Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Can you imagine pushing 30,000 on the stock market a few weeks before election?......I CAN!!!!
Start to call Trump the DemonRAT/KUNG FLU GIANT KILLER!.....Now I wonder how the Surrender Monkey can claim HE DID THAT.....I KNOW.....LIE AND HAVE THE LAPDOG MEDIA AGREE WITH HIM!!!!



The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a new Ipsos/ABC News poll.

Of those surveyed, 55 percent said that they approved of the president's handling of the situation, while 43 percent said they disapproved. The numbers were basically reversed from one week ago when 54 percent said they disapproved and 43 percent approved.

Trump's tone and approach to the outbreak has changed in recent weeks, with the president now appearing at daily briefings at the White House with his coronavirus task force. Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus.

The president has passed two coronavirus stimulus packages that include paid sick leave for certain workers and free coronavirus testing.

Despite the improvement in the approval rating, the public remains strongly partisan......(Absolutely amazing how many TRULY STUPID LOW 2 DIGIT IQ'D AMERICANS BELIEVE THE LIES AND BULLSHIT OF THE DEATHRATS AND THEIR LAPDOG MEDIA!!!!!)

Nearly 70 percent of Democrats still disapprove of how Trump is dealing with the pandemic, while 92 percent of Republicans approve of how he's handled the crisis.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.

President Trump is the best president in history. Whoever dems choose to sacrifice is irrelevant.

Trump's response has been perfect.
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.

Well just last week you were GETTING ALL WET when the opposite was being reported!, oh, DO YOUNEED me to remind you about TRUMPS ACCOMPLISHMENTS?....EVEN AFTER THIS DeathRAT/KUNG FLU manufactured crisis....ANYTHING, EVEN BRINGING DOWN AMERICA IN ORDER TO GET RID OF OUR GREATEST PRESIDENT, PERHAPS EVER!!!!!
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.
He and his administration are still lying and misinforming. A few days of him seeming to act responsible and mature did not last. He and Pence are already back to lyings and misinforming.
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.

President Trump is the best president in history. Whoever dems choose to sacrifice is irrelevant.

Trump's response has been perfect.

Then I think your idea of perfection is sorely lacking. He seems like a bumbling idiot completely out of his element to me. Like always.
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.
You really are blind, huh?
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.
He and his administration are still lying and misinforming. A few days of him seeming to act responsible and mature did not last. He and Pence are already back to lyings and misinforming.
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.

President Trump is the best president in history. Whoever dems choose to sacrifice is irrelevant.

Trump's response has been perfect.

Then I think your idea of perfection is sorely lacking. He seems like a bumbling idiot completely out of his element to me. Like always.
Bring back the Surrender Monkey and the Moooocher.....we need that DemonRAT CORRUPTION to pay these idiot leftwing posters!
Now he needs to get us out of all this "social distancing" and virus panic QUICKLY, like NOW, before the economy is destroyed beyond repair.
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.

President Trump is the best president in history. Whoever dems choose to sacrifice is irrelevant.

Trump's response has been perfect.

Then I think your idea of perfection is sorely lacking. He seems like a bumbling idiot completely out of his element to me. Like always.
Bring back the Surrender Monkey and the Moooocher.....we need that DemonRAT CORRUPTION to pay these idiot leftwing posters!

At least Obama possessed empathy, IMO. :dunno: He might have been a douche, but I think he has much more overall intelligence compared to the current turd sandwich.
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.
Once again, you misguided OPINION is in the minority.
Smart money says this will just be another in the endless series of political fuckups that will blow up in their faces. The marxist Dim shitstains used to be politically astute.... soulless and despicable.... but clever enough to advance their twisted message. Trump has them so discombobulated they're just running around shitting their pants while we laugh at them.

Case in point: Plugs Biden. They've literally thrown away the election in Nov. That's a drooling fuckwit. They have nothing. They will be humiliated again in Nov.

Watch as the right points out that Trump was dealing with a shameless fake impeachment while he and congress should have been paying attention to an impending pandemic. BOOM, a bag of shit blows up in their faces again...LOL
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.

President Trump is the best president in history. Whoever dems choose to sacrifice is irrelevant.

Trump's response has been perfect.

Then I think your idea of perfection is sorely lacking. He seems like a bumbling idiot completely out of his element to me. Like always.
Bring back the Surrender Monkey and the Moooocher.....we need that DemonRAT CORRUPTION to pay these idiot leftwing posters!

At least Obama possessed empathy, IMO. :dunno: He might have been a douche, but I think he has much more overall intelligence compared to the current turd sandwich.
Barry was, and is, an idiot.

Empathy? Tell that to the families of the `8,000+ that died from his virus.
Smart money says this will just be another in the endless series of political fuckups that will blow up in their faces. The marxist Dim shitstains used to be politically astute.... soulless and despicable.... but clever enough to advance their twisted message. Trump has them so discombobulated they're just running around shitting their pants while we laugh at them.

Case in point: Plugs Biden. They've literally thrown away the election in Nov. That's a drooling fuckwit. They have nothing. They will be humiliated again in Nov.

Watch as the right points out that Trump was dealing with a shameless fake impeachment while he and congress should have been paying attention to an impending pandemic. BOOM, a bag of shit blows up in their faces again...LOL

Dem's have been behaving like spoiled brats who have sour grapes over losing the election to Trump. Its so blatantly obvious the country has had enough of their BS.

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