Why Do Democrats Lie To Us So Obviously And Think They Can Get Away With It?

Why Do Democrats Lie To Us So Obviously And Think They Can Get Away With It?

Easy. They think their voters are stupid.

They think that they could repeat any lie and their voters wouldn't question it one bit.

And anyone who's talked to some of the libs on USMB can relate that regardless how ridiculous the lie is, they will still believe it, and nobody can knock enough common-sense into them to change their minds.

Here's a perfect example of an obvious lie from a leading Democrat:

LOL. They have a national model alright. They have the most homeless of any state in the country.
somehow the insults are not as deep when one worships a man who cheated on all 3 of his wives but he doesn't lie....do you really believe your bs?
It's becoming clear that this Stormy Daniels business is just a smear campaign.

  • They've accused him of rape and they used a nutcase to claim rape, but she can't remember when it happened.
  • They're trying to accuse him of an extra-marital affair with a porn star who claims she passed out from the horror of having sex, yet she has had sex with men and women in front of a camera for years.
  • They have tried to take every penny he has over a non-crime over inflated values.
Nobody worships Trump, but we can all see that he's being railroaded by the Biden Administration.
It's becoming clear that this Stormy Daniels business is just a smear campaign.

  • They've accused him of rape and they used a nutcase to claim rape, but she can't remember when it happened.
  • They're trying to accuse him of an extra-marital affair with a porn star who claims she passed out from the horror of having sex, yet she has had sex with men and women in front of a camera for years.
  • They have tried to take every penny he has over a non-crime over inflated values.
Nobody worships Trump, but we can all see that he's being railroaded by the Biden Administration.
I would say it's the complete opposite, the actual cult is the cult against trump and anything goes without any common sense or morality!! Anti human bites litter our web sites and news rooms. It's fking pathetic and all done without any receipts!! Pure hatred. Can't get any more hatred built up.
I would say it's the complete opposite, the actual cult is the cult against trump and anything goes without any common sense or morality!! Anti human bites litter our web sites and news rooms. It's fking pathetic and all done without any receipts!! Pure hatred. Can't get any more hatred built up.
As it was with Russian-Collusion, the hangers-on want this to be true, and it gets more and more difficult for them to hang onto hope that they can finally screw Trump over and get him out of the race.
Damn the facts of the case. They want a conviction whether his totally innocent or not.

You really have to take leave of your senses (and your decency) to hang onto that desire to exact revenge against a man who did nothing to bring harm against us. Matter of fact he did everything he could to take care us. But the folks that have actually done harm to all of us (intentionally causing record inflation, and raised the cost of living to intentionally keep all of us poor) claim that Trump is the Devil.
They also believe that the MAGA are even more stupid. Their attitude towards those who disagree with them is contemptuous bordering on hostile. Besides, lying is their stock in trade, it's what they do.

P01135809 lies out his ass every goddamn day and you believe every lie he tells you. Pot meet kettle.
P01135809 lies out his ass every goddamn day and you believe every lie he tells you. Pot meet kettle.

And our first TDS monkey makes their appearance.

Dem's lies about their policies impact me directly. Trumps lies? Not so much.
Why Do Democrats Lie To Us So Obviously And Think They Can Get Away With It?

Easy. They think their voters are stupid.

They think that they could repeat any lie and their voters wouldn't question it one bit.

And anyone who's talked to some of the libs on USMB can relate that regardless how ridiculous the lie is, they will still believe it, and nobody can knock enough common-sense into them to change their minds.

Here's a perfect example of an obvious lie from a leading Democrat:

They lie because we let them.

Granted all politicians lie in some capacity to some extent. It's part of the game for them.

But I'd never seen anything like it the past 2 or 3 years. I'd never seen so many lies so often. Big hugs major lies as well, right into people's faces constantly. And when the truth comes out they either blame it on someone else and walk away or just pretend like they never said anything.

It's always been a joke but in our current time we truly can not believe anything the current administration tells us. Everything is a misdirection or a outright lie. They lie on a daily basis and then lie about lying or change the lie to another lie.

And none of it benefits America or Americans, that's the worst part. They lie to protect their own power, that's it.

Even our own president lies every day almost, and there is nothing to be gained by his lies. He lies about himself constantly, we all know it and no one says a thing.

But Americans on the whole don't care, they don't do anything, no one holds them responsible so they keep right on lying more and more because they simply do not care about america or Americans.
They lie because we let them.

Granted all politicians lie in some capacity to some extent. It's part of the game for them.

But I'd never seen anything like it the past 2 or 3 years. I'd never seen so many lies so often. Big hugs major lies as well, right into people's faces constantly. And when the truth comes out they either blame it on someone else and walk away or just pretend like they never said anything.

It's always been a joke but in our current time we truly can not believe anything the current administration tells us. Everything is a misdirection or a outright lie. They lie on a daily basis and then lie about lying or change the lie to another lie.

And none of it benefits America or Americans, that's the worst part. They lie to protect their own power, that's it.

Even our own president lies every day almost, and there is nothing to be gained by his lies. He lies about himself constantly, we all know it and no one says a thing.

But Americans on the whole don't care, they don't do anything, no one holds them responsible so they keep right on lying more and more because they simply do not care about america or Americans.
This is why Democrats have shipped millions of new voters into the country.
These new voters are used to their former governments lying to them all of the time.
Instead of doing something about it, they come here and hold their hand out waiting for benefits they don't deserve.
Like that would even matter. Dems would laugh and go right on lying it's who they are. Dems have fully embraced lying as a core principle.
If Democraps said all of the sudden that the ocean was made of Dr Pepper they'd have a bunch of green haired idiots out in force screaming the ocean is full of Dr Pepper and it's Trump's GD fault.
They lie because we let them.

Granted all politicians lie in some capacity to some extent. It's part of the game for them.

But I'd never seen anything like it the past 2 or 3 years. I'd never seen so many lies so often. Big hugs major lies as well, right into people's faces constantly. And when the truth comes out they either blame it on someone else and walk away or just pretend like they never said anything.

It's always been a joke but in our current time we truly can not believe anything the current administration tells us. Everything is a misdirection or a outright lie. They lie on a daily basis and then lie about lying or change the lie to another lie.

And none of it benefits America or Americans, that's the worst part. They lie to protect their own power, that's it.

Even our own president lies every day almost, and there is nothing to be gained by his lies. He lies about himself constantly, we all know it and no one says a thing.

But Americans on the whole don't care, they don't do anything, no one holds them responsible so they keep right on lying more and more because they simply do not care about america or Americans.
Why Do Democrats Lie To Us So Obviously And Think They Can Get Away With It?

Easy. They think their voters are stupid.

They think that they could repeat any lie and their voters wouldn't question it one bit.

And anyone who's talked to some of the libs on USMB can relate that regardless how ridiculous the lie is, they will still believe it, and nobody can knock enough common-sense into them to change their minds.

Here's a perfect example of an obvious lie from a leading Democrat:

Let me get this straight. In one thread you guys moan and complain about homeless drug addicts and insane people making the streets unsafe. In another you moan when the politicians you blast for not doing something, decide to try and get the insane and drug addicts treatment.

Some time ago, I said the Right had lost its way. They no longer have core beliefs. All they have is hatred. If the left is for it, they are against it.

This thread proves that. In spades.
Let me get this straight. In one thread you guys moan and complain about homeless drug addicts and insane people making the streets unsafe. In another you moan when the politicians you blast for not doing something, decide to try and get the insane and drug addicts treatment.

Some time ago, I said the Right had lost its way. They no longer have core beliefs. All they have is hatred. If the left is for it, they are against it.

This thread proves that. In spades.
I can understand why you're confused.

You cannot be honest.....even with yourself.

Sorry, but Democrats created the mess we see on our streets and the sticker shock we see at the cash register.

You claim that a booming stock-exchange proves that the economy is doing great, but you totally ignore inflation and the massive increases in the cost of living since this prick Biden stole the election. :asshole:
I can understand why you're confused.

You cannot be honest.....even with yourself.

Sorry, but Democrats created the mess we see on our streets and the sticker shock we see at the cash register.

You claim that a booming stock-exchange proves that the economy is doing great, but you totally ignore inflation and the massive increases in the cost of living since this prick Biden stole the election. :asshole:

And I’m the liar. You claim Trump had a great economy with double digit unemployment and a stock market in the tank.

The jails are full, but you all still want the homeless put in jail. You pretend there is unlimited space. Just ignoring the costs of building and running jails and prisons.
They lied everyday about Trump and Leftist maggots ate it up from the commee MSM. Trump was always vindicated yet the "retraction" was barely noticeable, hidden from the lazy dumb board maggots.
And I’m the liar. You claim Trump had a great economy with double digit unemployment and a stock market in the tank.

The jails are full, but you all still want the homeless put in jail. You pretend there is unlimited space. Just ignoring the costs of building and running jails and prisons.
Trump had a decent economy, much better than the one we have today. And the only double digit UE we had was when COVID hit, moron.

And when it comes to the jails you mofos emptied the jails because of COVID and now our streets are full of the homeless.
Now NYC is unsafe and in SF you can't park your friggen car because it's going to get broken into.
We can't drive, we can't fly in a GD jet because some assholes are constantly getting up and showing their ass.
You motherfu*kers have made this country into a woke-ass DEI hell hole.

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