Meet the New Left, Which Embraces the Swastika as a Symbol of Wokeness.

That is one incident. Anymore?
Why do you need more. My point was whether we are labeling a large group by the actions of a few. The op was about one pro Palestinian extremist protesting the war and then saying that the left supports the swastika…. Some logic would apply to my example and conclude that the right supports the swastika. It’s BS and you know I’m right
Your entire life on this board is deflecting from the evil acts that your scum do.

Wrong. I make points and stay with them without changing the subject. I have zero alignment, support or agreement with wingnuts on the right or left so when I see posters trying to lump everyone into a category I speak out against that kind of idiot logic.
We all knew this. This is simply acknowledging the elephant behind the sofa.

I look forward to flying homos into Gaza to get married just for the entertainment value.

“It wasn’t long ago when the activist Left had a whole laundry list of systems and impersonal forces that it was battling against: sexism, homophobia, white supremacy, ableism – you name it. The Millenial Left may have nodded along to Bernie Sanders’ old labour-Left leanings. Still, they largely abandoned the class struggle of old for a struggle against boutique oppressions that were contingent but intersecting, hence the rise of so-called “intersectionality.”

That’s the once-trendy academic philosophy that relies on a view of power relations of society, where advantages and disadvantages are filtered primarily through identities: race, gender, and sexual orientation. But intersectionality is old hat. It’s not revolutionary enough anymore now that it’s been mainstreamed and gotten absorbed and institutionalised by the blob of liberal media and corporate institutions – including, believe it or not, the Scottish government.

So, in the wake of the shock of the massive Israel-Hamas war since October 7 and a lack of purpose after the political failures of Left-wing populism – the Western Left has found a way to get its groove back by simplifying yet expanding its moral framework.

Goodbye, intersectionality – hello, “It’s All One Thingism.”

In this nebulous new cosmology, Palestinians – even Hamas themselves – aren’t just engaged in a specific geopolitical fight over territory and resources. No, they’re the tip of the spear of a perceived collective liberation against the West, the Global North, “colonisers,” whatever you want to call the Bad Guys. It’s a magical world in which all politics and world affairs once seen through intersectionality’s colourful prism have been flattened into (somewhat ironically for self-proclaimed atheists) a more Biblical view of the world: black-and-white, good and evil.

“Palestine is every single issue in one issue,” wrote Scarlett Rabe, a singer-songwriter who describes herself as an anti-racist mother and an abolition feminist/womanist, in a viral tweet in February. “It’s reproductive justice. It’s social justice. It’s climate crisis… It’s not just one issue; it’s all the issues in one.”

All One Thingism explains why a group of a few hundred masked protestors who chanted “Death to America” and “Hands off Iran” this week also employed the relatively meaningless slogan “From Chicago to Palestine.” Or that another viral post on Instagram by a person wearing a “Fatties for a Free Palestine” T-shirt insisted that “Palestinian solidarity is not a niche issue. Fat liberation and Palestinian liberation go hand in hand.”

Read it all

sad SMH.gif
Why do you need more. My point was whether we are labeling a large group by the actions of a few. The op was about one pro Palestinian extremist protesting the war and then saying that the left supports the swastika…. Some logic would apply to my example and conclude that the right supports the swastika. It’s BS and you know I’m right
Palestinians are terrorists. They do not deserve any support.
Well that and the fact that nazis were authoritarian right wingers and not democrats as all.

Pull out a dictionary that is pre-1975 or even older. You'll see that Right/Left had zero to do with the Nazi ideology. In fact, with their big government works (autobahn, manufacturing, etc.) and Socialist origin, claiming them "right wing" is pretty ridiculous and is actually simple propaganda as they changed the definition, which the Nazi's were real good at as well, just like today's modern Left.
Nice deflection…. Hamas are terrorists. Many innocent people living in Palestine. Many dying as a result of this war.
Many are stupid enough to live with the terrorists. Oh yeah, they should have thought about before Oct. 7th.
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Pull out a dictionary that is pre-1975 or even older. You'll see that Right/Left had zero to do with the Nazi ideology. In fact, with their big government works (autobahn, manufacturing, etc.) and Socialist origin, claiming them "right wing" is pretty ridiculous and is actually simple propaganda as they changed the definition, which the Nazi's were real good at as well, just like today's modern Left.
Hitler hated socialist. He took over their party and purged them. Filled it with RWNJ authoritarians.

This is a known fact, and I don't have to find an outdated dictionary to prove it.

Nazis are far right authoritarians, It's a fact.
Hitler hated socialist. He tool over their party and purged them. Filled it with RWNJ authoritarians.

This is a known fact, and I don't have to find an outdated dictionary to prove it.

Nazis are far right authoritarians, It's a fact.

He hated Socialism so much he had the Autobahn built. If we are following actual definitions, most dictators must embrace Socialism. Pinochet was a real outlier. Again, check an older dictionary. You don't have to take my word for it.

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