists. Extreme feminists and everything gay. The former groups have little interest in the latter groups in reality. Religion is altered. And demonic worship is on the rise within the Prog Party. Environmentalists in all ways are causing people to get poorer as they went extreme many years ago. Socialism is rising fast. There is no amount of money enough to cover all for this. Especially in a nation with massive corruption, stealing, graft, cheating and lowered IQ's with groups favored and protected from prosecution to a certain level.
I said at the time of the decision that they fucked-up and the 15-week compromise was the way to go.....I knew what was in store because the holy-roller beholden politicians would not be able to help themselves.

I'm pro-life and supported Roberts desire for a compromise (not sure he would have agreed with 15 weeks but under 20 somewhere) and then worked on the reasons people feel they need to abort.

Frankly, women who desire to live consequence-free lives probably shouldn’t be passing-on their DNA or that of the boys they are fucking. Let them abort themselves out of the gene pool.

Statements like this is why politicians lose.
Before Dobbs, the Republicans could placate the Religious Right and Social Conservatives by speaking out against Abortion. This was essentially harmless. With Roe as the law of the land, there was no hope of actually doing anything. And best of all, the Republicans couldn’t be blamed for doing nothing. The Supreme Court had ruled and the poor politicians were powerless to do anything about it.

So some fool in the audience screams that “Abortion is Murder” and the politician could agree and lament about how awful it was and it’s a shame the Supremes gave us this awful ruling.

Then Dobbs came and the Republicans got what they said they wanted. Only, it’s not going the way they wanted.

Abortions have remained the same, and indications are that there has been an increase since Dobbs.

So the stated goal to stop abortions, has failed. They are about the same and even possibly increasing. So the “have to save lives” mentality is taking it right on the nose.

For decades polling indicated that most people supported a woman’s right to choose. The Anti Abortion people swore that these were push polls. They were fiction. These polls were lies. A vast majority wanted to save the unborn babies.

Even when Abortion was an issue in an election, the Republican would win. But nobody stopped to consider it might be because the voters didn’t think the politician could do anything about the issue.

Now of course we are in a post Dobbs world. The problem is that the Republicans don’t know what to do. It turns out the polls were right. The majority of voters actually are pro choice. In the meantime the Republicans have become defined by fierce opposition to Abortion.

It is worse for Trump. He proudly announced he had done this. He had packed the court with anti abortion Judges who overturned Roe.

The Republicans are now demanding that the important issues, the ones that matter are the economy, and immigration, and the deficit. The voters appear to think Abortion is pretty important.
So women are just having abortions out of spite? Let the country burn then, because in this case the majority got it wrong. I would rather be right and lose elections than be wrong in Gods eyes. Let the chips fall where they may!

You people probably get off knowing this!

Unborn babies can feel pain at least by 15 weeks gestation and possibly earlier

  • The idea that unborn and newborn babies cannot feel pain is obsolete, refuted by an extensive and growing body of scientific evidence. The myth that unborn babies cannot feel pain comes from a bygone era when newborns were strapped down for surgery without pain relief. The substantial published scientific literature on the topic shows that unborn babies can experience pain at least by 15 weeks gestational age (15 weeks LMP, since Last Menstrual Period, the fetal age estimate used by most obstetricians) or earlier.
  • Funny
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I'm pro-life and supported Roberts desire for a compromise (not sure he would have agreed with 15 weeks but under 20 somewhere) and then worked on the reasons people feel they need to abort.

The only effective way to reduce abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. But this is the side that the anti-abortion people never talk about
So women are just having abortions out of spite? Let the country burn then, because in this case the majority got it wrong. I would rather be right and lose elections than be wrong in Gods eyes. Let the chips fall where they may!
Being right is not having an abortion.
Being wrong is losing elections because you are trying to impose your morals on godless women.
Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.
The only effective way to reduce abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. But this is the side that the anti-abortion people never talk about

There are many reasons why women abort. Knowing they are unable to afford day care. Knowing they have no way to pay their bills while gone from work. Knowing they have no insurance.

We could address that. It might mean no longer wasting our wealth on bombs and bribes so I don't see it happening.
There are many reasons why women abort. Knowing they are unable to afford day care. Knowing they have no way to pay their bills while gone from work. Knowing they have no insurance.

We could address that. It might mean no longer wasting our wealth on bombs and bribes so I don't see it happening.
Maybe not get pregnant then.
It's a state thing now. The feds are out. If states want to put a 15 week restriction, that's what they will do. Personally, I can't abide anything more than that. But in the end, it's something that people will have to work out with their conscience and God.
There are many reasons why women abort. Knowing they are unable to afford day care. Knowing they have no way to pay their bills while gone from work. Knowing they have no insurance.

We could address that. It might mean no longer wasting our wealth on bombs and bribes so I don't see it happening.

If they do not get pregnant, they do not need to abort. Education and easing access to birth control especially for the poor could reduce the number of pregnancies, thus reducing the number of abortions.
If they do not get pregnant, they do not need to abort. Education and easing access to birth control especially for the poor could reduce the number of pregnancies, thus reducing the number of abortions.

Granted some fools do fight education and access but it's going to take more than that. Even then it won't stop every abortion.
Granted some fools do fight education and access but it's going to take more than that. Even then it won't stop every abortion.

We will never stop every abortion, it just won't happen and it is a fools game to try.

The goal has to be to reduce them as much as we can. One way that does not do that is outlawing them.
Republicans are truly the dog that caught the car.

They have been USING this issue for decades in a cynical ploy to raise money and get votes.

Well they won (by installing right wing SCOTUS Justices) and now they’re seeing the results..

Taking rights away from women is just not popular

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