Does your Tom cat get jealous


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
I mean I’ve had dogs show jealousy
But I’ve got a Tom that harasses his mom if she gets around me
And stares his mom down if she’s on my wifes lap
I've had lots of cats. If there's a female cat in heat nearby the fur will fly. Tomcats who are usually buddies will viciously fight over the pussy.
Up until less than a year ago, my wife and I had ever only had one cat at a time.

From just after we married, until late 2011, it was Felix, a tomcat that we think was at least part Maine Coon. (He was too small to be a full-blooded Maine Coon, but he otherwise seemed to have all the traits of that breed.) He liked other people, and even dogs, but he hated other cats, and would get very upset if approached by another cat, or if another cat intruded into his turf.

Felix standing there staring at me like this must.jpg

When he passed away, over Thanksgiving weekend in 2011, we got another cat within a few days.

Felix's successor is Allie, a female Siamese. Much more territorial than Felix, she hates other cats, dogs and even other people than her own. She hides if strange people are in her home, and she growls and hisses at other cats who intrude into her home, and has reacted similarly to the few dogs that she's every encountered.


Around April of last year, an orange tabby that had been a semi-stray around my apartment complex decided that he's my wife's and my cat. He started hanging out with us around that time, and by some time in June, he was staying pretty much full time with us. Buddy does insist on being let out for a few hours every day, usually late at night or early morning. he seems to want to b friends with Allie, but Allie wants nothing at all to do with him. He tries to play with her, in a manner common to cats, especially to young cats, and she always responds with hisses and growls and sometimes even screams.


Buddy has been observed, outside, interacting with other cats in a much more mutually friendly manner. He seems to be utterly baffled by the fact that Allie won't play with him as other cats outside will.

However, Buddy gets very upset, and behaves much as Allie does, to any other cats coming into what he now considers to be his home. he recognizes Allie as legitimately being here, but responds to any other cats that come into the apartment in much the same way that Allie does.
My cat, it's not a Tom cat, but he gets a little bit jealous... he doesn't scratch or bite....but he kind of.....

he walks in the middle....he lies there....he doesn't leave LOL.....I adore him, he is so funny:laugh:

That's him LOL

My cat, it's not a Tom cat, but he gets a little bit jealous... he doesn't scratch or bite....but he kind of.....

he walks in the middle....he lies there....he doesn't leave LOL.....I adore him, he is so funny:laugh:

That's him LOL

Many cats will very much crave your attention, especially if they are the only cat in the household.

I'm looking over some blueprints. Cat gets jealous of the blueprints. Cat jumps on top of them and lays down as if to say "Pay attention to me, not those blueprints!"

Or lay down on your keyboard when you're on the internet.
As someone with an embarrassing number of cats in his home at various times ... can't say I've seen any jealous behavior from the toms ... fighting to the death over my pillow among the queens, yes, but not the toms or mollies ...

This round I've started with litter-mates and they still sleep in a heap ... a queen, a tom and a molly ... should be a happy household ... spay and neuter, it's the right thing to do ...
All you need to do is put some Catnip in a food will work just like a THC vape pen does for idiots.

Then he will sit right by the food dehydrator being mellow all day.
Up until less than a year ago, my wife and I had ever only had one cat at a time.

From just after we married, until late 2011, it was Felix, a tomcat that we think was at least part Maine Coon. (He was too small to be a full-blooded Maine Coon, but he otherwise seemed to have all the traits of that breed.) He liked other people, and even dogs, but he hated other cats, and would get very upset if approached by another cat, or if another cat intruded into his turf.

View attachment 750237

When he passed away, over Thanksgiving weekend in 2011, we got another cat within a few days.

Felix's successor is Allie, a female Siamese. Much more territorial than Felix, she hates other cats, dogs and even other people than her own. She hides if strange people are in her home, and she growls and hisses at other cats who intrude into her home, and has reacted similarly to the few dogs that she's every encountered.

View attachment 750240

Around April of last year, an orange tabby that had been a semi-stray around my apartment complex decided that he's my wife's and my cat. He started hanging out with us around that time, and by some time in June, he was staying pretty much full time with us. Buddy does insist on being let out for a few hours every day, usually late at night or early morning. he seems to want to b friends with Allie, but Allie wants nothing at all to do with him. He tries to play with her, in a manner common to cats, especially to young cats, and she always responds with hisses and growls and sometimes even screams.

View attachment 750242

Buddy has been observed, outside, interacting with other cats in a much more mutually friendly manner. He seems to be utterly baffled by the fact that Allie won't play with him as other cats outside will.

However, Buddy gets very upset, and behaves much as Allie does, to any other cats coming into what he now considers to be his home. he recognizes Allie as legitimately being here, but responds to any other cats that come into the apartment in much the same way that Allie does.
I had a missionary companion that would spin cats around on his finger and they would run off crashing into stuff
My cat, it's not a Tom cat, but he gets a little bit jealous... he doesn't scratch or bite....but he kind of.....

he walks in the middle....he lies there....he doesn't leave LOL.....I adore him, he is so funny:laugh:

That's him LOL

But at least he can pick his boogers with his tongue, like Gene Simmons.

Perhaps that's probably better for cats, because they have sharp claws. They wouldn't want to do that with their claws.

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