You want to know why we have a half a million CUBAN illegals?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
All the Democrats here cheer "Socialism" which is Communism Lite. Well read this if you want to reap the rewards of Socialism which is what Democrats want to jam down our throats.

All the Democrats here cheer "Socialism" which is Communism Lite. Well read this if you want to reap the rewards of Socialism which is what Democrats want to jam down our throats.

oh, no. they were rationing food. well, what do you think they would do?

cuba is an island , like a lifeboat in the sea .battista had delivered the subsistence farms of the peons to domino , bacardi and marathon oil for agribusiness.. you can't feed people with sugar.

if there is insufficient food in a human community it can be handled in several ways.

they can insure that the fattest and most well fed continue to feast while the peons starve (1789 france. 1919 russia. 2025 usa? ) with predictable results. we can only eat invisible cake for a while.

or they can share. rationing and other measures have facilitated our species survival since adam.

the cuban people chose, with their personal firearms at the bay of pigs. (the cia trained capitalist invasion was defeated by armed peons, not some red army.) , did they not? we rewarded them by cutting off their supplies.
All the Democrats here cheer "Socialism" which is Communism Lite. Well read this if you want to reap the rewards of Socialism which is what Democrats want to jam down our throats.
Is socialism that is the problem or is it an authoritarian government? Which, BTW, is what Trump wants to jam down our throats.
All the Democrats here cheer "Socialism" which is Communism Lite. Well read this if you want to reap the rewards of Socialism which is what Democrats want to jam down our throats.

Let's try democracy, shall we?

Here's a democratic ranking. The US comes 18th on the "political system" ranking. Not because the US has a good system, but because a lot of countries manage to do it badly.

But there are still 17 countries much better than the US. The US doesn't even come in the top five for economy freedom.

The point being here that capitalism/democracy etc can be done in many different ways.

The same for socialism.

Communist China's healthcare system requires people to pay into it, otherwise they get nothing. What they do get often doesn't cover enough of their healthcare and a lot of people end up getting into debt. That's "socialism", apparently, with out the "social" part.... or should we call it "socialism with Chinese characteristics" like "rice is bread with Chinese characteristics".

The UK on the other hand, a truly capitalist society, has the NHS which people pay for when they're paying taxes, if they're not, they don't pay into it and still get healthcare free at the point of delivery. And, per capita, it costs LESS than what the US federal govt spends on healthcare.

Cuba's BIGGEST PROBLEM is not socialism. It's the US and the embargoes the US has placed against it.
Is socialism that is the problem or is it an authoritarian government? Which, BTW, is what Trump wants to jam down our throats.
+1 alang1216 "communism," as american conservatives envision, is seen by marx or mao as a temporaty state.
do not capitalist ideologues insist that socialism will collapse upon itself? has not china become capitalist as conditions improve? russia? ukrainer? roland? hungary? east germany?

the survivors of a sinking ship will eventually drift ashore (providing the superpower neighbor does not spend billions embargoing their supplies.) and human nature can again allow the luxury of an upper class.
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Let's try democracy, shall we?

Here's a democratic ranking. The US comes 18th on the "political system" ranking. Not because the US has a good system, but because a lot of countries manage to do it badly.

But there are still 17 countries much better than the US. The US doesn't even come in the top five for economy freedom.

The point being here that capitalism/democracy etc can be done in many different ways.

The same for socialism.

Communist China's healthcare system requires people to pay into it, otherwise they get nothing. What they do get often doesn't cover enough of their healthcare and a lot of people end up getting into debt. That's "socialism", apparently, with out the "social" part.... or should we call it "socialism with Chinese characteristics" like "rice is bread with Chinese characteristics".

The UK on the other hand, a truly capitalist society, has the NHS which people pay for when they're paying taxes, if they're not, they don't pay into it and still get healthcare free at the point of delivery. And, per capita, it costs LESS than what the US federal govt spends on healthcare.

Cuba's BIGGEST PROBLEM is not socialism. It's the US and the embargoes the US has placed against it.
Blaming America for the Cuba's failure is nonsense. If Castro and his Cronies were not corrupt opportunists, Cuba could have had one of the most vibrant economies in the Western Hemisphere, instead their people are starving and pouring into the US just like all the other countries with failed Regimes.
Blaming America for the Cuba's failure is nonsense. If Castro and his Cronies were not corrupt opportunists, Cuba could have had one of the most vibrant economies in the Western Hemisphere, instead their people are starving and pouring into the US just like all the other countries with failed Regimes.

So, US sanctions had NOTHING to do with it? The US sanctions designed to destroy Cuba?

Cuba had a great healthcare system, for example.
All the Democrats here cheer "Socialism" which is Communism Lite. Well read this if you want to reap the rewards of Socialism which is what Democrats want to jam down our throats.

So leave Cubans alone.
Blaming America for the Cuba's failure is nonsense. If Castro and his Cronies were not corrupt opportunists, Cuba could have had one of the most vibrant economies in the Western Hemisphere, instead their people are starving and pouring into the US just like all the other countries with failed Regimes.

The US Sugar beet lobby drove Cuba into the arms of the Soviets. You don't know anything about Cuba either.
oh, no. they were rationing food. well, what do you think they would do?

cuba is an island , like a lifeboat in the sea .battista had delivered the subsistence farms of the peons to domino , bacardi and marathon oil for agribusiness.. you can't feed people with sugar.

if there is insufficient food in a human community it can be handled in several ways.

they can insure that the fattest and most well fed continue to feast while the peons starve (1789 france. 1919 russia. 2025 usa? ) with predictable results. we can only eat invisible cake for a while.

or they can share. rationing and other measures have facilitated our species survival since adam.

the cuban people chose, with their personal firearms at the bay of pigs. (the cia trained capitalist invasion was defeated by armed peons, not some red army.) , did they not? we rewarded them by cutting off their supplies.

The US bought Cuba's whole sugar cane crop.. until the US sugar beet lobby stopped that. The Soviets stepped up an bought the whole crop until the fall of the USSR.
All the Democrats here cheer "Socialism" which is Communism Lite. Well read this if you want to reap the rewards of Socialism which is what Democrats want to jam down our throats.

The GOP does what different then the Dems when in power.
I know Cuban refugees who came to the US to work as engineers. I know WAY more about Cuba than you. Castro fucked those people over in more ways than you can imagine.

My father used to go to Cuba inspect the Esso refinery. Castro came to the US and asked for help. Remember?
My father used to go to Cuba inspect the Esso refinery. Castro came to the US and asked for help. Remember?
Cuba had a vibrant economy before Castro took over. After 1959 it collapsed to the hollow shell of a country they have today. It was Castro's choice to align Cuba with the Soviet Union. Here is a good article explaining the misery that Castro created.

I know Cuban refugees who came to the US to work as engineers. I know WAY more about Cuba than you. Castro fucked those people over in more ways than you can imagine.
more ways than i can imagine that battista fucked the peons? the peons, whose children were forced into sex trafficking by american gangsters whose payroll included battista. the peons who did not run to the airport with suitcases of cuba's treasury.

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