New house speaker's latest financial disclosure

You mean this where you attack my questions?

View attachment 856226

It appears you've been handed your ass and are whining about my responses to your ignorance.
I attacked your questions. Is that the same as attacking you?

Now, we have wondered far enough from the topic at hand. If you have no crime that the new Speaker has committed, why are your panties still in a bunch over him?
I'm talking about the way congresspeople are paid.

You're Polish, right?

What personal knowledge do you have as to how members of congress are paid?

Different places pay in different ways, some offer the employees a choice.
I attacked your questions. Is that the same as attacking you?

Now, we have wondered far enough from the topic at hand. If you have no crime that the new Speaker has committed, why are your panties still in a bunch over him?
You're the one whining like a 4 year old at bedtime.

I've made no accusations.
I've only asked questions.

But it seems those questions are troublesome.
Why is that?
If there's nothing to hide, why worry over the questions?

Or is it because you know damned well there's fire behind that smoke?
You're the one whining like a 4 year old at bedtime.

I've made no accusations.
I've only asked questions.

But it seems those questions are troublesome.
Why is that?
If there's nothing to hide, why worry over the questions?

Or is it because you know damned well there's fire behind that smoke?
Like I said, post the crime you think he's broken. It's really that simple. Thus far, all I've seen is wild speculation driven by a desperate desire to personally destroy a politician you never heard of before he became Speaker. Seriously, if this is the worst you can come up with, give up already.
You're the one whining like a 4 year old at bedtime.

I've made no accusations.
I've only asked questions.

But it seems those questions are troublesome.
Why is that?
If there's nothing to hide, why worry over the questions?

Or is it because you know damned well there's fire behind that smoke?

You should have a basis to suspect Criminal Activity before questions are asked.

After all, you aren't looking at the reports for Reps. Pelosi, Cortez, Omar or Tlaib with the fine toothed comb you are looking at this dude's.
Like I said, post the crime you think he's broken. It's really that simple. Thus far, all I've seen is wild speculation driven by a desperate desire to personally destroy a politician you never heard of before he became Speaker. Seriously, if this is the worst you can come up with, give up already.
Thanks for bringing that up.
Speaker is a position that provides support and fundraising for the caucus.
I've seen no evidence this guy has done any of that so why elect him speaker?
Even more reason to ask questions.

I've never suggested any crime.

Do you think he's committed crimes? What crimes do you suspect he's been involved in? Clearly your angst is over the possibility some crime will be discovered. Your fear is only natural. After all, criming is a way of life in MAGADUMIA.
Thanks for bringing that up.
Speaker is a position that provides support and fundraising for the caucus.
I've seen no evidence this guy has done any of that so why elect him speaker?
Even more reason to ask questions.

I've never suggested any crime.

Do you think he's committed crimes? What crimes do you suspect he's been involved in? Clearly your angst is over the possibility some crime will be discovered. Your fear is only natural. After all, criming is a way of life in MAGADUMIA.
And again you attempt to veer into making it about me. You just can't help yourself, can you? And since you can't point to any crime he's supposed to have committed, you really have no reason to root around in his finances, looking for something you can complain about, do you? Keep asking questions, though. Eventually you might find someone who cares. People still have privacy rights, even if they're Republicans.
You should have a basis to suspect Criminal Activity before questions are asked.

After all, you aren't looking at the reports for Reps. Pelosi, Cortez, Omar or Tlaib with the fine toothed comb you are looking at this dude's.
You mean you don't just imagine a crime then make up evidence to support it?

Hillary and Dark Brandon just did a spit take.

And again you attempt to veer into making it about me. You just can't help yourself, can you? And since you can't point to any crime he's supposed to have committed, you really have no reason to root around in his finances, looking for something you can complain about, do you? Keep asking questions, though. Eventually you might find someone who cares. People still have privacy rights, even if they're Republicans.

Whining about my asking you relevant direct questions "making it about you" and turn around and make and ENTIRE post about nothing but me.

The complete lack of self-awareness is staggering.

Dark Brandon and Hillary are rolling on the floor with that one.
And again you attempt to veer into making it about me. You just can't help yourself, can you? And since you can't point to any crime he's supposed to have committed, you really have no reason to root around in his finances, looking for something you can complain about, do you? Keep asking questions, though. Eventually you might find someone who cares. People still have privacy rights, even if they're Republicans.
Dark Brandon is making a meme of you even as we speak.


The complete lack of self-awareness is stunning.

But in response

Goose and gander, goose and gander.
Maga Mike smells fishy. His eyes are shifty. He can't look you in the eye because he's a fraud and a sodomite and a big disappointment to baby Jesus

Whining about my asking you relevant direct questions "making it about you" and turn around and make and ENTIRE post about nothing but me.

The complete lack of self-awareness is staggering.

Dark Brandon and Hillary are rolling on the floor with that one.
And you double down on trying to make it about me. Now, since you don't have any crimes the new Speaker is supposed to have committed, why are you still going on about him?
And you double down on trying to make it about me. Now, since you don't have any crimes the new Speaker is supposed to have committed, why are you still going on about him?
I'm asking question.
Why are you afraid of questions?
Awww, did he disappoint you by making you rant about him not giving you anything financial to rant about?
Prolly a Christian's in vogue amongst many fundamentalists these days it even covers the health insurance. It's actually lefty's dream vision of no ownership oddly enough.
I'm asking question.
Why are you afraid of questions?
You're asking purely speculative questions that aren't relevant. Heck, using your standard, we should accept questions about Quid Pro Joe secretly showering with his granddaughter. Any problems with those, or do we admit some things are just absurd because there's no basis for them (In Quid Pro's case, he didn't even acknowledge his granddaughter's existence for a long time, so no reason to think he has any contact with her)?

Like I said, find a crime there's a credible reason to think was done and we can investigate. Until then, you're just peeing into a hurricane, mad because you're getting wet.
Prolly a Christian's in vogue amongst many fundamentalists these days it even covers the health insurance. It's actually lefty's dream vision of no ownership oddly enough.
They do indeed. Most still have ownership of things, but pool resources to help pay each other's expenses (especially medical).

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