hillary clinton

  1. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Liberals protest Democrat Charlamagne "Tha God" at Politicon for laughing about killing trannies

    Charlamagne Tha God’s Laughter at Violence Against Trans Women Is More Dangerous Than He Thinks "Put Molly all in her champagne / She ain't even know it / I took her home and I enjoyed that / She ain't even know it." "I wish a bitch would turn down my marriage proposal. It's either yes or u...
  2. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Jimmy Dore exposes the origins of the Trump/Russia fake news story (Hint: Hillary Clinton)

    If a liberal says you're racist, it's because that liberal is racist. If a liberal says you colluded with the Russians, it's because that liberal colludes with the Russians.
  3. HaShev

    List all the ways DNC Obama & Clinton cheated in the election yet still lost

    Fill in those I'm missing, as there is so many I'm bound to forget a few. 1) destroying her emails obstructing justice which would have prevented her fom running in the first place. 2) getting debate questions in advance. 3) circumvented electorate process through vote swapping campaign that...
  4. The Original Tree

    Shocking New Email Leaked About Trump Junior!

    I used to defend Trump and his family, but no more. Not after I have just seen the latest scandalous email leaked on Trump Jr. The email comes from a Dr. Bakare Tunde and involves vast amounts of money and a money laundering scheme. The Russians are also implicated in this. REQUEST FOR...
  5. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Hillary had good reasons to delete those 33,000 emails under subpoena

    The amount of support she got from the mainstream media, career politicians, and the Deep State only helps to show how deep the corruption goes.
  6. Octoldit

    Seth Rich likely murdered over Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One ties, the offloading of 20% of America’

    US Embassy Kabul Afghanistan/Flickr Seth Rich murder case deepens as Podesta-Clinton Russian ties emerge to forefront WASHINGTON (INTELLIHUB) — Crucial information obtained by Intellihub regarding the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich can not be overlooked and shall serve as a starting point in...
  7. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Dianne Feinstein calls for congressional investigation into Loretta Lynch re: Hillary investigation

    Credit to Conservative Mexican for bring this to my attention: http://nypost.com/2017/06/11/top-democrat-calls-for-investigation-of-loretta-lynchs-clinton-probe/ WASHINGTON – The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee called Sunday for a congressional investigation into former...
  8. mudwhistle

    Comey Testifies That Lynch Tampered With The Email Investigation

    Comey testified that Former AG Loretta Lynch pressured him into not calling Hillary's email investigation an investigation. That's a clear cut case of tampering if I ever saw one!!! What else did the former AG do to protect Hillary??? Comey says former Obama AG pressured him on Clinton...
  9. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Hillary used black prison labor as first lady of Arkansas

    Old book excerpts by Hillary Clinton reveal she used black prison labor Twitter users have reacted with surprise and fury over excerpts from Hillary Clinton’s 1996 book It Takes A Village. On June 6, Jeanette Jing, an activist with over 33,000 followers on Twitter who supports Clinton's...
  10. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Arab countries label Hillary supporting country, Qatar, a sponsor of terrorism

    Arab powers sever Qatar ties, citing support for militants Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain severed their ties with Qatar on Monday, accusing it of supporting terrorism and opening up the worst rift in years among some of the most powerful states in the Arab world...
  11. P@triot

    Hillary's latest victim: Bill Clinton

    It's a sweet irony that justice was served by his wife since he cheated on her all of those years... New survey shows Americans’ favorite presidents — Bill Clinton won’t be pleased
  12. AsianTrumpSupporter

    So I just saw Paul Joseph Watson's brilliant video about Michael Moore's endorsement of Hillary

    Now we know where those ~$60,000 in hotdogs that Obama ordered went. They went to feed Michael Moore for a day in exchange for his endorsement of Hillary Clinton.
  13. P@triot

    Speaking of the Emoluments Clause

    So the left is desperately digging to find something they could actually impeach President Trump on (since "I just don't like him!" is not legal grounds for impeachment). Their latest desperate grasp at straw is proclaiming that he is in violation of the "Emoluments Clause". There is just one...
  14. AsianTrumpSupporter

    A Democrat Finally Admits DNC Rigged Primaries for Clinton

    A Democrat Finally Admits DNC Rigged Primaries for Clinton The Democratic Party has perpetually denied that the Democratic National Committee (DNC), former Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and the party establishment ensured that Hillary Clinton won the Democratic presidential nomination against...
  15. P@triot

    Trump voter experiences "buyers remorse"

    After watching this, I am inclined to agree with him. It's pretty clear that the left had it right all along...
  16. AsianTrumpSupporter

    No, Hillary, James Comey did not cost you the election. You cost yourself the election.

    Comey says he is ‘mildly nauseous’ over possibility his October letter led to Clinton loss FBI Director James Comey gave an impassioned defense to lawmakers on Wednesday of his decision, just days before the 2016 presidential election, to inform Congress that the bureau was reopening its...
  17. P@triot

    An insight into the left-wing mindset

    I love when left-wing politicians and celebrities accidentally speak the truth. It illustrates what that ideology is all about when it happens (ie lies, lies, and more lies). Here is Hitlery Clinton stating she is "finally free to speak her mind". Uh....Hitlery? You were not only always free to...
  18. P@triot

    Hillary reminds us why we are happy that she is NOT the President

    Thank you Hitlery for reminding us we didn't vote for you. Because like Obama, you would throw money around and run up our already unsustainable $20 trillion debt further. The fact that Hitlery just wants to throw money around instead of cutting as much as possible and spending only what is...
  19. P@triot

    Concrete evidence that Russia was pulling the strings

    The left-wing hatriots are all over USMB screaming "Russia! Russia! Russia!" day and night. Well - ok - let's talk about Russia. Brace yourselves - this is concrete evidence complete with official documents: It continues: This link from a March 3, 2013 article has Vekselberg going on record...
  20. P@triot

    The Clinton's

    In no way am I proclaiming that there are actual crimes/conspiracies here. But...there are a few items that would cause a rational person to question the history. For starters - how many people can one be associated with who end up committing suicide? I've been on this planet for more than a...
  21. MindWars

    Report: Illegal immigrants cast more than 3 million votes in Presidential in Presidential election

    More than three million illegal immigrants cast votes in the U.S. presidential election, according to a report from VoteFraud.org. The organization’s founder Gregg Phillips said they reached that number after analyzing a whopping 180 million voter registrations from across the country. Follow...
  22. P@triot

    Kim Jong Un gets drunk, threatens military leaders until they cry

    This jack-ass has nuclear weapons. He is a global threat. Thank God that Donald Trump was elected next President of the United States. Hitlery Clinton is far too inept, corrupt, and disinterested to deal with this kind of nightmare. Kim Jong Un reportedly gets drunk, threatens military leaders...
  23. MindWars

    Proof foreign governments did interfere in election to help Hillary Clinton

    Proof Foreign Governments Did Interfere In Election – to Help Hillary! Hillary Clinton has received financial compensation from multiple foreign entities Hillary Clinton has a rich history of being influenced by outside forces, yet the media is currently focused on claiming Russia helped Trump...
  24. cnelsen

    When was the last time a war was started that wasn't based on a lie?

    Last week, suspected lesbian, part-time exotic jungle dancer, and two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waddled like a postmenopausal penguin into DC and urged a captive crowd of lawmakers to beware of “fake news”: The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that...
  25. Denechek

    "New" Conservative Convert

    Well, maybe not "new" exactly. I really thought I was a progressive, or at least a "conservative democrat" since I am not on board with America's fascination with the genocide of the unborn and also my refusal to drink the mandated ACA Kool-Aid. I thought Jill Stein was saying everything I...
  26. P@triot

    So how does all of this play out?

    As we all know, progressives have gone off the rails and are committed to rioting until they get their way. Some in the electoral college are joining that effort - promising to block Trump's election. Let's assume they do that. How does this play out? Hillary Clinton has already conceded and...
  27. American_Jihad

    The Left’s Orwellian Tactics

    The Left’s Orwellian Tactics Yearnings for a thugocracy. November 15, 2016 Michael Cutler ... The Democratic Party, however, is additionally motivated to oppose commonsense measures to secure our nation’s borders and enforce our nation’s immigration laws, seeing in a flood of Third World...
  28. MindWars

    Putin has just placed Hillary Clinton on the TERROR watch list.

    BREAKING: PUTIN HAS JUST PLACED HILLARY CLINTON ON TERROR WATCHLIST Prior to the presidential election, Vladimir Putin and Russia indicated for many months that they believed Hillary Clinton posed a threat so severe that the safety of every Nation would be at risk had she won the presidency...
  29. MindWars

    Working class women realized Hillary Clintons form of feminism discriminates their sons

    Peter Morici: Working Class Women Realized Hillary's 'Form of Feminism Discriminates Against Their Sons'
  30. janet88

    Trump wins Pennsylvania, moves closer to claiming White House

    Donald Trump put Pennsylvania in the Republican’s column Tuesday, winning the state’s 20 electoral votes despite a 11th-hour push by Hillary Clinton to hold onto a state that’s gone Democrat every presidential election since 1988. The Associated Press called Pennsylvania for Mr. Trump shortly...

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