Zone1 "We live in a society of an imposed forgetfulness, a society that depends on public amnesia."


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Angela Davis said the words in the title and articles like this prove just how deep the Amnesia is.

When Do I Get To Stop Apologizing for Being White?
My white “privilege” has not exempted me from racism; it came crashing through my car window during the L.A. riots, carried on a brick to the tune of, “white fucking bitch”. My white “privilege” has not made me complacent to the catastrophic consequences of racial injustice. My white “privilege” is not a gift that I had asked for nor is it one that I feel the need to apologize for. Being white is one element of many that helped to form my character and I do not see it as a flaw that needs to be excused, prize that needs to be exalted, or a privilege to be responsible for. White privilege is a regional advantage that fades or disappears into a liability depending upon where in the world you are, based upon the filters that that communities residents share. I am aware how ideological this sounds, but race privilege is an illusion that is perpetuated by the filters that were formed by a community’s experience.

Just as I do not think it is equitable to ask men to apologize for their economic/social advantage or my Germans friends to apologize for the holocaust. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to apologize for being white.

Whites who do not still practice racism have nothing to apologize for. Because they work to erase the damage caused by white racism. The problem comes from those who write articles like this. When will I have to stop facing white racism? When are whites on the right going to stop denying the current problem? When are whites on the right going to stop telling blacks who present evidence of the existing problem and what caused it that what they say is not so? When are right wing whites going to listen to blacks when we try explaining how we feel when we experience racism? When will right wing whites stop telling us how white racism is not the cause of our problems? When will whites on the right understand that the continuing racism practiced by the racist subculture in the white community has created a nation of angry people? When will whites on the right recognize that what they call racism in others is the response to the racism they have received from whites?

When will whites on the right admit he amount of finacial assistance whites have received from the government that blacks were denied? When are you guys on the right going to stop pretending that all the racism and its associated abuses ended when slavery ended? When do rght wing whites understand that if your ancestors didn't buy slaves from Africans there is no sale? When do you stop telling that lie about the first slaveowner being black? When do whites on the right understand that if you can recognize that events that happened in 1776 affect us today, that slavery affects us today? When do the excuses and false equivalences end? I can keep going. Because nobody is asking whites to apologize for being white. We are asking for the whites who practice racism to stop that and help end a system built on racism. I have to laugh here because for some odd reason whites on the right seem to think that asking people to stop being racists means that we are asking them to apologize for being white as if being racist is a requirement for being white.

This fake victimhood has got to stop.
Angela Davis said the words in the title and articles like this prove just how deep the Amnesia is.

When Do I Get To Stop Apologizing for Being White?
My white “privilege” has not exempted me from racism; it came crashing through my car window during the L.A. riots, carried on a brick to the tune of, “white fucking bitch”. My white “privilege” has not made me complacent to the catastrophic consequences of racial injustice. My white “privilege” is not a gift that I had asked for nor is it one that I feel the need to apologize for. Being white is one element of many that helped to form my character and I do not see it as a flaw that needs to be excused, prize that needs to be exalted, or a privilege to be responsible for. White privilege is a regional advantage that fades or disappears into a liability depending upon where in the world you are, based upon the filters that that communities residents share. I am aware how ideological this sounds, but race privilege is an illusion that is perpetuated by the filters that were formed by a community’s experience.

Just as I do not think it is equitable to ask men to apologize for their economic/social advantage or my Germans friends to apologize for the holocaust. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to apologize for being white.

Whites who do not still practice racism have nothing to apologize for. Because they work to erase the damage caused by white racism. The problem comes from those who write articles like this. When will I have to stop facing white racism? When are whites on the right going to stop denying the current problem? When are whites on the right going to stop telling blacks who present evidence of the existing problem and what caused it that what they say is not so? When are right wing whites going to listen to blacks when we try explaining how we feel when we experience racism? When will right wing whites stop telling us how white racism is not the cause of our problems? When will whites on the right understand that the continuing racism practiced by the racist subculture in the white community has created a nation of angry people? When will whites on the right recognize that what they call racism in others is the response to the racism they have received from whites?

When will whites on the right admit he amount of finacial assistance whites have received from the government that blacks were denied? When are you guys on the right going to stop pretending that all the racism and its associated abuses ended when slavery ended? When do rght wing whites understand that if your ancestors didn't buy slaves from Africans there is no sale? When do you stop telling that lie about the first slaveowner being black? When do whites on the right understand that if you can recognize that events that happened in 1776 affect us today, that slavery affects us today? When do the excuses and false equivalences end? I can keep going. Because nobody is asking whites to apologize for being white. We are asking for the whites who practice racism to stop that and help end a system built on racism. I have to laugh here because for some odd reason whites on the right seem to think that asking people to stop being racists means that we are asking them to apologize for being white as if being racist is a requirement for being white.

This fake victimhood has got to stop.
I stopped reading with “Angela Davis” - a radical anti-white racist.
How do whites stop being racist when people like you keep redefining what is racist?
Actually its the libs who want to forget the past.

America is a nation of immigrants, yet, libs want to forget the first immigrant to set foot here, Christopher Columbus in 1492. Who, BTW, was thoroughly documented by the monarchs of Spain and wasn't illegal or "undocumented" as they say today.

The poor Italian arrived on a boat, even though the scientific consensus was that he would fall off the edge of the earth.

Columbus was the first Italian-American, it must have been a tremendous moment for him to first meet an Indian chief putting his hand up in the Indian fashion and saying "how" and offering Chris the peace pipe.
Do you really expect anyone to consider advice from a communist about racism IM2? :rolleyes: ~S~
Racism is a form of fascism. Understand that. So whites who practice racism can't say anything about communism.
Actually its the libs who want to forget the past.

America is a nation of immigrants, yet, libs want to forget the first immigrant to set foot here, Christopher Columbus in 1492. Who, BTW, was thoroughly documented by the monarchs of Spain and wasn't illegal or "undocumented" as they say today.

The poor Italian arrived on a boat, even though the scientific consensus was that he would fall off the edge of the earth.

Columbus was the first Italian-American, it must have been a tremendous moment for him to first meet an Indian chief putting his hand up in the Indian fashion and saying "how" and offering Chris the peace pipe.
Coumbus never stepped foot in America.
Angela Davis said the words in the title and articles like this prove just how deep the Amnesia is.

When Do I Get To Stop Apologizing for Being White?
My white “privilege” has not exempted me from racism; it came crashing through my car window during the L.A. riots, carried on a brick to the tune of, “white fucking bitch”. My white “privilege” has not made me complacent to the catastrophic consequences of racial injustice. My white “privilege” is not a gift that I had asked for nor is it one that I feel the need to apologize for. Being white is one element of many that helped to form my character and I do not see it as a flaw that needs to be excused, prize that needs to be exalted, or a privilege to be responsible for. White privilege is a regional advantage that fades or disappears into a liability depending upon where in the world you are, based upon the filters that that communities residents share. I am aware how ideological this sounds, but race privilege is an illusion that is perpetuated by the filters that were formed by a community’s experience.

Just as I do not think it is equitable to ask men to apologize for their economic/social advantage or my Germans friends to apologize for the holocaust. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to apologize for being white.

Whites who do not still practice racism have nothing to apologize for. Because they work to erase the damage caused by white racism. The problem comes from those who write articles like this. When will I have to stop facing white racism? When are whites on the right going to stop denying the current problem? When are whites on the right going to stop telling blacks who present evidence of the existing problem and what caused it that what they say is not so? When are right wing whites going to listen to blacks when we try explaining how we feel when we experience racism? When will right wing whites stop telling us how white racism is not the cause of our problems? When will whites on the right understand that the continuing racism practiced by the racist subculture in the white community has created a nation of angry people? When will whites on the right recognize that what they call racism in others is the response to the racism they have received from whites?

When will whites on the right admit he amount of finacial assistance whites have received from the government that blacks were denied? When are you guys on the right going to stop pretending that all the racism and its associated abuses ended when slavery ended? When do rght wing whites understand that if your ancestors didn't buy slaves from Africans there is no sale? When do you stop telling that lie about the first slaveowner being black? When do whites on the right understand that if you can recognize that events that happened in 1776 affect us today, that slavery affects us today? When do the excuses and false equivalences end? I can keep going. Because nobody is asking whites to apologize for being white. We are asking for the whites who practice racism to stop that and help end a system built on racism. I have to laugh here because for some odd reason whites on the right seem to think that asking people to stop being racists means that we are asking them to apologize for being white as if being racist is a requirement for being white.

This fake victimhood has got to stop.
YAWN :th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn:
Angela Davis said the words in the title and articles like this prove just how deep the Amnesia is.
Angela Davis who’s “society of imposed forgetfulness” created her own ”amnesia” of her ancestors coming over on the Mayflower? On the MF Mayflower? She owes you reparations FFS!

White republicans in 2024 want to reinstate Jim Crow and support the confederacy.

I'm a white conservative and such has never entered my mind.

Anyway last we tangled you called me a racist so I gave you the what for and you fled. I'd do the same thing if I were you. Cause you are stupid. No matter you called me a racist, I showed up tonight, did my normal, went through everything and you are last on my list. It's your turn.

You called me a racist. You are gonna suffer for that. Know what serendipity means? I'm sure you don't because you are black. Now you can call me a racist. I joke, I'm quite sure you know what that means. It means you ran into me, azzhole. The other day I heard some news, some bull$h!t news and after a minute when I was done destroying it in my mind to be typed in The Mighty horse Thread I thought of you. Because you think of everything through race and such needs be destroyed. And because you called me a racist. You called me that and that is never gonna go away. Or you could apologize and all shall go poof. You've already fled before me but that is not enough. "I'm sorry, Marchimedes, for calling you a racist." Then a long, heartfelt paragraph about how just because I'm white doesn't mean I have unconscious racism, that you recognize that my ancestors going back to the 1600's and on the other side of my family going to the 1700's, all from the north, fought in the Civil War. I guess some of them lived cause I'm here. I'm not done you stupid black fu(k. You don't know me and you called me a racist. I shall be on you like the skin on as fat snake until you publicly apologize. I've been debating politics online cents 2002 constantly calling for some fu(k to debate me on race. No takers. Stands to reason as I'm mutha fu(kin teacher. Here's your chance, hero, will you be the first? Kneeger, cracker, all bets are off. You and I. I hate you. You called me a racist. In front of God and Country lettuce get this over with. I say you are a weak, stupid fu(ktard using your skin color as an excuse for your stupidity. My skin color is not an excuse for your life's decisions. "Black people made me not want to read books at the public library." See how stupid that is when I turn it around? How does me being white make black people not understand Vallance shell electrons? You had the same mutha fu(kin text books as I did. The difference is that I read them. Did your parents not put the boot to your throat if you brought home a C? IM2, you are a fu(kin puzzy. When I was a child I used to mow lawns and shovel snow so I had the cash to pay for my subscription to Omni magazine. Then I read that $h!t, I devoured science, now I disseminate that kinda knowledge as teacher. Every fu(king week I am planted firmly in front of the TV to watch PBS's NOVA. Have been for 40 years. Every Sunday I watch Meet the Press, Fox news Sunday, CNN, Stephanopoulos, Face the Nation. I suffer Maddow so I know what the enemy is up to. I read the Times, The Post, I read DW, BBC, IP, PBS, NPR, eh...

I am abreast of all of the news more that all of you stupid fu(ks put together. I live and breath politics. That's why Marchimedes. I have an idiot savant ability to ferret out political bull$h!t in a second. No one whups me, no one has ever whupped me. Going back to 2002 no one has ever defeated me on anything.

And that's why you idiots should read The Mighty horse Thread whenever I show up.

Go ahead, try me. I still enjoy being undefeated. It's like breathing to me long ago. It's in The Flame Zone, eh, go fu(k you punks.
Angela Davis said the words in the title and articles like this prove just how deep the Amnesia is.

When Do I Get To Stop Apologizing for Being White?
My white “privilege” has not exempted me from racism; it came crashing through my car window during the L.A. riots, carried on a brick to the tune of, “white fucking bitch”. My white “privilege” has not made me complacent to the catastrophic consequences of racial injustice. My white “privilege” is not a gift that I had asked for nor is it one that I feel the need to apologize for. Being white is one element of many that helped to form my character and I do not see it as a flaw that needs to be excused, prize that needs to be exalted, or a privilege to be responsible for. White privilege is a regional advantage that fades or disappears into a liability depending upon where in the world you are, based upon the filters that that communities residents share. I am aware how ideological this sounds, but race privilege is an illusion that is perpetuated by the filters that were formed by a community’s experience.

Just as I do not think it is equitable to ask men to apologize for their economic/social advantage or my Germans friends to apologize for the holocaust. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to apologize for being white.

Whites who do not still practice racism have nothing to apologize for. Because they work to erase the damage caused by white racism. The problem comes from those who write articles like this. When will I have to stop facing white racism? When are whites on the right going to stop denying the current problem? When are whites on the right going to stop telling blacks who present evidence of the existing problem and what caused it that what they say is not so? When are right wing whites going to listen to blacks when we try explaining how we feel when we experience racism? When will right wing whites stop telling us how white racism is not the cause of our problems? When will whites on the right understand that the continuing racism practiced by the racist subculture in the white community has created a nation of angry people? When will whites on the right recognize that what they call racism in others is the response to the racism they have received from whites?

When will whites on the right admit he amount of finacial assistance whites have received from the government that blacks were denied? When are you guys on the right going to stop pretending that all the racism and its associated abuses ended when slavery ended? When do rght wing whites understand that if your ancestors didn't buy slaves from Africans there is no sale? When do you stop telling that lie about the first slaveowner being black? When do whites on the right understand that if you can recognize that events that happened in 1776 affect us today, that slavery affects us today? When do the excuses and false equivalences end? I can keep going. Because nobody is asking whites to apologize for being white. We are asking for the whites who practice racism to stop that and help end a system built on racism. I have to laugh here because for some odd reason whites on the right seem to think that asking people to stop being racists means that we are asking them to apologize for being white as if being racist is a requirement for being white.

This fake victimhood has got to stop.
Angela Davis said the words in the title and articles like this prove just how deep the Amnesia is.

When Do I Get To Stop Apologizing for Being White?
My white “privilege” has not exempted me from racism; it came crashing through my car window during the L.A. riots, carried on a brick to the tune of, “white fucking bitch”. My white “privilege” has not made me complacent to the catastrophic consequences of racial injustice. My white “privilege” is not a gift that I had asked for nor is it one that I feel the need to apologize for. Being white is one element of many that helped to form my character and I do not see it as a flaw that needs to be excused, prize that needs to be exalted, or a privilege to be responsible for. White privilege is a regional advantage that fades or disappears into a liability depending upon where in the world you are, based upon the filters that that communities residents share. I am aware how ideological this sounds, but race privilege is an illusion that is perpetuated by the filters that were formed by a community’s experience.

Just as I do not think it is equitable to ask men to apologize for their economic/social advantage or my Germans friends to apologize for the holocaust. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to apologize for being white.

Whites who do not still practice racism have nothing to apologize for. Because they work to erase the damage caused by white racism. The problem comes from those who write articles like this. When will I have to stop facing white racism? When are whites on the right going to stop denying the current problem? When are whites on the right going to stop telling blacks who present evidence of the existing problem and what caused it that what they say is not so? When are right wing whites going to listen to blacks when we try explaining how we feel when we experience racism? When will right wing whites stop telling us how white racism is not the cause of our problems? When will whites on the right understand that the continuing racism practiced by the racist subculture in the white community has created a nation of angry people? When will whites on the right recognize that what they call racism in others is the response to the racism they have received from whites?

When will whites on the right admit he amount of finacial assistance whites have received from the government that blacks were denied? When are you guys on the right going to stop pretending that all the racism and its associated abuses ended when slavery ended? When do rght wing whites understand that if your ancestors didn't buy slaves from Africans there is no sale? When do you stop telling that lie about the first slaveowner being black? When do whites on the right understand that if you can recognize that events that happened in 1776 affect us today, that slavery affects us today? When do the excuses and false equivalences end? I can keep going. Because nobody is asking whites to apologize for being white. We are asking for the whites who practice racism to stop that and help end a system built on racism. I have to laugh here because for some odd reason whites on the right seem to think that asking people to stop being racists means that we are asking them to apologize for being white as if being racist is a requirement for being white.

This fake victimhood has got to stop.
THis amnesia does not affect you or Angela ? THis forgetfulness bypasses you and Angela ???
The kind of talk that fosters racist hate. "Man, you be racist " "But I can't because ...." "Yeah ,man that is just what a racist would say" ---- Oh so I guess I am racist...."Yeah, you is and now I"m gonna tell you white you dumb honkies gots to do to get over that. "

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